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Everything posted by josie
haha you're good. I know what you mean. I've stopped telling stories at this point- they're just ridiculous. People are starting to rebel more. There's firings of important personnel but hey look guys, monogrammed shot glasses! Woo! I'm tryin'. Moving to Buffalo in the Spring no matter what. Trying to pick up branding/logo freelance so I'm more attractive to Buffalo ad agencies when I do another application onslaught in late winter/early spring. I have hope my number one place will be sniffing around for a new employee by then- there's rumours they might. If not, then I hopefully remote for the place I'm at. But the key is. I'm not physically there. Lovely. Until then, f*** it, I'll have a hot toddy on a Friday afternoon.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I'll stealth try a few out. People here are bad about keeping food clean/off the floor, I think that's our biggest problem. My crafty coworker might help me make the humane bottle trap. I'd prefer it to the drama and caterwauling that occurs every time we find another trap victim.
Reason number 8 billion I want to leave this place. I will gladly give up these little "perks" for a place that has its sh!t together. I don't take part in most of them as it is.
haha I'm having my one little cup, everyone else has been at it all day. Bosses are out of town so the drinking's been down. Sorta. Half the company didn't bother rolling in today. The mulled cider's boss, though.
A bit of rum in a bit of mulled cider after a hectic/dismal morning.
:thumbsup: I'mma give it a go. I'm sick of killing the little buggers.
Anyone got any humane ways of disposing of mice? Our office has a bit of a problem. I usually end up as executioner with traps and always feel somewhat sh!tty about it.
Oh, my heart goes out to you. So young. My father turned 70 a few days ago. His health is a huge worry of mine. Know that the people on this board are here for you however we can be. I'm so sorry.
I love it. Well done!!
Best I could do in brief break. The blue is a gorgeous 60 degree early fall day. Ebeneezer Gil needs another hot toddy.
I am so done with this company. Have to hang on till spring. Then I still work for them, but at least I won't physically be here.
Been awhile since I posted an upside down thing. My instructor deals with tendonitis all the time and has been helping me safely do everything in class that I can. Not easy, wish it'd eff off, but at least I can work with it. All the circus people I know have some lingering issue like that. Guess this is mine! Working on this move. I have no back flexibility and can't really "meld" into the hoop like you're supposed to. Instructor was turning the hoop, not catching my plummeting body. This is a doubles move I need to try with my new partner, who's quite a bit shorter than my friend here. I'm holding both our mass with my hands. So far I'm the only one who can hold it. Being the tank of the class isn't always bad! Getting into it, making sure Ash is set- And the final result! Working on all kinds of stuff, trying to figure out my new partner. Adding another class in to improve my core and upper arm strength. I put on one of my favorite dresses I haven't worn since spring today and I could barely get it over my shoulders. Nothing slips off those puppies anymore. Now I just need to find time to get cardio back in. I'm still too terrified to play hockey. :/
My bosses just left to "pregame" for a call at 230. Yeah, they're at the bar. Kinda random for a Wednesday. That's not normal, is it? I don't even know anymore. Oh yeah, they fired more people because we have no money.
Still surprised they're so positive towards rainbow colors. The devil's q u e e r candy...
I'm of the opinion that I would find a documentary about the event and ramifications far more enjoyable than a hollywood produced dramatic reenactment. And I'm not really a huge Tom Hanks (as an actor) fan. The story is amazing enough. Admittedly, I'm a huge documentary junkie- I prefer them to dramas 9 times out of ten, so I'm a bit biased/elitist about it. But really... I get borderline pi$$ed when they movie-fy this stuff. But I get that documentaries a blockbuster do not make. I don't plan on seeing it. I'd read a book about it. I'd watch a doc.
A lot of truly sad stuff in the thread today. My heart goes out to you guys. Not really me, but I went up to chimney bluffs in Sodus today to enjoy a badly needed vacation day/celebrate my first day as a 27 year old. I arrived to find fire dept, ambulance, sheriff, and a helicopter with basket. A man had fallen on the trail. They told me to go right ahead and hike, just be mindful that crews were still trying to get in and out. No problem. Was about a quarter of the way down the trail when I came upon the crews bringing the man through on a stretcher. The procession had a very solemn feel to it, no sense of urgency or relief. The gentleman in the stretcher was older and motionless. I didn't look very closely out of respect to all involved. A few steps down the trail I came across where I believe the incident occurred. A misstep. Not hard to do on that trail. It's a pretty sheer drop- if you trip on one of the many tree roots or half buried stones, you could easily go a$$ over teakettle over the edge. Guy's on my mind. It didn't look good. I felt a little less safe hiking on my own. Watched a group of people nearly fall off the ledge by me trying to take a selfie. Just be careful out there.
I can say that this is not the case for me, at least. One of the above mentioned beers will do me in. Takes a lot more than that to give me classic over drinking effects or a hangover. Who knows! Wish I did. It's worst when traveling- I want to sample the local flavors and sometimes pay for it and ruin the trip.
For me, sadly, it's Guinness. Used to be able to drink it. Now, after only one, I'll have a migraine and just feel like crap. 21st Amendment's Fireside Chat nearly kills me too. And unfortunately it seems I may be allergic to certain wheat beers (usually local crafts) and will spend the night throwing up and in severe stomach pain for a few hours. No idea what it is. Wish I did, because it's like playing russian roulette when I drink local beers. I love beer. It breaks my heart.
I probably brought my arachnid friend in from the barn somehow. Any scenario as to its entrance is... unsettling. Well, I hope it gets out soon- for my sanity and its health. Not a lot of bugs to be caught in my Subaru.
Good to hear! I'm open to any and all advice on healing safely and quickly. Heat, ice, I haven't really done either besides a couple warm epsom salt baths- didn't want to risk more pain. Plus the inner elbow is an odd place to wrap or do anything to. Thanks so much!
Aye. There's a spider in my car. It appeared last night on my dash in a rainy stretch of construction on the highway. It is very large. Leaving webs everywhere. I don't know where it is now. Every ride is an adrenaline rush! I normally think spiders and other such "nasty" bugs are really neat. Not in this case. Pleasedon'tcrawlonmyfeetordropontomyhead
Speaking of... does anyone have a good streaming site? I can't find anything very easily.
Yanked a tendon? in my arm rock climbing a couple weeks back and it's still tender. Which is getting in the way of aerial stuff. Trying not to push it, but not using it makes it hurt more. I really just need a few days off, but no luck. I need to get a lot stronger quickly here. I'll be performing in December and I have a different partner. She's incredibly talented, and incredibly ambitious. A lot of the moves we want to do are just on that edge of where I'm not sure I can hold her well safely. Lots of wrist holds and taking on her full weight from drops and such. We have a couple months, but I guess I'll be upping the protein and hitting the gym. I'll also be doing a trapeze routine where I base several people- people ranging from 110 to 160 pounds. So... anyone need a couch moved? haha
Eh, just do some shoddy The Crow style face paint and black leather. This here's a goth weddin' by gawd. And I'm afraid half the party is lesbian so you'll need a lady too.