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Everything posted by josie

  1. Our apartment is fine, but it is small. Just sitting here, working, being bathed in the sour rancid stench of a recently used litter box... it is inescapable
  2. Finally watched *Oscar Winner* Suicide Squad last night. Fixed that for you. :sick:
  3. I had one. I daresay I actually looked cute in it (I was younger and more attractive in college). Wore it maybe twice. See, rompers make more sense for dudes, since if you have to take a leak, you have a handy dandy nozzle you can sneak out through the fly (if there is one). No, as a lady, we have to take the whole damn mess off and balance it around our ankles so it doesn't touch a p!ss flooded portajohn floor. Not worth it. As someone who still wears full carhartt coveralls a lot... meh. Page me when men's shorts get a bit shorter (but not like 1970s hot shorts porn star short) again, then I'll be interested.
  4. So sad. Read somewhere that he had gone back onstage after the concert and just played on his own awhile. Someone put a security detail on Eddie Vedder, stat. Keep an eye on Grohl, too.
  5. A friend and I did some exploring today to offset the boredom of driving on the 90, unpacking, driving back on the 90 again. Japanese gardens behind the Buffalo historical museum after a good wander around the zoo. Finished up at a cafe on Elmwood, drove back to Rochester following a big ol' rainbow.
  6. Guess I'll add. In addition to new apartment woes (they have to rewire/partially demo/rebuild the apartment in a month or so, and I NEED internet to do my job), I got bad family news yesterday. Uncle possibly has prostate cancer. Going through biopsies now. My father is believed to have suffered a stroke fairly recently, and he's showing signs of Alzheimers. He's also having some sort of chronic respiratory/congestive heart issue that no doctor can figure out. He's only 70. Times like this I wish I was closer to home.
  7. I totally get the "I'm trapped but I'm making money so I should be grateful" feeling. Not with millions of dollars, or with the entire subculture of my profession laughing at me, but... This just smacks of immaturity to me. And I don't dig the art. Basquiat you're not. Personal preference. Doing the painting is one thing. Cool. Purge your feelings. I fully support that. I don't know his struggles. Lord knows I've painted about way more childish things. Selling said painting, or a series of paintings in that vein, sure. But making it into "mass" (i know it's small batch) produced apparel for others to wear? Don't cut yourself on all that edge, Ville. It's angsty stuff like this that gives artists a bad name. But, who am I to say. The second something is called art, it's subjective, and this isn't a class nor am I his professor.
  8. It's basically the off season and people aren't slicing each other apart (unless you count the Beatles boy band kerfuffles). I'm good with it. Nothing wrong with music.
  9. Lol Man, I used to LOVE Sons of Anarchy. And then it just jumped sharks for me when he went to Ireland and I lost all interest. And then they killed Opie. It went from kind of bada$$ entertainment to just another soapy drama relationship dressed up with leather and chrome with Ron Perlman. Nope. Next. However, I'll never not get a kick out of watching Goon and seeing Tig yell at hockey players.
  10. Oh man. Only 5? 1. Rammstein: Reise Reise 2. Black Keys: Rubber Factory 3. Queen: Greatest Hits 4. The Clash: Combat Rock (I couldn't live without Sean Flynn and Straight to Hell) 5. Gogol Bordello: Gypsy Punks
  11. So much love for Auerbach and the Black Keys. Couple of my college friends knew them from Akron. Carney's the most sardonic dude. I love the Black Keys. I know a lot of their work is covers, but Rubber Factory was one of the first albums i was able to blast in my car, and will always be my favorite. Saw them live in Toronto- damn good stuff. Speaking of locals from my home area, The White Stripes were a good time. I'll always sing Hotel Yorba if I'm flying into/driving through Detroit. All they got inside is vacancyyy....
  12. Aw, I hate when that happens. He's certainly an acquired taste- I go in and out of really loving him. I know a few people who are just so snobby about their Waits love that it grosses me out. I have my fair share of great bands I can't listen to anymore for that reason though, including some of my former favorites mentioned above. I need to work on that.
  13. Mm Talking Heads. Good stuff. Another I've been listening to a lot lately, good ol Tom Waits.
  14. I stumbled onto it from an article about Mama June of that Honey BooBoo stuff, if you can believe it. The original article was a look into the two roles of women in media, the classical and the grotesque. It then went on to discuss Anna Nicole Smith and ref'd this, from 1994: http://nymag.com/news/features/46608/ What's old is new is old is new. If you're a woman, you gotta be a saint on the streets but a wh0re in the sheets. Mothers, sluts, virgins, b!tches. I could write an essay on it, but a lot of essays have already been written. But now I'm off topic. This is a thread about music, not Jo's angry feminist rant time. It's so hard to listen to sometimes. Lazarus. "Look up here, I'm in heaven..." God. Damn. Man. At the horse rescue, we've got a mule named Jolene, a recently foaled mare named Dolly, and they're trying to name her baby Merle.
  15. I hear you. Boy, it was something- the summer before I went to college, I was dating a farmboy, and we went to the county fair. They had Tracy Lawrence (oh that wasn't a good performance) and Josh Turner (who I like- his voice is delicious). All the popular chicks, who up to that point had been vocal about how terrible country is, were there in their "county girl uniforms". Daisy dukes, skimpy white tank tops, sh!tty hat, you know the look, you probably have pictures of it saved somewhere. KISS ME JOSH painted out on their underage bosoms. SoOooOoo country! Pounding bud light and shootin' guns! 'Merica! Some of them even had empty dip cans in their back pockets to entice the local gents. Slummin' it! Trying it on. Went to the wedding of one a year or so ago, and the music was this whiplashing mix of hip hop, classic wedding songs, and that modern country music, where all these super wealthy (this was 30k+ wedding) kids were suddenly producing camo/confederate flags and stuff... it was kinda surreal. Dancing and crying to songs about that worn old home and dirt roads and no money... Pharmacist marrying an architect with a trust fund. Struggle is real. I hate wealthy suburbanite Ohio.
  16. How the hell is that guilty? That's the classiest guilty pleasure of all time. Sometimes I kinda dig Caravan Palace, a current french electro swing band. I feel kinda guilty about that one.. They have some awesome music videos. A good vid can really hook me on a band sometimes...
  17. He's ok. I don't mind him, haven't really given him a chance since I don't flip onto the country channel much anymore :/ Love some blues. Those old records where you can hear the creaking of the chair... gold. And as far as ollllld old country, probably mentioned it on here before, but I'm a somewhat distant descendant of Jimmie Rodgers. Yep, the Singin' Brakeman, known for yodeling. That new stuff though... vom. Bo Burnham gets it.
  18. Wow, that sucks on both counts. I have nothing negative to say about Queen, and I never will. That was an incredible band. (I know they're still together but true Queen to me has Freddie). Queen Greatest Hits was my family's summer roadtrip album. I grew up on that, singing along to songs I barely understood the meaning of. Well, that and classic and 90s country music. Dare I mention the C word in here? I'm not talking about the twangy blue jeans macho b.s. you hear on the radio today, I mean the wholly depressing life stories of people who live in the country. Reba McEntire singing about being sold away from her depression era mama to make ends meet as a prostitute, or getting AIDs from a one night stand. Patsy Cline. Merle Haggard. Dolly Parton. George Strait. Ok, I'll shut up now.
  19. God, I was so in love with Keith Moon. What a character. Effing sad way to go, man. So much talent. Neither here nor there, but I bust out laughing every time I hear that car commercial (is it GM?) playing Eminence Front. Literally, singing about putting on a glitzy shell to be looked up to, corrupt, after doing too much coke.... oh god, the irony. And how has no one mentioned Bowie yet. I discovered him late. Embarrassingly late. How does anyone feel about his final album? Gives me chills. I listened to it on repeat for hours one night as I painted a portrait of him. What a loss.
  20. Yeah, it's ok. I actually realllllly dislike some of their stuff (not a fan of Light My Fire. Really. Meh). Nowadays I have to be in the right mood/place to really enjoy them. Buut in high school I was so madly in love with Jim Morrison and his moody broody poetry (some of it is actually pretty good, I swear, dude was smart but effing nuts). I also loved Ray Manzarek and John Densmore. I mean, all the other girls my age were after the emo bands, I wanted a time machine to f*ck Morrison. And Hendrix. And George Harrison. Mm. They were some fiiiine men.
  21. No shade to the band, but I can never see Skillet mentioned and not think of this dude and his chest piece
  22. :flirt: It's not too bad on my shoulders. It's my lower back that gets it. As a girl doing this stuff, it's drilled into your head to arch your back to get a prettier, thinner, more graceful line. And I have learned the hard way that in basing you absolutely should NOT do that. One of the instructors fiiinally gave me some tips for actually basing (usually only men do it). You have to tuck your tailbone in what we call "hollow body" where you engage all of your stomach and back muscles up to the shoulders. It's how handstands are supposed to work. Silks uses it in the higher levels, too. Silks hurt my lower back- too much arching, not enough containment. Well, it's weird/hard to learn- muscles I don't usually use. But it's already saving my back a little, making holding 250 pounds like that not too bad. Does kill the skinny, ribs out, sought after look though. Oh well. Vanity or a working back at 50.
  23. That's awesome, dude! has a dreamy telepopmusik or the orb feel. I dig. And Metric is fun, too.
  24. :w00t: Nicely done. And I am jealous of your White Zombie experience. Every time I get a chance to see Rob Zombie or Slayer or something, murphy's law kicks in. I had tickets with my then bf to see Slayer and Megadeth. We were so stoked. And then Araya slipped a disc in his neck from headbanging too hard and they rescheduled/cancelled. Boo. d4rk and I had tickets to see Rob Zombie. And then our very good friend planned his wedding on that exact day. There was no way to make both, and it ended up being tied for best wedding I've been to (sabill's was the other #1). ONE OF THESE DAYS DAMMIT
  25. d'aww :blush: That's high praise for a milquetoast like me ... and now I'll undo it... I listen to just about everything now. Before i got into classic rock and eventually metal, Coldplay was a love of mine (middle school). First concert I ever saw. I still listen to Rush of Blood to The Head or X&Y for nostalgia's sake. I don't get the virulent hatred people have for Coldplay. Sure, Chris Martin married a weirdo animated piece of beige who steams her vagoo and whatnot, but they've always been what they are. There's a few guilty pleasure playlists on my spotify. They include such embarrassments like Carly Rae Jepsen because good lord, sometimes you just need to OD on sugar. Lady Gaga brings back some good party memories. Sue me. I ain't too proud to admit it.
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