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Everything posted by josie

  1. Thanks for the input! One of my former students got a used surface book and likes it a lot. He let me try it out- it's got some lag and memory issues that I'd have to settle for. I'd love to find a used one somewhere. It's tough- all the other digital art people have the same idea haha At this point I might just pony up the bucks for a newer pro and hope it lasts a few years/take the tax cut. My laptop stopped being usable for art some time ago, and it kills my productivity if I'm traveling.
  2. :doh: Oh, you.
  3. Oof. You can always reduce, blowing it up will just give you a fuzzy/pixelly mess unless it was decent res to start with. As the others above say, ask the pornographer to make it at 250-300 DPI, they probably made it at 72 which is fine for web titty viewing, but you can't get any good detail. The other option is to pop it into photoshop, go to Image> image size > resolution and pop in your number. It'll embiggen, but it might not be pretty. I've had ok luck making a document the size I want (say, 8x10 300 dpi) and bringing in the PDF, then making it a smart object and free transforming it to the doc boundaries. :/
  4. I have heard wonderful things about it and advise students to get one IF they can afford it. They're close to the Cintiq without the price tag. But they start at $750. If you search and sell your soul you can find a SP4 for like... $400. They are incredible, though. I'd love a Cintiq. But I don't have 3k. I keep telling myself "oh, some day" but here I am, realizing I'll never have the funds for something amazing like that since I can't even land a f**ing job in Buffalo. Oh well. I'm in a bad mood. Sorry. It's only my damn career.
  5. Feckin' Wacom tablet (my drawing tablet) is trying to die. We tried to fix the potentially obvious problems, no dice. The damn things only last a couple years now IF you're super careful with them... compared to my first one of the old design lasting 10. They monopolize the industry, and it'll cost about 350-400 to replace. I don't have that money. I know it's a tax writeoff like next year but god dammit, I hate this planned obsolescence BS. AND I hate Apple. Half of my 3 year old iMac's USB ports won't work anymore. Yeah yeah I know "DURR JO JUST GET A PC YOU DUMB IDIOT". And I probably will next time, because PCs are JUST NOW starting to reach Mac qualities of rendering. Again, I don't have $2+k to toss into a computer hole right now. I'm using my little tiny travel backup tablet, but my art really suffers on it. And I have billions of deadlines right now. Including some really important stuff I don't want to screw up. PiTA.
  6. Same. Now I'm imagining his avatar/namesake in a frilly pink dress.
  7. They can also swim, jump, dig, and generally be adorable. I have one tattooed on me. I love the silly little things. non armadillo related... Getting really strong now. Our 4 minute long trapeze routine is incredibly demanding, but I think we can pull through! I just have to be able to get the one main move- she does a handstand on my legs (I hold her entire body up- basically balanced on my lower legs. Holy leg workout), comes down legs on my shoulders, then pushes off headfirst, holding onto my calves. She swings backwards and I then have to swing/pump her back up so she ends on my lap. We've done it like... once. It's incredibly exhausting. And that's after the hand to hand releases and other poses and before the move where she's got her thighs wrapped around one ankle and her neck on the other and I flip her all the way upside down above me against eh ropes and back. Controlled. And it ends in a neck hang like this, which is the easiest part of the whole routine. Never mind my foot that doesn't point, still.... I use a resistance band on it constantly but that surgery really effed up my flexibility. So frustrating!!!!
  8. Regardless of intent, that looked pretty nasty. Not a Crosby fan but I hope he's alright.
  9. Probably just a nasty bone bruise. I took a slapshot to the ankle once and it was a lot like you described. I went to Urgent Care anyways just incase of a hairline fracture. No breaks, but good to know it just needed some time and tlc. They gave me crutches, too.. didn't really use 'em. So yeah, snap a couple xrays at your local UC if you can for peace of mind.
  10. I'm with you there. I was ok with Dirty Jobs back in like... the mid 2000s... but meh. Nah, he flies economy whenever possible. Depends on the company he's with at the time. I'd say the majority of his flights are economy, which sucks for long hauls to Japan or Australia. The last few years he's flown a bit less than he used to (man's 70 years old, that much traveling really takes a toll, and those platinum mega super statuses don't stick) and he gets bumped from time to time. :lol: Yeah, cuz Rowe's celeb status surely doesn't influence his treatment upon traveling at all.
  11. BRB, teaching my future daughter Neveah Indigo Powell to slip into something more comfortable to keep the men on the business flights happy... Just reminds me of my friend who's a constant flyer (one of his greatest joys in life is just flying around the country/world building up miles... yeah, he's an odd duck) who whenever single or in a polyamory situation, manages to get frisky frequently (frequent frisky miles?) with various flight attendants. Had to stop taking flights with Atlanta based crew for awhile. They all knew him...
  12. Ah, well, my dad flies constantly all around the world for his job and has for the past 30 years, he totally disagrees with you. Not really a great basis for argument. This is more philosophy than practice, I think. Also damn, that was hard to read with the constantly changing picture background... get someone to redesign your webpage, Rowe!
  13. I read it more as "GAH!!!! SABRES FAN!!!" run awayyy
  14. Drove barefoot yesterday. I don't really like flipflops, I hate driving in flipflops, but sometimes they're the easiest solution. I guess one thing I miss about having a steady income was things like long country drives and the gas spent to enjoy them never phased me. Now I shut it down :(
  15. But... you can get a hole in one...
  16. My Impreza is a stick shift. It gets the job done. Well, he used to go by the Roadmaster after his LeSabre just couldn't cut it.
  17. For the first time I have so much freelance to do that I have to shut down commissions for a bit. Doesn't mean I'm making a ton of money, it's just good to know that the demand is there.
  18. Forgot that running in the heat when you 1) Haven't really run in 2 years and 2) Haven't been in heat above 60 since last year is a baaad idea. Nothing like ice packs and wishing you'd die to make the nausea go away. But hey, my ankle didn't hurt for the first time ever, so... win!
  19. I first thought dislocated hip. When I saw he couldn't sit up, I figured he'd spiraled or snapped his femur. God that sucks. Speed of the game...
  20. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and here I've heard many people in the hockey world cite the Buffalo logo as one of the best, and the original uniforms often top 5. Crazy!
  21. Bloody disgrace. I hate to see anyone lose a job that way. Buuuut maybe some of them'll band together and we'll get something awesome. Lord knows ESPN didn't give a crap about hockey. I mean, come on, middle of the playoffs, draft coming, new franchise opening up, and they gut the department? Screw 'em. Here's hoping it's a positive change in disguise.
  22. One of my favorite ...things.... about The Thing is when a new group of people (scientists, cooks, etc) come down to Antarctica, the night the plane/boat/transport to the outside world leaves, they make everyone watch it with the lights out. Bonding experience.
  23. If you haven't, holy crap, watch the making of The Abyss. I've never actually seen the damn movie, but I loooove the behind the scenes. The making of my fav scifi horror flicks, The Thing and Alien, are also pretty amazing.
  24. Someone has a wet dream and wayyyyyy too much money. Cirque du Soleil is doing a show in its theme. They're making a Pandora world at Universal or something like that. What a forgettable movie. Gorgeous at the time.. but... wholly undeserving of this. Maybe it'll get better. Heh. So many other amazing imaginary worlds that would benefit from big bucks and... that's the one we get.
  25. Today marks 6 years for d4rk and I. And in less than 3 weeks we get to live together again. Woo!!!
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