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Everything posted by josie

  1. He asked me to make it for him :( That's a fun logo to recreate.
  2. I will be drinking accordingly.
  3. This week- Breakfast/Lunch (i skip one or the other usually, just don't have time)- bagel with reduced fat cream cheese and a little bit of smoked salmon,banana. Dinner- sandwich with a smear of Webers mustard, some turkey (low fat's all they had this week, usually i do honey roasted) and a couple slices of cheese. Some celery or carrots. When I run out of lunch meats, veggie burger on one slice of bread, or just a grapefruit. Snacks- pretzels. Some nutella because I can't help myself. Tea in lieu of coffee (oh how i miss you, black bean water), loads of water, sometimes some ginger ale with dinner if I'm not feeling great. Beer/alcohol is reserved for the weekend or if I have dinner with a friend. Or after an interview call. And until this pile of chocolate my mom sent me withers away, little bits of chocolate throughout the day. Working out at least 4x a week, usually more. Still can't lose a pound. Oh well. My body's a very different build than it used to be before acrobat stuff- it carries weight differently. I have a very solid/muscular core, arms, upper back and legs, but my lower back is where it all goes, apparently :( Thanks, age.
  4. ^ Ok that's just creepy, dear. Logging off now...
  5. If you like good meat, try McCanns in Rochester if you're in town. Damn good stuff.
  6. Howlin' Wolf is amazing. We have a bunch of vinyl of his. Good good stuff.
  7. My friend at my last job turned me onto 'Change' when I was in a really low spot with everything a few months ago. He's a huge fan. Honestly, I'd never listened beyond the hit everyone knows. I'm glad he sent it to me. It was just what I needed, and I've really come to be a fan myself. Here's Shannon and Wooh Dog himself haha
  8. Down a hippy dippy 90s hole today
  9. Yesterday in my aerial silks class, we had a fun playlist moment. My instructor is, from neck down, a prototype super muscular he-man wearing skin tight spandex that hides nothing, and from neck up, a stereotypical bespectacled programmer d&d playing nerd. He's a study in contrasts. So he's showing us a roll, this beautiful, graceful move, on a bright pink silk, when his playlist starts playing Disturbed. In a class that usually plays chill out music. So there we all are, being as graceful, relaxed, and feminine as possible while the stereo blares "GOooooWAHAHAHAH" just kinda worked.
  10. If you pay for a portrait on Fiverr for a whopping total of five dollars, it should not be a surprise when you get five dollars worth of effort. And then I wonder why I get bartered to bring my own (really cheap, considering) prices down... Sites like that are a good idea for some things, but my GOD do they cheapen an already painfully cheap market for freelance professionals.
  11. When he retires, if he doesn't create a BBQ sauce with this name, I'll be very upset.
  12. Yeah, the brief thaw has turned my apartment into a spider/stinkbug paradise, apparently. Staring at a wee jumping spider going up my wall right now, in fact.. just got out of the shower where two little spider bros met their fate after choosing the shower curtain as a great place to chill. Sorry, little dudes.
  13. Well, the KBC called me, the number I was told to call WAS slightly different, but was still in the KBC I believe.
  14. The on hold music at the Key Bank Center is old RJ highlights of Sabres goals. I had a pretty awesome reason to hear it, too. Even if nothing comes of it...
  15. Took some freelance with my old company. Gives me a bit more to do, a bit more money, and I'm just rolling around in the irony that my boss's final words to me on my last day were "If you want work, you'll have to contact us. We won't contact you". Not even a full month later and they come round knocking needing my help. The complaint is that as I was finishing up my last week, I was instructed to delete all of my accounts on the messaging service/email. I did so. Now they need me ASAP, I have no accounts... and said boss is giving me guff for having deleted it all. Oh, they're so stupid. At least I'll be working with people I like, and if something's really dumb, I can just openly roll my eyes or yell. I still do not regret leaving. My mental health has improved greatly. I'm hoping just doing a bit of remote work doesn't get to me. If it does, I'll just quit for good. At least I can work with them on my terms as a freelancer. That and bloody hell I'm going to be broke when it comes to healthcare. Assuming it remains an option. I'll take the first job w/ benefits that'll have me in Buffalo in the spring.
  16. Awesome, dude.
  17. Yeah, that's where we've been looking. Took a drive around there a week or so ago. Would be nice for sure- we'll just have to see how it all lines up.
  18. And now my warmup doodles have become fat cartoon versions of interesting vessels I find. Thanks. "Yes dear, give me your meat stick for vday"
  19. WHUUUUT ok there goes my productivity. I live for stuff like this. Thanks!!
  20. I love stuff like this. My, the coast of China looks like a tick infested dog leg. I also enjoy this: 3d global weather map- you can toggle different views. Wind is pretty neat, though. https://earth.nullschool.net/
  21. I don't eat at games usually, but after playing a game, nothing beats a lot of beer and some greasy tater tots or fries. Deep fry them potatoes. Salt liberally. Wolf down.
  22. I fear buying. This post is the first I've seen/heard you mention it seriously in a very long time. I wonder what the economy will do in the next few years. I don't want to get stuck in a home we expected to be a "quick little starter" forever. Happened to my parents. They are still unhappy. I don't think the smart money is on buying for that short of term right now. Rental is expensive, I know. I have money saved up. I don't plan to be worthless for long. Hopefully. Hopefully someone in Buffalo will actually answer me/hire me/take a chance on me/the Devil reduces his interest rates on my soul so I can happily sell it. Also, I do not plan on going anywhere. If I'm in Buffalo, I'm in Buffalo. I will avoid long distance unless it is absolutely necessary. Talking is good. Maybe there's a holy grail out there. I also expect more viable rental options to appear in the spring. I realize that's a crap shoot. Best to research now.
  23. d4rk's got Storm King stories. Rather... other people have stories of d4rk and Storm King....
  24. Ripped my armpit open on the trapeze rope this week.... Ripped my feet open in the last class two weeks ago... The moves get harder and the discomfort grows! Couple cool things- Finally getting this move. This was the fourth time I'd done it, so I was pretty beat and my legs aren't totally straight. Link is a vid. Didn't feel like fuddling with youtube. https://twitter.com/josie914/status/817188890545160193 Aaand I'm the headless hulk beast on the bottom. Andrea (on top) weighs a bit more than I do (she's a few inches taller), so this was quite the press for me. (I'm holding up most of her body. Arms aren't doing a lot to hold her up) Time to get back into hockey/leg workouts! It's alllll related now.
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