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Everything posted by josie

  1. haha well... I think powers of deduction and gender will help me out a bit... but I admit I"m going to be really disappointed if Charlie Day doesn't show up.
  2. Oooh nice! This is the sort of thing I like to find. Thanks! Also, I want to go visit their distillery- they're right next to a maritime museum. That would be a good, good day.
  3. Yeahhhhhh... I had it in Italy (Bressanone, northern italy, not sure if that makes a difference in type) and thought it was comparable to just drinking rubbing alcohol. But I was also a kid. My dad choked it down and made a joke about it being tough stuff. I figured it would make a nice molotov cocktail ingredient. Was curious to see if anyone on here was actually a fan of the stuff. I'm always willing to try again!
  4. I tried to find some legit Akvavit for your birthday and simply didn't have the funds to import some real stuff. I need to try all that stuff again, akvavit, grappa... last time I had a toothful of anything hard like that, I was 15 and didn't drink and felt it all tasted like glorified jet fuel. International curl your teeth spirits tasting? I'd be in.
  5. Oh good god no ahh who am i kidding. When in Rome...
  6. For me, a workout program where I can actually feel/see the difference/gains made all the difference. Just going to the gym and staring at the scale/mirror/going up a few pounds in the weights just wasn't much motivation. That's why I love my aerial stuff. Couldn't hold myself up when I started. Can slowly control flips and lifts, dead hang with legs straight in front of me, chinups, hold others, etc. and that's addictive. I couldn't tell you what I can bench, but I can tell you I can easily lift a 160 pound woman! Stuff like rock climbing has that same feeling. Maybe you can do something like that. Class formats or a buddy help me. Just guilt and a membership means my lazy ass just doesn't go.
  7. My 10 year is technically this spring, but I haven't heard anything. Not even on them newfangled facebooks. Which is fiiiine with me. I moved out of state and never went back for a reason! :P The rich girls all married rich guys and do nothing all day but hawk essential oils and that terrible LulaRoe crap online, the rich guys are all businessmen in the family biz or in rehab for heroin addiction, the poor kids are just ODing, aaaand there's a smattering of really cool people whose endeavors I follow on social media and will get a beer with someday. But most never left the area and all married each other. Perrysburg pride, yo. I'm good.
  8. It's d4rk's bday and I won't be there today to celebrate with him. BOOOooooOoOOo. But tomorrow I'm baking his favorite time intensive carrot cake from scratch and giving him boozy presents, so there's that.
  9. Girl opinion here. I suck at being a girly girl, so when I had to plan a bachelorette party, it was basically, ok, plan girly stuff I would never do and then throw them all into Lasertron. The guys ended up doing the same (well, they just smoked weed all day before lasertron), so it became a Jack/Jill. Try to separate the herds if you can. Get in touch with MoH, say, yo, you plan a spa thing (mani/pedi, makeup/hair/brow stuff) with the chicks for a few hours, and then you take the guys to go do something y'all wanna do. Strip club, bar, whatever the hell. Then meetup at someplace like the places mentioned above- I can vouch that the Lasertron here in Henrietta is actually pretty adult- surprisingly full bar, appetizer to burger level food, and a whole coffee/gelato/truffle bar the girls can dig. And there's arcade games that come with your admission price. I mean, if you're stuck with the whole pile and can't go for a weekend in the mountains and a joint brew or winery tour, might not be a bad way to go. Bleh, planning this stuff is a headache. I might just skip a bachelorette party all together when the time comes. Good luck!
  10. That's really great. Same kind of cancer my sister had- glad he and his team were able to give her some joy.
  11. Everything d4rk and WildCard said. February blues are so real. And my f**king kidneys. Saturday ended up in ER with worst 10/10 pain of my life. Retched up dinner out of sheer pain. I've had a lot of bad pain, but never anything that intense and unwavering. They found one stone up in the kidney and said I'm probably passing another. Well, figured I was finally coming around, and the pain returned last night. Not as bad, thank jeebus, but now I KNOW that little b@stard is still sitting in there, waiting to make its horrible move.... I feel like hell. I can't go work out for fear of bringing that hell down on me again. That and the whole crushing realization that I'm pretty much worthless to society/the world without a job and self worth. Yay! And my hospital/doctor bills will now eat up the rest of my savings! Yay yay yay!! I suck!
  12. A new players tribune story, and it's a hard one. Reduced me to a quivering pile of jelly by the end, as I can relate all too well to his story/actions. But it's good to see that he names Mogilny as one of the people who looked out for him. Corey Hirsch- goalie. http://www.theplayerstribune.com/corey-hirsch-dark-dark-dark/
  13. I'm really contributing the conversation here. Still love that this is the second time this has happened in MTL. Fire Therrien, hire Julien...
  14. Oh honey I hear ya. Apple's gone to hell. My Mac keeps glitching out and corrupting files. Important, many layered files for clients. Effectively doubling my work time/screwing me over. It also doesn't believe my USB ports work half the time. It's only 2 years old. My friend bought a new one... and the latest OSX update (Sierra) apparently doesn't work with tablets. Which uh... artists need to draw with. Her linework is now jagged and crunchy and awful, and there is no fix at this time. Thank GOD I didn't listen to the incessant nagging to update.... So yeah, if I ever get a decent job and have money and worth again, I'm buying a PC. Apple is sh!t. Quality is gone. PC screens are good enough with graphics for art use now that I am willing to switch. RIP Steve Jobs.
  15. Neat. Can someone dye Burnzie's beard rainbow?
  16. Glad to hear it!!! Keep at it, man- you'll be running up and down stairs thinking, "man, this was impossible" before you know it.
  17. Got up at 4 today to take my best friend in for her tube tying surgery. Surgery was on time, successful, and the staff at Highland Hospital were absolutely wonderful as always. She's safely back home and recovering. It was her first time under general anesthesia, too. I'm so happy it all went so chill for her. And it feels good to be able to be there for someone.
  18. Good luck! My friend back home nearly kicked a 2 pack a day habit. Then her life got turned upside down and she's back to a pack plus a day and uses the e-cigs to cope. I hope she'll try again when things smooth out (her divorce is final next week). My friend here kicked her nicotine habit a good 2 years ago and she's doing so much better, health-wise. She smokes a lot of weed, but no more cigs. Rootin' for ya. Buy her a pack of stubby bottles. Girl I knew from college is a spokesperson for a vaping company up here, drives a car all wrapped in the shop's logos and stuff. She's the canary in the coal mine for me on this stuff. I've never seen someone smoke or vape as much as this chick. She loves the culture and what she does, so good for her, but I can't imagine it's good for her at those levels.
  19. Voted for ya, Bio! Hope they win!!! My complaint is that although I love freelance, and I'm absolutely rolling in it (14 hours a day pretty much), there is just no money to be had. Even asking a decent rate, there is just no money. As in, I can only do this another month or two before I'll have eaten up the rather sizeable nest egg I'd saved up. And I can't get a part time job if I plan to move anywhere from 1-3 months from now. Resume panicking and identity crisis and worthlessness. Don't choose art, kids, no matter how good you are. You'll pay. Stupid me.
  20. Holy crap! I looked it up- quite the mess!!! Glad he's ok- mad respect for running down into a grounded ship.
  21. Awesome. Thanks! Yeah, at my old job, before really went south, we would have game jams; everyone would mockup an idea for a game. The only stuff that ever was taken seriously was if it was 1) a rogue like 2) involved skeletons or Lovecraftian horror. Which are all cool, but... every other idea usually got laughed at. I had a few ideas with hockey players, was told I was an idiot and should stick to "girl stuff" (note- i was the main designer for our "boy" properties, tmnt, power rangers at the time). We lost a contract to another company to even make a hockey style game because the bosses decided sports and people who like sports are stupid. Game went on to do the best on the site and led to a whole sports series, and I had to listen to them kvetch about how they could've done better. So I just put Casey Jones in every game I could instead! Ugh, getting mad again... but yeah, if you ever wanna make a quickplay or try your hand at an app, lemme know!
  22. Cool, man! Lemme know if you ever want extra art to go with that :) Always wanted to make hockey related games, but i still lack the coding know how.
  23. I did some serious basing tonight on trapeze. So much so that I'm sitting here with an ice pack on each thigh and a heating pad on my lower back. I now know what weight lifting I need to do to get better- men have pec muscles that I don't... and it's obvious when I try to pull a human being up towards my chest! Here's the last thing we did- we didn't expect to get that far, which is why she's just hanging there for a sec. I was so beat by this point! We had the bar up so high I was using a ladder to get in, and then the other girls were climbing my feet and I'd squat/lift them up.
  24. Breakfast- banana and black tea Lunch- veggie burger patty plain Dinner- can of steak/potato soup and some crackers Snacks... think I'm going to kill some popcorn. Maybe I'll hardboil an egg. drinking more tea. drank about 5 glasses of water so far. Barely have left my seat. So much work to do. No exercise today, will eat more tomorrow since I have to do 2 hours of open gym/trapeze. Ain't no dyin' of dysentery on my watch.
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