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Everything posted by josie

  1. My favorite Who album is actually Live at Leeds. Them giggling through a rendition of A Quick One While He's Away is just so so good. Who's Next is great (even if many of those songs have been overplayed to where I have had to avoid them for awhile), Tommy's great, Quadrophenia wasn't my absolute fav but I still enjoy it. The Who and The Doors were my favorite bands for yeeaaarrrsss.
  2. I grew up listening to/watching Tommy. I love it. I know it's a little hokey in some spots, but I love it so much. Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, the Who at some of their best... A favorite. You're goddamned right it is. I chase Massive Attack with some Portishead or Squarepusher. Mmmhm.
  3. Y'all suck :(
  4. Had my last class at the Rochester studio tonight. Decided to celebrate by picking up a couple of chicks.
  5. It's more the daddy implication of that sentence... nope nope nope. Never actually been a big fan of superhero stuff. A lot of my friends are cosplayers/super into that world. They do some really cool stuff. I'm here for Tank Girl and Wonder Woman though.
  6. I... that's... Wellp, I'm celibate now.
  7. Aw man! That kinda sucks :( Dang whippersnappers.
  8. oh they are, especially if you run into others before a show in the city. It's like a tribe mentality where everyone just buys each other drinks and shares common ground. What do you mean about the disadvantages? I usually hang out towards the back with the older dudes now- no need to get killed in a mosh pit crush anymore. Keeps my beer from spilling, too. Less of a good view of concert boobs, though.
  9. Knew so many DMB fans growing up. I can't help but judge people who claim to be diehards. It's not usually a good look. Then again, I also really dislike DMB so... I became a total metalhead in college. Slayer, Nile, Dimmu Borgir, Gorgoroth, all the genres. Loved industrial, too. Bunch of angry people in leather clanging chains and metal around? Gimme. But there was SO much gatekeeping. Person (ok, a guy) would come over, see me listening to something, and start quizzing me on metal bands to make sure I was "really a fan" and not just a poser. Wasn't allowed to like a black metal band AND a thrash metal band, obviously the only real metal was doom metal etc etc etc etc Holy crap it got so frustrating. Metalheads are in one the most accepting fanbase and the most awful. Being a chick in that world was migraine inducing. Then, I know it sounds silly, but I got happier, and now I really don't listen to it much, especially the really guttural stuff. Would still go to a show though. Goofy people, man.
  10. A zookeeper I know calls them furry little chainsaws. J-Bot must be the more successful cousin of J Roc
  11. I'll be coming back to the salon I go to in Rochester. My girl there is the first one in my entire life that can cut my annoying semi curly half wavy thick frizzy lion's mane without turning me into Baby from Dirty Dancing. God I have so many embarrassing pictures of blunder years me with a triangular afro from hell :(
  12. I've got a gig that's pretty cool right now. It's through a non-profit government entity. I really am enjoying the work topic, and the work itself. However, due to the fact that it's a pretty serious set of articles, extreme accuracy is necessary in the accompanying illustrations. Cool. No prob. Feedback has had to go up at least 3 levels and back down again. Ok, can handle, have done before. The illustrations for the first part of a five part series have taken a few weeks to clear this feedback chain, with multiple changes and some infighting among the reporters over my work- I am working on the finals, now. Email today. "yeah, we need all the work for the other four parts by mid next week, AND all the game design" as they're putting a little game with it to help explain one of the aspects of the piece. Holy. Crap. Guys. How. I warned them upon first contact that I would be at half availability at best next week due to moving. Aaaaand they simply are like... well, too bad, we need all that work. Someone get me some extra arms, uppers, and a prayer, please. I sure hope they pay me the amount of work I've put in at this point. It's getting up there. He snores, chokes, gasps, chomps his teeth, and jumps. I kick at him all night to roll him over so he'll actually sleep. I don't sleep through it unless I drug myself. My dad has sleep apnea- always snored, did all the above. Hotel rooms always meant no sleep- his snoring was genuinely terrifying. He has all the crazy looking machines- they do seem to help, but man, do they suck to use/work with.
  13. First one is still slated for October. New one should be end of summer.
  14. Got another gig from 26shirts... y'all better buy my designs when they come out (it's how I get paid) :P Seriously so pumped to do work for these guys. They're so easy going.
  15. All that matters is you have fun! Some of my pro artist pals go to those as a way to relax and paint without worrying about it and be silly. You kinda lose the fun in art if you do it 24/7. I'm glad those places can be an outlet.
  16. I know it makes me a horrible person but I SO badly want to go to one of those. But they do make you paint with their brushes and tempera paint which... is hard to make look good. Sneak in my own acrylics and just be a total dick. That or start my own. Instead of wine (good lord I am SO sick of wine culture. wine wine whine wine oh my god becky/ashleigh/courtney/something-y, like, wine is my whole personality teehee), beer and shots of whiskey, topics are sh!t like four horsemen of the apocalypse, Frank Frazetta style fantasy, wizard van style stuff, paint a sports figure, or hell, keep it educational and actually teach how to paint various things. Ok, I went off topic and sound like a pretentious tw@t now. I'm in. Mural painting is tough, though. Gets warped and goofy reaaallll easy. I used to have a few pops and randomly paint the walls and floor of our old studio. Usually came out pretty well. Admittedly, wasn't particularly respectable stuff- grumpy cowboys and AK-47s and greaser punks...
  17. :P And We've making catcalls has me imagining d4rk in daisy dukes and a cropped gingham front tie shirt as he paints, a la pinup girl. Saturdays are for the boys, I guess....
  18. That's really cool! I just applied for a part time gig cleaning out fancy shmancy stables in Clarence. Basically what I do as a volunteer for free every weekend. It's kind of exactly what I want- physical work where I learn something in a world I enjoy, but still have enough time to work on my freelance/hunt down a full time gig. I've been offered some leads for an office worker type job, but if I'm going to only do part time and have a choice between barns and sitting in a cubicle, I think I'll be outside getting muddy.
  19. Ok. Because it totally went over my head too haha
  20. You tried. Such a majestic instrument.
  21. We were mostly staring at the weeble wobble nightmare on the conductor's stand in disbelief and missing cues... He wouldn't cue. He just kinda swayed around and made faces while we tried to figure out what was happening. Remember, we'd never seen the piece before that session. Sometimes I miss playing. Then I remember I'd be even more financially screwed than I am now as an artist... Yuuup. One piece I remember my tuba playing friend had something like 143 measures of rest and a coda. In rehearsal he'd bring in a gameboy to pass the time.
  22. I'll also add that you'll notice a huge difference if the conductor sucks. Brace yourselves, I was a major band nerd/music kid. As part of a competition, we had to sight read a piece we'd never seen before and a judge would lead us through, rather than our usual band instructor. This guy was one of those people you run into in the music world who have their own never-ending supply of conductor sticks up their ass, and clearly believed he belonged in a much more important place than judging a competition for high schoolers. My goodness, he was a stereotype. We ran through it once and then they have appx 20 minutes to suss out the major failures/get it into shape for the second run through, and then a final with your own conductor. He spent those 20 minutes telling us about himself and how great he was. Yes, he cracked the "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" joke. It sucked so bad on that second run through. He was inconsistent, no sense of timing, making the most rage inducing stupid faces with his eyes closed like he was in the vinegar strokes and wobbling his body around "feeling the music" like a wacky waving inflatable tube man outside a car dealership... and if someone missed a cue, he'd wrinkle up his nose like someone had shoved a bin of rancid cat poo onto the lectern. Afterwards told us how disappointed he was. We'd just played Boston Symphony Hall. We were on a high. Like, f off, dude. Third run through with our own instructor was magical, dbag judge's comments apparently didn't hurt us, and we won first in the nation. Who knows, maybe HE was the real test. The music world is weird. The conductor is a conduit. They signal the brass to come to a crescendo, the soloist to begin the aria, the woodwinds to hold that fermata a tic or two longer than the music says you should. They keep the ensemble breathing and together. And the audience can visually see the music through a good one! Or just laugh their off at a terrible one. Wellp, that was a book. Sorry.
  23. I made a birthday cake for a former boyfriend once and did something like this. I'd made the cake several times, but in a moment of unobservant stupidity, I mistook baking soda for baking powder. The result was a beautifully decorated cake that tasted like salt. His roommate played Taps on a kazoo as we tipped it into the garbage bin.
  24. I would find subtle ways to torture him. Like replacing his sugar with salt, or messing with alarms, or setting his room on fire after locking his door... I'll be a terrible mom someday. "Oh, you have one of the 800 flubugs/colds/general illnesses going around the cesspool of germs we call a school? Cool, have daddy clean up your bodily fluid explosions, I'll be living in the shed out back until you're better." It's one of the completely irrational reasons I'm terrified to ever have children. Yep.
  25. Same. I'd rather camp in a tent than be near someone virally sick, especially if it's stomach related. I live in borderline paranoia over norovirus and food poisoning or anything that can bring on the barfs. Speaking of sick, not to revive the thread-that-shall-not-be-named, but today the future for myself and many of my friends and family just got a lot darker. I'm kind of a mess about it. The electronics stuff from earlier is small potatoes, thanks universe for reminding me. Hoping things work out. Sorry for mentioning it. Please don't rip my head off.
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