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Everything posted by josie

  1. haha aw. I can/I do! DM me for particulars, but I'm pretty affordable. d4rk would have me charge a lot more but I just don't feel right. Didn't want to derail the thread earlier, but I just wanted to say thanks for all the kind comments. I posted it on twitter moments before Risto scored and the Sabres saw it (huzzah lucky hashtag) and so did a lot of people with Polish last names haha Also posted it on Instagram and tagged the ol' blonde boy himself, so who knows! I will eventually (once we're settled after the move) sell prints on an etsy shop, includin' that one if anyone's ever interested. Shameless plug. The last time I got that much attention for a painting on twitter was the also first post I ever made in this forum- of Ott and John Scott. Thinkin' I should do this more often. Thanks again y'all <3
  2. Same. I barely eat and gain weight. I cut calories and nothing changes. I pick up exercise and nothing happens. I may change visually but my weight remains a stubborn 138-145 which is a lot for a chick my size. I've always wanted to get down to 120 and I just don't think it'll ever happen short of getting something amputated. My dad and d4rk can both just cut dessert for a couple weeks and drop a pants size. It's maddening.
  3. Someone give me a time turner and I'll paint the rest of the team and tap into that luck and we'll be so insanely good and score so insanely much that WE'LL SOMEHOW MAGICALLY MAKE THE PLAYOFFSSSSS next year.
  4. I just painted that guy. Good luck?
  5. I need a drooling emoji. Sabills on here got married at the Lafayette downtown Buffalo- lots of gorgeous Art Deco. First wedding I ever went to, and tied for best still. I don't know how much I care about getting married in a place like that, I just want to go and stare and drool on everything. Those tiles are awesome- hang on to that!!!
  6. Wow, really??!! Man, I love that era. If I could do an entire house in Greene & Greene, vintage Stickley, and Roycroft I'd be over the moon. Arts & Crafts era and Art Nouveau are just so stunning. There's a museum in Paris, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, that's just full of all that exquisite stuff, plus every other decade of interior design as well. My favorite museum out of all the ones I went to.
  7. haha I dig that style. It's a lot of fun to do. Very Communist poster. If I were to do a bunch of posters, I'd do a whole ton of different styles. Really try out a bunch of things and have fun with it. And that article- all the former female employees sent it to each other already hahaha We weren't THAT bad of course, but the culture and harm done by it certainly has some parallels. My ex coworkers were all comparing vomit stories graphically on twitter the other day from a hardcore drinking night that caused them all to lose most of a workday. Charmin' times that I do NOT miss. I may be constantly on the edge of financial ruin and wondering if my entire life is a mistake, but I'm still happier than if I'd stayed there.
  8. Bonding with the Columbus Blue Jacket's gameday poster dude on twitter about painting/artist woes. God he's got a sweet gig. One of these days I'll find the time/energy to make a bunch of Sabres ones and convince Pegula Sports Entertainment that they need me to do it full time.
  9. I actually was a fair way into a painting where he'd lost his helmet and was skating buuut I also watched Schindler's List yesterday and nope. Chose a close up of him making an exasperated face which will do nicely as my icon here :)
  10. Risto's my pick. Someday. Was thinking about painting him today, just have to find a good reference that isn't 800% bad guy from Team Iceland.
  11. Unrelated but every time I glance at this thread title my brain tries to replace "billie jean is not my lover" with it.
  12. I'm not from Buffalo. I'm from rural bumfu*k Ohio, where only football/bball/wrestling matter. Closest rink was an hour or so away. Hockey was not a huge deal. Sure, some people were avid Wings fans, but even when the Cups were won people largely ignored it. It's picked up in recent years as some of our towns/cities have kind of improved. Observed the same situation described in my post in Florida. It's just two spots, and we don't share the same situations, I know. You're not wrong, WNY has a love of the sport I've only seen in other "wintry" places like MN, WI, ND. Just saying, have heart, there's more people out there who care.
  13. This is the puke part. The rally part happens later, yeah?
  14. I respectfully disagree. The Olympics, and Olympics Hockey are a pretty huge deal. Everyone immediately starts talking about the 1980 Miracle on Ice, even if their only knowledge of hockey is from the Mighty Ducks or the Disney account of USA vs USSR. And thus, people actually watch. I grew up in a family that hated/demonized sports (besides figure skating), and even we watched Olympic hockey and were glued to every Olympics broadcast we could get. I think a lot of people watch as they expect a bit of movie magic. Do they get it, well, not always. But there sure are some great "sports moments" that come out of it. I know more than a few people who actually started following the NHL upon watching the Olympics. It doesn't feel like as much an exclusive club that way, nor is it as overwhelming. You know what team to root for automatically, and you get a nice overview of who the superstars are. Honestly, it was one of my few intros to the sport. I had absolutely nooooo clue what was happening, but I liked the pace. I know the Olympics and the IOC are a pile of corrupt sh!t, but I'm still wired to love the idea.
  15. Aye. This is going to be interesting to watch play out.
  16. Hohohoooly crap. Well, if you need me, I'll be trying out for the 2018 team. I'm an excellent benchwarmer.
  17. See, I'd say more of a younger blonde/blue eyed version Viggo Mortensen, personally. Figured you needed the lone SS girl's opinion here haha
  18. Hope everyone got home or to their respective berths safely! I'll be up with a sick/farty d4rk for awhile yet- been awhile since either of us had a reason to imbibe so much! Here's to doing stuff together more often!
  19. We'll have to remember to take a picture or something.
  20. Travel safe, everyone! Can't wait to see/meet y'all tomorrow :)
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