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Everything posted by josie

  1. God, are you me? You sound like me. I never throw up, either, no matter how bad it gets. Severe nausea, all the other stomach fun, but never can just hurl and get rid of it. I can't even do the finger trick since throat surgery severed all my gag reflex nerves. (hold your jokes, boys) That being said, if grease is triggering it, gall bladder is still a good bet. Attacks and stones are acute, sure, but if stuff is going poorly, you're going to feel it. My mother's triggers were always pie crust and deep fried anything. I'm sorry you feel so bad. It's all consuming and frustrating. Rambling happens. Keep a diary of what you eat every day and your body's reactions to it, good and bad. The doc will probably ask you to do it anyways, get the jump on it now. It's the best evidence you can gather on your own. Good luck!
  2. Everyone in my family has. Only a matter of time before I do. No fun- hope you're ok! Here's a gallbladder funny in case you need cheering up
  3. Oh god, that sucks so hard. UC is no joke. I hope you get a treatment plan that helps!!! And you feel better from that b.s.!
  4. Had that happen once. Pulled over. Gave me a citation for my campus parking tag hanging from my mirror. Was very strange. Yeeeesh. I've caught myself on our rescue's electric fence a few times... It's an unpleasant jolt you feel in your chest the most. You'd have to be very... distracted... to deal with that. Unless it was turned off, of course. Hope he's ok. Drugs, mental illness, CTE, who knows. 4/20 is a bad day for Buffalo sports apparently :(
  5. :lol: And here I thought we were pushing the envelope for potentially considering a song by an artist named Seasick Steve (soo romantic) but now I think we have to go Snoop
  6. Former roomie was a food photog. They literally shellac the meat with glazes/paint.. airbrush the buns and red tomatoes, etc etc and then make it even prettier in post production. I'd walk in and find her using hair conditioner or elmer's glue as "milk" in a cereal shoot and all kinds of other crazy things... And most photographed ice cream (not a brand's, like Friendly's for example, they legally HAVE to use their product, so they use crazy deep freeze techniques) is just lard, confectioner's sugar and food coloring. Fascinating stuff! I'll look into it! Been trying to meditate/use other "calm the f*** down, b!tch" routines. I know my brain triggers these episodes, I just haven't had one last this long since early college. What can I say, I am this meme: Thanks, guys. I'm just realllllly sick of it. It's super frustrating/depressing. Not something you can really just talk about, either. - Oh hello, how are you? Oh, lovely thanks, and you? Oh, you know, I've got the intestinal fortitude of a week old rotting corpse! Ah... nice... running into you... goodbye.... forever.... gross.
  7. I've been eating probiotics and drinking kefir religiously. It worked very well for about two months, and now I'm the worst I've been in years. It's heart breaking. I finally thought I had it figured out. But I think stress/anxiety causes flare ups, and I'm buried in both right now. Probably need a psych before I get a GI doc. But again, money. I don't have it thanks to my inability to be good enough to get a goddamn job. Dealt with it on and off my whole life, but this is probably the worst it's been in a decade or so. My solution currently is just not eating much of anything. Can't get sick if there's nothing in there. Fun.
  8. Yeah, you'll go blind. God is watching. My complaint is that I've had what acts like acute stomach flu after every single meal for about 2 weeks now. It's painful and disgusting and frustrating. It's not catchy, it's just me. Buuuuut since my bloody expensive health insurance rolled over April 1, thus nullifying the deductible my fun little kidney stone ER visit had paid out in February, I don't want to spend the money I don't have to go through a billion GI specialists' tests (which are horrible and embarrassing and painful) just for them to tell me there's nothing I can do but deal with it. Well, it's great for weight loss at least.
  9. Wow. Dunno about the GMTM firing. He must've really refused to say goodbye to Bylsma. Guess we'll see how this pans out.
  10. There's a great doc on Netflix about National Lampoon- Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of National Lampoon. Well, it reminded me of the fun days of college when my friends and I ran the campus magazine. Before it fell apart for reasons I won't get into here. I mumbled something about it to said friends, and now we *just might* do our own magazine again. We're all older, more experienced, more polished, but just as snarky/dimwitted as ever. Could be fun!
  11. Yeahh... I think I'll dig it. I mean, the actual event was horribly long, drawn out, and serious. It'll be interesting to see how they keep suspense up. Moments like the men attempting to board rickety old boats on improvised piers while being bombed/strafed by the Luftwaffe will be really high adrenaline. Probably like the opening scenes to that terrible movie Enemy At The Gates (the beginning was really gut punching. The rest? So. Bad. Ron Perlman should NEVER be allowed to try to be Russian ever again.) But the days and days of waiting around? They'll have to dig deep into a soldier/soldiers' personal story/ies to keep it rolling. Which could be really good or reallllllly bad. I like war movies. It'll probably be fine.
  12. Absolutely love it. Painful to watch sometimes (the Penny story arc and Sarah Lynn's as well). But loads of visual puns. Been a fan of Lisa Hanawalt's bizarre animal art for years, long before the show. Has one of my favorite show quotes ever- Wanda (the owl): "You know, it's funny. When you look at someone through rose colored glasses, all of the red flags just look like flags". And the underwater episode is awesome. Classic gag done really damn well in my opinion. I didn't see Jaws until last year :( .... and then it was on constantly. I remember Brick being really good. I should rewatch that. I didn't like Looper that much. We saw it in theater. It was enjoyable, just... one of those where I remember walking out of the theater and tearing its logic apart. Couldn't remember details anymore, but... meh. I want to see Dunkirk. I hope they do it well. That "battle" (really more of a siege) could be so good for absolutely tearing at heartstrings/defining courage... or they could make it just boring with michael bay boom boom explosion violence and screw it up royally.
  13. I had half my class not show up the first day of spring semester one year. There had been an ill timed snowstorm on the east coast and many of them were dealing with crazy delays and flight cancellations. The amount of panicked emails I received was pretty astounding. Totally acceptable. What I didn't expect was the students who DID show up to troll the missing ones (they all knew each other by this point in the year/program) by telling them I was already docking their grades and generally being a horrible professor. If a once in a lifetime kind of sports thing or world event happened, I'd be lenient to a point. Lot of my friends missed a week of classes when RIT went to the Frozen Four. Profs were cool with it. But if I had a less than stellar student with poor attendance/mediocre effort and they suddenly claiming to be a die-hard fan in a sports situation... sit your ass down. 911 type thing or OJ verdict... just get me your work via email. I get it.
  14. Best of luck, man!!!! OU is a good place. Athens is small, just watch out for their infamous halloween parties...
  15. Not to give away too much, but a dash o that and a beloved former President. Ugh it's KILLING ME I am SO bad at keeping secrets haha time to close this browser tab...
  16. All the resident Buffalo Star Wars Sabrespace nerf herders should go to a showing together.
  17. Niiiice. This design I'm working on for 26 Shirts is coming together SO WELL and I love it... unfortunately I don't think they'll release it until October. But man, I'm stoked for it when it happens. And crazy client likes what I'm doing for them so far. And I have loose plans to grab coffee with a former RIT kid who now works in sports/design in Buffalo once I move in next month. I guess for a jobless ne'er do well artist, it's a pretty Good Friday.
  18. I'd like to stay as lean/feminine as I can, despite my body's natural predisposition to be a tank. There is a bench I can use. I'll look into it. I'm going to be that person laying on their stomach flapping dumbbells around haha
  19. Push-ups are great. I do lots of those (I don't even have to cheat anymore!!!) and hold planks for long periods of time. Planks are like the #1 aerial ground exercise, next to chinups/L-sits. I do dips a lot too- the bathtub is the perfect height haha Body weight exercises are awesome. I just wondered if I could go beyond those and not kill myself.
  20. So I could use some advice if anyone's got it. I'm going to be performing again in June, a doubles trapeze routine. When you think of trapeze, you think of a big dude throwing a little woman around, yeah? Well, I'm the big dude in this scenario. And hoisting someone around for 4 minutes straight is reallllly exhausting. I'm pretty strong, but I'd like to get a little stronger in the lifting sense. I don't have access to a full gym, just one that has some machines and dumbbells. Are there any good exercises for beefing up pecs/lifting? Gotta get my core fired up too to protect my back. Maybe I should get more cardio in too? I dunno. Men have a big advantage in this world, but I figure you guys still work those areas. I guess I need to simulate lifting and holding a person (about 115 lbs). I've always worked "girl" areas, like thighs, butt, abs. Never thought much about arms until now.
  21. Was I the only kid/millennial who felt extreme shame when given one of those? Everyone I knew who got a participation trophy/ribbon would hide/throw it away because it was concrete evidence you DIDN'T win. Like this awful, pitying reminder that you sucked/failed. No one ever congratulated you for getting the equivalent of this: Never gave anyone I knew this inflated sense of self worth. Always felt like a strawman for a generational "darn kids these days". Sorry, 2 cents derailment there, continue on haha
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