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Everything posted by josie

  1. Yeah... we all want to drop them but money's money... as a result we have a lot of not so nice clients. Turnover with the team that directly works with them has been super high in the last year. We've had one client who was the same way but opposite gender- they wouldn't work with one of our head guys, would only work with women. It's just mind blowing to me that you would rule out good work/talent based on something like that. Or any reason other than actual performance/personality based criticism.
  2. Complaint's ain't open so my tiny kvetches go here Another family friend has breast cancer. I feel like I know more people with breast or ovarian than without right now ? tiny but frustrating: a client I've been working for at work is a real pill. Which is fine, it happens... but they cut all women out of the meetings, refuse to speak to any of us except a guy... so I told my colleague to just refer to me in calls as "Jo(e) the designer"... minute we started doing that and using male pronouns instead of calling me Josie they got a lot nicer. They're still awful to the female contact they're supposed to be working with, though. This is far from the only client like that, too. Most of them are in their 60s who act like that... these fine gents are in their 30s/40s.
  3. Phimosis?
  4. I've been in a couple rough pits, but mostly good ones. The kind where if someone falls, they all pull you up, if someone's being a dick, they get their ***** wrecked. The bad ones were when I was younger at small local metal/punk shows and everyone was just trying to prove they weren't posers by getting bloodied up. But yeah, the Slayer pit last year was probably the nicest one I've ever been in. It was kinda amazing. Everyone was just so happy to be there. Now, a week later at the Rob Zombie/Manson show, it was a bit rougher because the people were much more the hot topic edgelord drug crowd. I didn't go into any, I was feeling old and tired and had to go to work in the morning. This year is like... embarrassing bands I liked when I was in 7th grade... so Alice in Chains (which'll never be AiC without Layne but my friend says they're good live) with Korn... lol... and then Knotfest, not because I've ever been a Slipknot fan (but I hear they're a spectacle to see) but because Gojira and Behemoth are playing. Could be great, could be terrible- both at Darien Lake And then sabills and his lady and dark and I are going to Detroit for Black Keys in October. Saw them once a few years back- it was a good time. Looking forward to it.
  5. I saw that this is their final final FINAL farewell tour.. with Primus of all bands. I really wanna go. Haven't looked to see if they're near here at all... saw them last summer and it was awesome. Kindest circle pit I've ever had the pleasure of moshing in.
  6. Mine was a bright yellow 1999 Mustang (I got it in 2007) with a bunch of aftermarket crap the dude before me had put on it. $3k got me a Boss Mustang with a stickshift, double glass mufflers, tinted windows, trunk full of subwoofers, fancy convertible/hiding entertainment system, custom pedals and .... a V6 engine. Yeah, I know. Kinda hilarious. But you know what, for a 16 year old girl, it was the light of my life. I loved that car (named Sunny). I knew the minute I started driving it that something was wrong with the rear axle, but when I took it in I was told I was an idiot/imagining things/dumb young girl, so I put a few bags of play sand in the trunk to minimize the wiggling at highway speeds. Then one day, I was making a banal turn in the rain and the tail kicked loose, I overreacted and spun out wildly, jumped a curb, popped a front tire. Towed it in... "Hey, did you know your rear axle is all cracked? How the hell were you driving it before?" Thanks, *****. Still wiggled at 80+ and would probably spin out in wet grass but that car sure taught me a lot! It was great for bombing long flat country roads at 70 with the music blaring. I've only had Subaru Imprezas as daily drivers since.
  7. Good to hear. It's a visible one due to a couple vids that went viral of NYC carriage horses that passed out in traffic. Controversial topic. Yeah, I agree with you- though if there is a well documented issue to whistle blow in that particular case, then protest away. Unfortunately, sometimes protesting/extreme views hurt the overall cause- i.e. peta activists and some of their over the top rhetoric/ideas making all vegans/vegetarians/animal rights people look like woowoo outrage hobbyists. But it's the same with every issue ever. Including the ones discussed in this thread. Which is how I'll rein (heh) this back into being on topic, sorry y'all, you know I can ramble.
  8. No worries! The name never had to be controversial. But they chose something that could be. Which just further underlines an issue I have across the pegula creative/design nation- they don't really seem to focus group or think things through too well. Though I see more people upset that people are offended than actual offended people in the first place. The sensitive folks y'all like to poke fun at were still happy to cheer for the team, buy merch, and support its players, potentially problematic name and league issues aside.
  9. Eh, that's fine, I'm just of the opinion there are a lot of other options out there that would've been better than what they ended up with.
  10. Yup. You can't wrestle the association back once the public's made it, no matter how different the initial intention. I thought it was very much a 50/50 hockey lingo/gender specific play on words. And I personally don't like it for neither of those reasons, but because I just think there were cooler (heh, blizzard?) options to choose from.
  11. I can't do ***** unless it's on something from like 1920 because then it's just an engine bolted on a chassis haha
  12. I have a Szabados jersey- and I legit love the design- the blue is great. Still not a huge fan of the logo and crown and such, but it could be worse. I'll wear it proudly because Szabados is effing awesome and the games were always a lot of fun. But when I buy shirts, I usually buy NWHL ones over Beauts- that stuffed animal lookin' logo grinds my gears haha Never liked "Beauts". Learned to deal with it. Could've gone with something more interesting/badass in my opinion- beauts is a little close to cellys apples and such in hockey lingo (ferdaaa wheel snipe celly) but honestly, my stupid brain always thought of buttes and I'd think of western rock formations rather than good hockey players. It just always felt "meh" compared to other team names cited above. Like, what kinda imagery comes to mind? They didn't even own up the badass pinup girl image like a roller derby team could've. Meh meh meh. It's probably more to do with inhumane treatment of overheating/overworking the horses/improperly shoeing them on concrete than a super PETA stance (which go too far and give other animal lovers a pretty bad name). Some carriage companies are great about it, others neglect and outright abuse the animals. I don't know anything about the ones in this area- we never had a public carriage horse arrive at our rescue- just lots of racehorses and Amish carriage horses.
  13. Hamburglar, Lazar eats cheeseburger off ice...
  14. Yeah, my dad is 12 years older than my mom. My sister came along when he was 37 and I was when he was almost 43. They tried and lost 13 and my sister's twin in between. My sister had cancer. How and why they kept going after that is just a testament to hormones, according to my mother haha I gotta say, having an aging parent is tough. He's 73 this September, still working. It has really factored into my thinking as well- dark and I are only 2 years apart in age- our hypothetical kids would have mid-late 70s aged parents when they're in their 30s too on our current trajectory... and it really sucks. I just hate being saddled with the decision. It scares the hell out of me- A to Z. Doesn't really change the guy's body. If I'm anything like my mother and her mother and my dad's mother etc etc I'll end up with tons of complications/serious medical issues, rip parts open you never wanna rip open, and throw up for 9 months straight (Hyperemesis gravidarum) and then terrible postpartum depression. Or it'll go swimmingly and nothing will go wrong. Who knows. But yep, do it, do it now. Time's a wastin', little lady. Tricky stuff. Definitely on my mind a lot. Went to our first baby shower last weekend. Feels like someone's putting thumbscrews on my ovaries haha on another note, I have super low blood pressure (70/40) and passed out/retched while teaching Tuesday night and have been foggy/blurry visioned on and off since. Life's goin' grrreat! So that's a complaint for complainin' thursday
  15. Yeah, she's intimidating as hell. She occupies a unique place- which is a big part of why I wanted to paint her. She's just so damn cool.
  16. Yeah I mean, to each their own. It seems most of my high school class is on kid number 4 or so. They love it, it's everything to them, rewarding and wonderful (though I wish they'd stop posting oversharing photos of their kids taking their first craps on fb). If a lot of things were different for me, I'd probably do it. My biological clock isn't ticking, but probably because I'm not in the place to let it tick. I teach kids quite a bit- I love the difference I make in some of their lives, it's very sweet, but I also just don't find myself wanting/feeling ready for that. But for now I'm the fun crazy aunt who draws silly pictures and hangs upside down.
  17. Well she slid into my DMs on twitter and I can confirm she's a really nice person hahaha
  18. I posted it on twitter and already had one dude yelling at me for it. I actually didn't even see it until one of my followers spat back at him... It only takes one... I'm expecting more to come in and call me un-American and such. Hooray. Whatever. Way of the times, I guess. I just hope it doesn't get me doxxed or something.
  19. Posted it in the soccer club but ah hell, I'll attention ***** it here too Painted Megan Rapinoe last night. My meds are finally kicking in and I'm having the courage to break the grind from 3 jobs and paint for myself sometimes. Edit: she privately messaged me on twitter. She's awesome. Carter's reaction: "Megan Rapinoe sliding into my gfs DMs. Uh oh."
  20. I love that the same people who a few years ago respected my trepidation at the prospect due to biological reasons and financial strains are now like "oh you'll never be ready, just do it or you'll regret it" and then go on about some poor lonely spinster they know who died childless and barren like an unloved featureless Siberian tundra. Like chill y'all, I know, I know, I'm wasting away to dust over here, the fruit of my womb is shriveling on the vine, withering away, my usefulness as a woman is waning, hurry hurry hurry, do something or face a lifetime of resentment and abandonment!!! My god, I hit the big 3-0 in a couple months and you'd think my uterus is in danger of imploding according to some folks I know. That's still.. young, guys. I as a person don't have a ***** expiration date. Having kids is never going to be an easy thing for me, as a plump shiny blushing bride at 20 or a withered old hag at 35. please note the sarcasm, I quite enjoy being a childless harpy for now
  21. I've been feeling better and finding time to paint for myself lately. Been trying to keep it loose, take all the rules off, and I had a go at Megan Rapinoe
  22. and they all have blocky monograms (usually black and white) for their social media profiles. You think I'm joking, take a stroll through sports design social media. It's kinda funny. Oh yeah, that image in particular is definitely the new person/intern being told to slap a ton of info on using a half finished branding guide. I feel for them. Doubt it would pass facebook's 80/20 rule (no such rule on twitter). Fun fun.
  23. Dude I have no idea. I'm kinda flabbergasted with the whole latest design choice. Those jobs are the "big jobs", the kind of dream job a shmuck like me could only ever hope to land and never will. It's supposed to be the tightest ship, the leading edge of consistency, creativity, style, and execution. They've got the money and ostensibly the support to do great things. And it's just all over the place. We went from Chipotle Cup Chic scribble writing to marble trophy plate vaporwave marble Salvatore's a e s t h e t i c but only half have those gilded pants on. Screw the whole royal blue discussion, wtf is up with butter yellow and metallic gold and thick sports fonts and narrow serif all caps typefaces? Is it all going to come together? Is it just a total mishmash of trial by committee? Is it a complete cult of personality up there? It's just not good. In my opinion, go retro. Everyone wants it. It's good design. You have one of the most beautiful designs in athletics sitting in your stable and you're ignoring it entirely. You want money? Nostalgia bucks? Cash in on that. The market is ripe to bursting for it. This ain't it, chiefs.
  24. Ok I'm going to go wide right with this one I'm in a wanderlust-y mood and a film that really captures that for me is Into the Wild, film adaptation of Krakauer's book about Chris McCandless. It's a good summation of my interests- wandering, angst, human idiocy, survival, disaster. And artistically, the Supertramp bus, an old 1946 International Harvester K-5 bus from Fairbanks abandoned on a trail- really stuck with me. It had been a kind of shelter for remote hunters, and McCandless found it and ended up dying there. Of course, like all good remote things, it's become an overvisited problem- and it's in a dangerous area, so others have died trying to "pilgrimage" to it. I think they may have removed it, actually. But its shape, its color, its "wildness"/haunted nature is a pretty good example of a vehicle adding to the myth/story of an already tall tale legend.
  25. I have the art book for Fury Road and it's full of amazing sketches. So much thought and care and petrolhead nerddom went into it. I love it. This sketch was from 1997.
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