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Everything posted by josie
+1 for a Sure Thing reference. I love that stupid movie.
Got back to the studio and finally started aerial silks. I was killing it! Strongest one in the class! Feeling great! ... got back into my regular high level classes today and oof... nah... got a looong way to go.... But still, I remember being the same as everyone else in a level one class! There's progress! And it feels good. Planning to hit the ice tomorrow at RIT for a skate, have been going to our little apartment gym and lifting/walking. Ankle still isn't a fan of running. Working it back up. It's long past time.
I was going to say this but I realize I'm still technically in that age range... haven't been around shenanigans like that in 6 years or so! Was at a friend's house last night, and as I left around 11 to go home and sleep, a bunch of their other friends were rolling in for a night of drinking/smoking up/tomfoolery. They're only 3 years younger than me. Was driving home thinking "god, I feel old..." Guess I'm just a huge buzzkill.
Ha! That's an odd category... I guess if others want neat avatars, send me a few bucks, I'm unemployed and have more time for stuff like that finally... /shameless plug And yes, I believe Eleven has left us. :(
haha no problem. It wasn't easy for me last year, and I spent most of my time living alone dealing with it. I never knew what to expect. Feel free to PM me if you ever need anything! Good luck with that car ride! Pillows. Lotsa pillows!
I had the speedy heart thing too, I just wrote it off as my usual heart problems (I've got metal in there over a big ol' hole). Truth be told, I had a lot of problems with the anesthetic. I almost crashed post op, have struggled with depression pretty badly since and then silly things like parts of my hair falling out/not growing back well. I've had many surgeries in my lifetime, but that leg one was the first time I've had problems like that. I didn't really want to tell you all that prior to your surgery- just stay aware of things! The incision burned/throbbed for me. My surgery was day before Thanksgiving, and I remember the car ride to d4rk's family's house in Buffalo pretty well- my vivid imagination was having a ball with the 6 inch incision and stitches and gauze sticking to things. It'll get better pretty quickly!!! And if it doesn't... do something. Better safe than sorry!!! I almost lost my freakin' toes because the hospital people wrapped my leg up too tight for the weeks prior to surgery. They were black, massively swollen, and numb before I decided "no, this ain't normal..." best of luck! iTInSn- My thoughts are with you. My 2c- if I found out d4rk had hidden a health issue from me, even for a holiday, I'd be pretty upset. I'd want to know. It's not fair to suffer alone. But that's me. Everyone handles tough news differently. Best of luck, I hope all is okay.
Oh man, I'm sorry. I hope they gave you some additional meds to pull through the worst of it. And I hope the rest of the surgery went well!
Oh man... I'd have so much fun doing something like this... Silly little animated versions of the guys, something to get some genuine emotion out of 'em... Maybe I should do that anyways and be a shameless fan girl... Eichel would be a riot to work with. Actually, they all seem pretty fun.
haha no problem. Kaylin is a hell of a base. She can even fly me, and I'm definitely not a tiny, normal sized flyer. She had a lot of reservations by the time we got to performing- she has some trouble getting into the trapeze, which is totally normal. It's not easy. But one thing Kaylin has in spades is back flexibility. Illy, our instructor (bigger of the pair on the left) isn't tiny either. These ladies are tough and have helped me realize there are more styles out there than tiny graceful and flexible. There's a pretty broad spectrum of bodies at our school, and it makes me so happy. No pressure to all get that "aerialist bod" that some places can be real jerks about.
Having someone to get you around helps immensely. Sounds like you have the right attitude about it! Will make things go a little better!
First car was a 99 Mustang with a bad axle. Threw bags of play sand in the back and that sucker still'd fishtail in light dew. Certainly learned!
Ooohwee. The ligament was the problem for me- they didn't touch it, just put in a plate and screws, and getting that sucker to work correctly took a looong time. Hopefully that'll go easier for you with some intervention. Good luck with it all! And if you're nauseated as hell coming out of anesthetic, they gave me some zofran that kept me from hurling- might help you!
Dude I had no freakin' clue. No one explains this . I thought I couldn't do it until I had my LLC figured out or whatever. I was under the impression I'd get some sort of barebones explanation somewhere as to if and when my current stuff ends. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'v ebeen trying to figure it all out all afternoon and dear god it's all terribly designed and confusing. And Im' going on my third day of like 3 hours of sleep and I'm not comprehending anthing.
I'm trying to figure out what to do about health insurance. Do I use COBRA? Do I have to apply? Can I stay on what I've got through work but just pay more as I won't be an employee after tomorrow? Should I go on Obamacare (which today's teh deadline for 2017?) Is that the same as COBRA? I have no clue. We have no HR. I asked and basically got a shoulder shrug. I don't know what I'm doing. Panicking.
Yeah, Rochester must've forgotten it had plows or something. Kind of a mess out there, pretty disappointed. Did they just assume that since they put brining down last Thursday it was good to go? We didn't even get much snow... Pretty glad my evening commute tonight is at some really odd times that happily don't coincide with rush hour.
My last week at this company, and it's resulted in 3 all nighters on an impossible deadline that I've felt for a while was designed to make me look bad. I can't say I'm surprised, and I know it won't matter very soon, but it just kinda fit that this is how it ends. Well, joke's on them, I made the damn deadline and crammed 2+ weeks of work in less than 3 days. Suck it. Y'all gonna miss me. That and the crushing fear of unemployment starting next week. Oh man, I'm ready to be done here, but not ready for that. This isn't going to be an easy few months.
Here's the trapeze routine! It's.. uh, zombie themed. Ash and I are the pair on the far right. On the left is my instructor with another level 3 girl, and the middle pairing is both level 2 (even though the thinner girl is a top level silks girl). What I like about this routine is that it really shows how any body type can do this stuff. We're not all little tiny gymnast chicks. We had to go first in the first show, and it was actually really tough to cold start. I'm definitely going too fast most the way through. Blame nerves! Of course I messed up little tiny things that had NEVER happened before, as well (almost falling out of the split in the beginning). You can't see all the cool floor stuff, from acro to splits and dive rolls. Oh well! Watch it a couple times, watch a different pair each time. Kinda hard to take it all in at once :/ I wouldn't do another giant 6 person routine again... just too hard to focus for the audience.
You're gonna love how much upper body strength you get once you get the hang of them though! Just... be careful around stairs. I let being in a hurry and my ego get in the way and decided "no, I don't need to go up and down the stairs on my butt every time." It went pretty well. Until the time I fell face first, no way of stopping myself, all the way down the damn stairs and damn near broke other bones... But yeah, best of luck with the surgery and everything. You should be able to fully shower a month or so sooner that way :)
Congrats man, that's impressive!!! And best of luck to you!!!
hahah thanks guys and gals! I'll post the trapeze one tomorrow after I steal work's bandwidth one last time. Got confirmation tonight- they signed the lease and money exchanged hands- there will be an Aerial Arts of Buffalo soon! Really happy I won't have to quit when I move. Someday down the road I may even join troupe and do gigs in the area!
Ooh no fun. Had that last year. Good luck with it, man!
I have video of my routines! Well, only the hoop duo one at the moment. I am the non asian/taller one in the halter! Malinda has the straps on her back. We definitely weren't spinning too much- most of our moves slow the hoop down even if you get it flying because the weight is so far from the center of the hoop. So, that's something to work on. But overall, I'm very proud. We ended on time and didn't mess anything major up!
Oh that's so wonderful! I hope d4rk gets our snowshoes back from his cousin soon and we get a chance to use them this year. But nowhere around here is as gorgeous as where you are!!!
Yeah, he's a really bad Doolittle in that. That movie... ok, I enjoyed it as a pubescent girl in love with Hartnett and Affleck but... oof. Music's good, though. Thirty Seconds over Tokyo is fantastic. A great book. In Dayton's National Air Force Museum, there's a whole section dedicated to the raid and survivor's plight, including pieces of the Ruptured Duck and Ted Lawson's bloody shirt. Various blood chits and stuff as well. As a kid, I absolutely loved that book, and seeing those artifacts was nigh overwhelming. Normal 10 year old girl.