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Everything posted by josie

  1. I always have to look up who she is because I can never remember. Then I look at her imdb page, realize she's been in nothing I want to see, and then remember she's the one that played a supposedly hawaiian/japanese woman in that Aloha movie. She was good in Zombieland, but I never can place her because she's dark haired in that one. To be fair, I can't remember who 90% of the hollywood starlets are right now.
  2. I'd watch.
  3. I give you Jason Momoa. Good ol' Khal Drogo, Aquaman, not maybe that great of an actor, but in my opinion, is manly and can pull off a man bun. It's also because he fits my previous description of an outdoorsy rock climber. Dude shreds some serious rockwalls with his pal Chris Sharma. Following their Instagrams is inspiring.
  4. Oh man. You should smell our front closet in our tiny apartment. It is d4rk's goalie equipment den. Oh. God. I'm used to hockey stank. This is.... concentrated pungent. There's just nowhere else to put gear in our postage stamp of an apt...
  5. Woman here. The only time I accept a man bun is if you're some rugged rock climber/outdoorsman and your hair has grown long because you're focusing on topping El Cap and you sometimes need your locks out of your face. Sign me up. The trendy "half my head is shaved but check it- i've got an itty bitty little baby bun thing flopping around on my noggin" look- nope. Nope. No. I'd accept a ponytail in certain cases. Rare. Mullets? Nah. But I didn't grow up in an era where they were everywhere- I can't promise that my girlish whimsies wouldn't also have been serenaded by the pure raunch and machismo of a tight jeaned sex god with a front that means bidness and a back that says "They Call Me Iron Horse"
  6. Been working on the new studio. Turns out I'm teaching a 30 min. workshop in addition to performing at our grand opening next Saturday. Hoo boy. Screwed up my tailbone and ankle with a misadventure in trying to skate again, but didn't stop me from learning chains last week. Did pretty well for not having done anything besides chinups and planks since late May!
  7. I'm looking forward to it. I have always loved war epics and the story of Dunkirk is a tense one. I've read about it a fair amount... hours and hours of fear and boredom punctuated by absolute horror and hell. As long as it's not the Dunkirk version of Enemy at the Gates we're good. D4rk and I spent a whole day early in our relationship watching Das Boot so... hours of no dialogue and nerves are good in my book. Just watched a little interview with a 97 year old Canadian vet of the conflict- he seemed to think it did a good job getting the feeling of the battle/siege across.
  8. So busy. I guess that's good. I'm having trouble getting things done before more "rush" jobs appear. It's stressful, but I guess it means I'm succeeding? I'm raising my rates, maybe that'll help. It's been a real lean summer financially and I'm hoping I get some time to do some personal work... probably not. Driving to Roc tonight to learn aerial chains. It's going to hurt like hell.
  9. Up! Aerial Fitness. It's on W Delavan in the old school there. Classes start up first week of August, sessions the second week. If they've never taken any aerial before, I'm the class for them! They'll learn a bit of hoop and trapeze in my class. If they're experienced, I'd recommend my friend Christina at Bird's Nest- she's into dance trapeze and very talented and sweet. We will also be having a workshop at my place that's 100% trapeze and all levels August 19.
  10. Absolutely. Fun fact- one of our friends from college designs all the art for Saranac right now. RIT Illustration majors at work haha
  11. +++ for chicks on the team. Man I miss playing.
  12. haha probably shouldn't. It's a d-man though.
  13. That is awesome. Speaking of NHL players, I'm working with a Sabre right now through 26 Shirts, and it's kind of a headrush to know there's an NHL player checking out your sh!t. And by headrush I mean, I kinda want to vomit every 10 minutes. Oh yeah, I have another shirt out with them right now, it's for Chicago though. So if you know anyone who likes Chicago baseball, check it out. I only get paid a buck for every shirt made, so help a starvin' artist out haha
  14. Officially an aerial instructor now. I'll be teaching an intro trapeze/hoop combo class when our studio opens here in Buffalo in August. Kinda terrified. Teaching something like a fitness class is worlds away from teaching a college class.
  15. We're both brunettes and visibly female, that's where the comparisons end. The lord sure didn't bless me with looks. :( Sorry, universe. I don't please thee. His hair looks like a loaf of bread got run over by a truck and then crammed onto his noggin. Nope. Nope nope. Nope.
  16. josie

    OT - RBF

    Fellow RBF here. I hate when people ask me "what's wrong?" when I'm just sitting there. Naturally droopy/serious face. Self fulfilling prophecy unless I'm actively focusing on cracking jokes or something. I actually used to chew gum a ton in college so I just looked more like a cow chewing cud than a miserable b!tch. Pretty sure it contributed to the end of my last job, too. "You never look like you're enthusiastic when you're working, you look tired". That or I wasn't getting drunk and sleeping with my bosses like I was supposed to. I just wasn't fun enough. I guess I don't know your situation, but people's perceptions can unfortunately really color your actual actions. First visual impressions will win over actually talking to someone, especially if they're in somewhat limited contact with you. It always surprises me when people tell me they were scared of me at first. "it's just your face, you just weren't that open or inviting" Don't know what to do about it, short of wishing for better genes to make me different looking.
  17. Oh, gents, all is not lost! Look what gems you can find today!!!
  18. Looks like our sister aerial studio here in Buffalo is FINAAALLLLYYY going to open in August. Signed up for classes tonight. The old school it's in on Delavan was supposed to be ready back in April. It's just now getting to where it should've been months ago. Been a huge stress factor on my friend who's opening it. But yeah, if you or someone you know wants to try silks or hoop or pole or just some really bada$$ workouts (we have cirque fit and aerial core- basically new and exciting ways to kill yourself and get ripped), check us out. If you like lifting people, we have acro fit, too. Classes for all ages. I'll be working kids' superhero parties again too! Man, I've missed it.
  19. Small world! Yeah, she lives in the Delaware area and works there in Marysville. I hear endless complaining about the white uniforms they have to wear haha I'll def let you know if I'm in the area! Thanks! Yeah- several docs have told us she was at a "critical" point had she waited any longer. Sorry to hear that- being the monkey in the middle sounds so frustrating :( <3 I wish mental health and counseling were less stigmatized. So many people could really benefit from a bit of support in that department. Be better for everyone in the end.
  20. Update on my sister: Surgery Monday went well. They discovered two more orange sized tumors in her when they went in... and her entire abdomen was full of blood. She was in pretty bad shape. But, her incision is holding together and they let her go home yesterday. She's having some problems, but overall it's positive. Complaint is just that this whole mess was allowed to get that bad... and that she has no choice but to go back to the idiot doctor who missed it all. Can't get in with another GP for months. Eyy EichSnipe- I may be down in Columbus to help her out- if so I'll give you and yours a shout! We'll grab a beer if there's time :)
  21. :thumbsup: :beer: Let us know, man!
  22. How's that for like 5 minutes Ok, I'm out
  23. Shore! Hang on Liger of the shadows. I'm working on it.
  24. Interrupting all the serious intelligent convo to share a quick sketch I did in the retro blues.
  25. hush, you Good. Something else I could add- I was in a verizon store in my hometown (NW Ohio) and was making small talk with the dude behind the desk while my parents figured out how to beep boop their new phones. Showed him one of my business cards. Red Wings fan, cool... mentioned I was from Buffalo... "Oh man, I love the Sabres. Two of my favorite NHL players ever were Sabres" me- "oh yeah? Who?" "Dom Hasek, of course, and Pat LalalalalaFontaine. I LOVED hearing Sabres v Wings games as a kid, your announcer was the best" me- "RJ! He's still going!" "That what I dig about you guys- you guys just keep going". It was awesome.
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