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Everything posted by josie

  1. Well I'm fu**ing p!ssed. I was so looking forward to seeing him Saturday. Bull.
  2. I've got shame too. I haven't seen them all, and apparently that's a crime for an art kid.... Ponyo's good though. Very weird. Took me a few watches. Was definitely one of those "ohhh uhhh ok, well, that's pretty, alrighty Miyazaki, I don't quite get it but apparently you do... maybe i'll figure it out someday.. oh hey it's a David Bowie water wizard!" Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, and Kiki's Delivery Service are my favorites. Totoro/Kiki are more for kids in spirit. Mononoke shoves the message in your face and rubs it around, but I still think it's gorgeous. 5th grade me fell in love with it. The Wind Rises is gorgeous but very long. Very artsy. But there's lots of airplanes so I'm good. I haven't seen Nausicaa or Porco Rosso or Arietty.
  3. I feel like most of my entries on such a list would be animated films.... :blush:
  4. A lot of those moves have awesome names.... like "bloody elbow", "finger crusher", etc. I have no idea either. I'm sure once you get to that level you've pinched your fair share of extremities... like the coin drop. How. You can do this on german wheel, too. You just gotta bounce it to get it going.
  5. I'd get my foot stuck in that strap and die. I got my ankle caught funny in the silks last night (of course it's my bad ankle) on a new twisty move aaand just kinda hung there with my arm strength giving out thinking "well, this is how I go" Our silks are 25 feet tall and I don't KNOW of anyone falling from them, but I'm somehow convinced I'm going to be the first. I've burned my hands and ripped my feet open and knocked myself out from a trapeze bar falling on my head when my inversion didn't go correctly but I just know if I did wheel I'd somehow decapitate myself haha
  6. haha no i haven't! That's German Wheel- we don't have one at the studio. To be honest, I'd try it, but I'd be terrified. Once that sucker starts to roll, you're going, and you better know what you're going to do. That and Cyr wheel just look like fantastic ways to crush my fingertips haha Cyr is generally a male dominated apparatus it seems, while german is more often ladies. Crazy core/upper body strength to keep that big hoop moving. I'll stick to the hoops hanging from the ceiling for now...
  7. haha she's actually one of my other favorites. Uma's freakin' otherworldly, man.
  8. Preach. I love those sorts of movies, but the main characters are almost always male. This is going to sound so stupid, so bear with me. But if I'm driving around and daydreaming about driving like a badass, it's usually oh, the calmness of james bond, or hey, the tough/cool combo of steve mcqueen. Female heroines are always so conditional, or convenient romantic partners. They often transform to become the badass, they usually just aren't to begin with. And if they are, they're a side character. Or if they ARE a badass, they're a fighting f*cktoy with 6 jiggles per sword swipe. Then came Furiosa, and I had a badass female role model I could cosplay or "bring out" when needed. And she's on solid earth. Not a space queen, not some mythical goddess lady, a human being us flesh bags can relate to. Without sexay boobies and a$$ on parade (which hey, i love from time to time, but every action movie?). I mean, god, Charlize Theron is easily one of the most beautiful human beings on the planet, but there she was, of normal build, running sh!t. Yep yep, cheesy cheesy, it's just a movie, but oy. Now we just need more like that.
  9. Namely: CTAP Fury Road Oh man, you got d4rk and I going.... sorry...
  10. Alright, here I go... I can see that opinion. A lot of older movies are kinda like that. I remember being brought up being told Deer Hunter was up there with Citizen Kane. And I watched it (DH, not CK) with my mom who'd held that opinion and it was astounding how it dragged on. Slow. Honestly, boring. I think we're so used to action movies and quick exposition that those movies have aged painfully for many audiences. And even though it's a wildly different kind of movie, I felt the same with Citizen Kane, since I mentioned it. I look at it as artsy. It is artsy. It's like a sick fever dream. I think of Vanishing Point that way as well, or Easy Rider. There's a lot of nothingness because, well, there's a lot of nothingness in his life now. And it's that era- you couldn't make that movie today unless you were PAINFULLY art about it. Miller was an ER doc in Australia and would see the car culture kids coming in absolutely ripped and torn up from recklessness/real life mad max-ing on the roads, and all they cared about was getting back behind the wheel and going at it again until death. Really laid out his ideas for the franchise. 3 is the campiest, silly movie out there. Absolutely ridiculous. If you saw Fury Road first, I totally get why you'd dislike the original. Action and not that much of a plot with lots of symbolism vs the whole idea of the movie being a canvas and lots of staring into the middle distance... FR will win every time. I like FR better than the original. But I'm also one of those danggummed feminists who loves that female badass Furiosa.
  11. Are you currently practicing?? :P
  12. Thomas. Motherf**ing. Vanek. Dom Hasek? No. no. I know. Steve Ott. ( i already have an ott sabres jersey haha) But yeah, easily the worst idea ever! ah just saw this after I posted. I like the Miller one. :P
  13. Detroit. Vs Buffalo. I lose either way. This is gonna be a nail biter, what with the exemplary play of the Wings and Sabres as of late.
  14. My latest thing- learning hand balancing (hand stands n such). Starting small of course, no way I can expect to rely on brute strength to keep my fat arse in the air. All new territory for me. A lot of my aerialist pals are former dancers/cheerleaders/yoga enthusiasts and have a definite leg up on this sort of thing. Cat is quite concerned and keeps sniffing my toes or trying to headbutt me while I'm inverting. It looks like our new studio will be opening in Buffalo almost exactly as I move there, so, good timing! I cut my calories way way down because 1- I can't really afford much food anymore and 2- I sit most the time right now. Hopefully will see a change in the ol' flesh prison in the coming weeks.
  15. Let's just say d4rk isn't a winner in the compliment department. Never has been. Well sh!t, with standards like that, how long do I stay interesting? And you wonder why I have a complex haha
  16. Got my first animation freelance gig! Just a little thing, but I'm excited. It involves jets and space and cool stuff I love with a client I've worked with quite a bit. Honestly, I'm not doing too badly for not having a full time job. I'm just about making ends meet, and if I get a part time once I move to Buffalo and the freelance keeps up, I'll be ok. Still feel a little nauseous not having a solid 9-5 with benefits, though. Time will tell...
  17. "ohmigaawwwwwwwwwdddd" the modern day valley girl. I shouldn't, but I hear it and automatically deduct IQ points.
  18. Roof just avalanched part of its snowy load onto my balcony. Phrasing. Was really terrifying when it happened! So about 3 feet deep, heavy as all hell, and boy do we have the wrong kind of shovel for that. One of those big push shovels. I mean, I can wield it just fine, but that sucker takes your back out. Probably got about 18 inches or so here in Henrietta. Drifts are waist to chest high, I'm 5'5". Wish I could go play in it, but I have no one to wander with and work to do. Boo. Drive safe if you gotta, roads are not the least bit taken care of.
  19. I've called him dorksabre to his face a few times...
  20. Fair warning- I will not figure out your names, and will likely refer to you by your username or latest avatar. I've met like... 5 or 6 of you prior. The rest of ya... sorry in advance!
  21. :w00t: I knew that sh!t sounded familiar.... Yeah, but we got our lease approved that day, so rally boxers more often, plz. I need a good job and women's underwear doesn't really afford the same luxury of possibility...
  22. If so, we'll have a beer waitin' for ya.
  23. Same. Sabres have lost when I've seen 'em. ...but one time i was watching them face the red wings and i was rooting for detroit so....
  24. Sexual harassment allegations. http://time.com/4645846/what-to-know-about-the-casey-affleck-oscar-controversy/
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