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Everything posted by josie

  1. OH SHIIIT were you in Chicago by any chance, Wild? Oh wait, she just informed me she was traveling for work.... WIIIIILD NOOOOOOO
  2. :( Well, boy have I got the woman to cheer you up... j/k. Sorry man, that sucks.
  3. Dave, you can't even troll me well. I'd find that hilarious and fun to try to do. I think this person is just suuuuuper into everything she does. It's just... whoa... a ride. I'm venting here which probably is morally dubious but I think this is going to be a saga. I'm like the Daria chick who grunges around in a corner except for rare outbursts of acting human, and she is TOTALLY this character: but like... raunchy.... Actual quotes from this one: "No I am not bipolar, but I am A LOT of things" (this was after the 100+ adjectives describing her, which is fine I guess since I'm designing a cartoon of her...) " I'm not bad looking and I definitely am explosive. I am super sensitive, super emotional, and extremely reactive." I'm terrified I'll set off her sensitive, emotional, reactive side... EDIT: Another email. And. "I have reached out to a couple other artists to see what they come up with. As chaotic as I can be I am also a perfectionist. I'm sure you understand that." Oh looord if any of you want to send me booze, I'm gonna need it. Like, the hardest, angriest whiskey you can find...
  4. Guaran-fu*kin-tee it. She gave me her instagram name for reference... lots of yachts and champagne and selfies and inspirational quotes and stuff about being high maintenance. I don't know. She seems like one of those people who's an absolutely blast as like... your exercise class instructor... She's sent me about 7 emails today, each one is like taking a shot of fruity college girl liquor while being forced to dance Coyote Ugly style by gunpoint... I'm going to have a vocal fry by the end of this and d4rk is going to dump me. I'm very amused. And scared. If I refuse, and my body is found with my throat slit and covered in glitter....
  5. ho ho hooly sh!t I think I have the world's craziest client.... this chick is such a crazy stereotype that I'm honestly wondering if it's a prank/setup.... it gets crazier every email and I'm seriously wondering when it'll be revealed that it was all a test to see just how much it takes for me to go "ok... wait a second... this is bonkers" In short, she's an attractive woman in her early 30s who wants to be a sexy cartoon character with a show and now has a LAWYER set up to copyright her own logo/brand.... and I'd assume it's all total bunk if a woman who works at the agency that has gotten me several super legit gigs hadn't sent her my way... I can't tell if this is going to go in my "most amazing clients ever" file or the "nightmares that made me contemplate my own existence" pile. It could easily go either way I think... to top it off I have some sort of stomach flu situation going on right now and she does NOT like waiting... we went from "Hi I'm ___ and this is my idea, let me know your rates, I'm a well manicured broke girl" last night to "OK so here's no less than 100 adjectives to describe me and this pamela anderson cartoon i want to be based off and this song needs to be in my opening animated intro where I'm riding a unicorn or a cloud and here's my logo ideas, I've been on the phone with my lawyer all day it's CRAZY but i'm 0-60 let's go girl!" She also says f*ck a lot. Which is odd for a client. Which one of you is it. Seriously.
  6. I was gonna have little animations for all the first round matchups ready for tomorrow but then I got sick tonight and it's not gonna happen on time :(
  7. haha all joking aside, that was really neat/adorable. I love hockey.
  8. You HAVE to do a cannon third. Wennberg is a good choice. He was clutch this year. This year I want to do little faceoff animation gifs for each of the first round playoff matchups. I will definitely do the cannon third for CBJ. It's just gorgeous.
  9. We've mentioned pests. So every year I start out with lots of honeybees/bumblebees, which I am fine with and actually aim to get. And then about 2 months in, the wasps and yellow jackets take over, and thus begins my battle with them. God, they'll just swarm you. And that's also the end of the honeybees :( Last year I got aphids for the first time. They LOOOOVED my moonflower vine, and nothing I did helped. Tried soapy water, tried a powder aphid killer, no dice. Every leaf and tendril was just covered, head to abdomen, with the creepy little buggers. Should've gotten some ladybugs to go ape on them I guess. It was really frustrating, and nasty. If you brushed up against that plant while working on the others, you'd just be covered in little bugs. The plus of balcony container gardens is no deer/rabbits/etc. coming by to eat it all though...
  10. Pens-Jackets is going to be suuuuch an awesome matchup. Rootin for Columbus the whole way :) Have fun, man! Hope you get to hear that cannon go off a bunch.
  11. :w00t: hands off, Chz. That succulent mass of greenhouse gasses is mine.
  12. who dat? link?
  13. heh ok i have work to do
  14. :sick: Honestly, the best fertilizer is knowing people with horses and taking some from the bottom of a muck pile that's been sitting for a year or so. We have people come to the rescue frequently and fill up buckets of broken down stuff dug out from the centre of the pile. Doesn't really smell, does wonders for people's gardens.
  15. If someone wants to tweet that around, feel free- I won't do it personally. I'm in the brown nose/suckup stage of ingratiating myself to Buffalo sports people right now haha
  16. I gotchu
  17. this is me waiting for a fu**ing orchid to bloom. It's like waiting for my team to make the playoffs. Like, are you fuc*ing dead, or what???!?!! What do you want from me?!?! :( hey honey, wanna help till my garden? Yeah, stick those bulbs in those holes. That's right, pour that water alllllll over it, baby. I wanna see you grow.
  18. Yeah, and when you consider the succulent... mass... on the right/back came from that black pot in the front with those succulents in it... I really need to split up/clean up the tangle of the big one.
  19. Cooooooool Here's my behemoth succulent pile- just put them outside today, so they look a little sad from being indoors all winter. And this was halfway through summer last year. Everything grew a little more after this pic before the cold came in. I use old hockey sticks for vines.
  20. I support a garden thread. Each year I get a container garden going on the balcony. Last year I must've done something right, because everything grew to be MASSIVE. The sh!t part is I can't take things in when winter comes and have to watch them die, except for the succulents/cacti that are now ginormous and 7-8 years old. Someday I'll have a house and it'll be like a goddamn beautiful jungle. I've already got plans to force d4rk to help me build a greenhouse in that distant future. Once we move to Buffalo, I'm honestly hoping I can snag a part time jorb at a garden nursery or something. I like carrying heavy things around and being covered in dirt. Our balcony at the new apartment is going to be half the size of the one I have now and it makes me sad :(
  21. I'm wrong constantly on specifics but usually correct with generalizations. I just call it learning at this point. I was wrong about the Ducks- thought they'd be real low. I was dead on with the Blue Jackets, actually. d4rk laughed at me a few times about it. I thought Tampa would be in better shape. I was right that the Red Wings' playoff streak would end this year :( But if you get down to a player by player basis, I suck.
  22. hahaha I even know which drag queen that is. Oh RuPaul's Drag Race, my guiltiest pleasure...
  23. So I woke up this morning to 26 Shirts asking if I was interested in doing some work with them.... I'm so stoked. I love the idea behind what they do. God, the magic of twitter sometimes...
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