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Everything posted by josie
hahahah ok, if I had a nickel for every person my age sans kids who goes to DisneyEmporium, I'd have enough money to go to DisneyEmporium. I know people who go 5x a year... and they live up here. I went once when I was like 12... I'm good for another couple decades. I'm guessing Woody goes as an uncle or something. Edit: I like d4rk's assumption better
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
Fun fact- that was actually over 40 takes stitched together beautifully, and one of the only times a stuntwoman steps in for Charlize. Not like I noticed or cared. Oh man. Glued to the soundtrack today. And I for one am thrilled she was bi. This was Theron's pet project she'd been pushing for 5 years- you can thank Mad Max's success for it existing. More please. I loved the colors. I loved the artistic decisions. And this is also the first time I've ever felt vaguely attracted to James McAvoy. Still more attracted to Sofia Boutella, but... I love how they showed normal goody two shoes good guy McAvoy in his headshot and then cut to alkie druggie punker feral McAvoy. -
It's less about "no more fun, no more drinking" (though I do enjoy the lack of responsibility for a small and fragile human being) and more "well sh!t there goes my health" for me. Having kids destroyed all the women in my family. Not just cosmetically. We're talkin' severe post partum depression, uterine collapses.. my mother "died" after I was born and was gone for a minute and a half. She lost her "sharpness" and a lot of motor skills. I already have cysts and endometriosis. I'm just plain scared. I know a lot of ladies who have kids and do aerials with me, are super active, super healthy, super fit... I just think my genetics are against me on that front. And if the child is sick, like all of us have been (sister= cancer, me=massive heart problem, GI issues galore, everyone=depression, other worries= schizophrenia, down's syndrome etc)... it's going to be a struggle for the rest of our lives. I'm just not ready to take that sh!t on.
I've got nothing but respect for people who do what's best for them. My best friend got her tubes tied last year. She knew that she never wanted children and both her and her husband struggled too much with mental illness to feel they could raise a child. Having a family/some friends who support you is so incredibly important. For me it's harder that most of the people who want me to have kids ARE nice about it... it's this soft disappointment they express followed quickly by "but of course it's your choice" that just wrenches at my heart. I'll probably end up doing it, d4rk wants kids, it just won't be as soon as people seem to think it should be. I would prefer to have a home, a bit of money saved up, ideally marriage out of the way first. I dreamed I would travel/get another degree/do something with my life before I went down that road, but ... who knows, I've got a few years I guess. I keep viewing it as this guillotine slamming down on my life and ending it as I know it. I'm selfish.
In Ohio growing up, gold plates like the NY ones were DUI party plates. I'm super self conscious driving my NY plated car around my home now...
The Hairy Pair The Nut Crackers The Junkmen The Lucic Spears ok I'm worrying myself goodbye
The Scrotal Scramblers Teabag Twins
You summed it up and I could hug you.
Went to the one out here in Williamsville yesterday and the genius told me I didn't have the right information. I knew I did. Brought his boss over. Sure enough, everything's there... but was a solid 5 minutes of him being standoffish and "I don't know what to tell you" and my blood pressure spiking. I was just getting a new title. It wasnt exactly rocket surgery! haha shoot me a PM when you've got an idea! I'm still wicked backed up on work right now (I have a couple commissions from like... May... sitting half done because stuff keeps coming up)... but I can always stick you on a list. Depending on the kind of work, I can slide it in on a busy day during a feedback loop sometimes too. ------- Y'all need to be more careful with your balls. Seriously.
We did until I got an IUD (2ish years into the relationship). I trust him, he trusts me, there's still a risk but it's pretty minimal. I still get tested every lady doc visit, though. For records, if nothing else. Yep. We've got some years on you and it would still be a financial disaster. I wouldn't be able to give the kid/s the life I feel they deserve and I would never forgive myself. We'd make do, many many many do. The whole concept/details of pregnancy and birth utterly disgusts me. Maternal glow my a$$. Leaking and vomiting and sh!tting and pain. Babies creep me out, toddlers are fine in small doses, I'm great with ages 4 and up... I just worry I'd be a horrendous mother. The insane pressure I'm facing at 27 from friends and family is growing and growing. My sister just had a hysterectomy- I'm the Great Last Hope. I Have To Do It. I have absolutely no ticking in my biological clock, and the "window" is closing, and it makes me feel like a broken monster. It absolutely sucks. But if I'm going to go through it, it's going to be on my terms, as much as I can control them. .... if you meant you wish it was more of a thing to be a stay at home dad, I agree. That'd be awesome. Different answers for different families.
No that's not super cheap. I'm right there with you. $15 would be super cheap for that I feel. $50 is... well, a lot of money to a lot of people. It certainly is for me right now. Looks like you can get an off-brand of the same ingredients for $40. That would still be 2-3 weeks worth of groceries for me. Condoms are way way cheaper. Assuming they don't break. I guess 50 bucks for an oops is still better than a bunch of preg tests and dr visits (whatever the choice may be). But if that's your plan of action over just using a damn rubber, seems irresponsible to me. Not like women like them that much either, trust me. Plan B is 89-95% effective if taken right. Squidgy error margin if that's your plan a.
Cheaper than a procedure or a baby. I've never had to take it, but from friends who have- it's not exactly pleasant in a lot of cases. Essentially give yourself the flu/cramps from hell for a couple days. Some don't feel a thing, others feel pretty miserable. Should never be Plan A, if for no other reason than STDs alone. *gets off soapbox* Yeah, people/employees have been putting that sign all over the store in questionable/silly places. OWN THIS SCHOOL YEAR LIKE A HERO above the lotion and kleenex, the TP, the condoms, etc....
Hey, we all get up at "painful" times for things we love! I'm lucky if I roll out of bed by 9 most days. A plus side to working at home!
Yerp. Got up at 4, was working out and doing rigging on our rickety ladder from 5 to 9ish. By the time a lot of that footage was taken, I was pooped. Aaand I still have to teach a class tonight. But opening and all is going well- I think we're getting off the ground pretty smoothly!!! Lots of beginners, a few experienced people- makes for a fun mix.
haha yes you did! God I am NOT a morning person.
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
I enjoy me some BlackAdder Hugh Laurie haha yes. Strippers with hearts of gold, more gang and criminal activity than a season of Lockup, and starcrossed "good" people like teachers with dangerous pasts. It's so silly. But I mean... Ron Perlman. Being a silverback gorilla. It's perfect. -
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
Gary Oldman totally attended the House of Black and White with Arya Stark. That man can change faces so well. Yeah, I watched House for House. Cantankerous, craggy, brilliant, incredibly flawed, somehow still lovable with Wilson the puppy dog as the foil. The deadpan and sarcasm were so good. The episode where he has the anti-vaxxers and their sick toddler in the walk-in clinic and he offers them the options of "children's sized coffins- they come in fire engine red and froggy green" to their faces... Enjoy SoA. It really is a fun ride. Dissolving people in acid, lurid trysts, gang wars... and then bam, Jax does bad things. Jax: "I promise I'll be better" next episode- same thing. Jax: " I promise I'll do better" next episode- repeat. Jax: "I promise I'll do better" etc etc etc and then they kill one of my favorite characters and nope. Done. -
The 2nd Annual Great SS Meetup! Saturday March 10th, 1pm
josie replied to WildCard's topic in The Aud Club
I'm very glad people have this opinion. I just wish society supported the innovators and freelancers more. They're a constant subject in "inspirational" commercials... and yet we expect them to prosper via gig economy (the fiverrs and ubers of the world) and side hustles of side hustles of side hustles since no one wants to pay for work. What you described is exactly how I felt at my last job, and they never once let me forget that I was easily replaced. Never got a thank you, a good job... And no matter what your work is- it's so important to acknowledge jobs well done. Side note- one of my good friends from that company contacted me last week- he's leaving. They're down to 2 women now. There were 7 left when I quit less than a year ago. A year before that, 12. Toxic, toxic place. They're so good. Bunch of art kids. Love it. I've quite enjoyed some of his recent collabs with St. Vincent. -
Ughhh that's everything I want in life
Tried aerial cube Friday night. Holy crap that sucker hurts. Still would do more, though. Our Grand Opening went really awesome yesterday. Now we just need some more regular clientele and I'll be a happy camper! My body is so absolutely p!ssed at me. I did f*ck all for a month and a half and then a solid week of heavy aerial work and it is letting me know how not okay with me it is..
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
You can't spell Flawless without Lawless. -
The 2nd Annual Great SS Meetup! Saturday March 10th, 1pm
josie replied to WildCard's topic in The Aud Club
Sorry- just saw this- not really sure this thread is the place for this, but oh well I guess, sorry to bother you internet strangers. Scroll onward. I dunno. You might've asked a question that might be at the crux of a lot of my issues. You're good at that, Neo. Around non creatives, I sometimes feel that they're looking down on me for being an artist, delusional with my hobby, goofing around until I get a real job. And yet I prefer being around non-creatives because there's less pressure. Joy/awe. Sometimes it warms me, a lot of times it makes me feel sort of embarrassed... I'm trying to get better at just saying "thank you!" & not telling them how whatever they're saying they like is flawed/wrong/not what I intended. I enjoy support, I'm excited about what I do, I want to share it, but then I feel like a bit of a jerk "oh look at me I painted a pretty picture". It's my personal nature. I could've been the epidemiologist or cardiologist or other -ologist/STEM professional valued by society everyone expected me to be & I'd say/feel the exact same way about every report or diagnosis I made. But I can also tell you that the majority of the creatives I know also feel this way. I've seen so many quit what they love/are amazing at to make ends meet/have health insurance/be respected, & it hurts my soul every time. That would be the ultimate failure for me... & I guess I feel like it's Damocles' sword over my head, a matter of time before I have to hang up the paintbrushes & go be an accountant or something I hate so I can make ends meet. And I feel most people would roll their eyes & go "well, what did you expect? You gave it a good run." I guess I could pull off an Annie Hall look if I tried... One of my good friends got a suit tailored and she looks adorable in it. Or just go Talking Heads style... haha on a sweet suit note- check out the difference in suit style between 2007 and 2017 on the NBA draft Tailoring ftw. -
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
Man, I looooved Sons of Anarchy up until they went to Ireland. Then it just got stupid and I realized I was watching a really soapy soap opera that was just dressed up with leather and tattoos. I mean, I guess it always was, but it had a unique taste to it up until that point. Around that same time I binged most of Spartacus (the one where the main character ended up passing away from cancer a few seasons in). It was enjoyable. Lotta gore and manbits and Lucy Lawless' tits. -
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
I binged that sucker in the space of a few days. We were doing Avatar LOK stuff at work and I needed to "research" ;) -
Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch
josie replied to Sabres Fan in NS's topic in The Aud Club
haha nice! Yeah, I watched it when it came out. It was a weekly thing I'd catch with my mom or tape it. I loved it. That and early original CSI really piqued my interest in medicine/forensics, led to me taking some college courses in it in highschool. Learned and saw a lot of gross/awesome stuff :) Thanks, House! Many of the cases are based off real ones found by the producers in med journals. I love it. Just remember... it's not lupus.