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Everything posted by josie

  1. especially if it's sparkling wine... I could see a tame-ish dinner and then Kane ordering magnums of like Ace of Spades or getting a bunch of Dom...
  2. I'm now imagining Kane as a wine mom drinking rose out of a pimp cup bedazzled with live laugh love watching the Bachelorette in a snuggie
  3. Yep. They threw it at him again, directly... dance dance dance do the Sabres dance.... good for him.
  4. Yeah they're tip-toeing around the big C question. Get the feeling that's still being talked about.
  5. I just want to point out that smiles and goofiness is a really nice change from locker room feels in the past few years. Maybe he's not grizzled typical Cap'n material, maybe he's still green for leadership, but I'll take some positivity to start this season.
  6. Not for nothing, until a shirt sells 75 times, $4 from each sale does go to charity with the 26 model. So even my poorest selling designs have made a good 70-100 bucks for charity. There's pressure on me because if a charity is paired up with one of my no-go's, but another charity was teamed up with a banger, seems kinda sad for the poor b@stards who got stuck with me. It's a great idea. It's just for every hit, you get 15 flops. And that's unsustainable for someone like me right now. Yeah, I did a ton of research on selling my designs. Society6 takes almost all the cut. I made a whole 2 bucks off each 26 dollar shirt I sold. Redbubble is what I'm doing now, it's not bad as far as margin. I can make 6 off a sale. But I've sold one shirt (despite everyone and their sister telling me they wanted one, prompting me to spend the time to do it) and a handful of stickers. Have made about 12 bucks in all. Yay. Most other shops are similar to one of those two, or you have to pay to be a part of it (30 a month for a swanky shopify set up, which is great, but I can't afford that ###### right now), or you have to sell a certain number by a deadline before they make your design. Half have a mind to save up and buy my own little screen printing press and try my hand at it in someone's garage. I have good ideas. I really do. They just always get art directed to death or passed over for something "viral".
  7. Shirts just don't sell well. My main income is designing patches for a guy, and he's all gung ho on novelty/limited edition shirts at the moment. And even though ANY of his patches sell out in literal minutes of posting, he can't sell shirts, even of the same design. They just don't go. I've learned enough through other tshirt biz I've done work for and my own online shops that shirts. just. don't. pay. the. bills. For all the work they take, the money it costs to print and ship... never going to profit. I've spent close to 20 hours on designs for 26 and have made maybe 3 hours worth of money at my lowest rate. It's not really about the money- I'm getting work out there/helping charity, but yeah, it sucks when the most popular design is a re-skin of a famous webcomic. It's genius, for sure, but ouch. I'm too dependent on every dollar to keep swinging and missing. It's an honor to work for them, but it's definitely not a part of my income. That being said, I have 2 designs still in the pipe with them... dunno when they're coming out. They're actually for Buffalo for once instead of Chicago or Pittsburgh. Might actually sell more than a handful.
  8. Nothing I've ever done for them has sold... I think they've marked me as bad luck by now haha
  9. Happy Hocktober! So glad the season's finally here!
  10. Yeah. I feel silly, but I always have a good 5-10 minutes of WHAT IF when at a movie theatre. Read a first person account of the Aurora shooting. Shouldn't have done that. At shows and movies and other gatherings, I always check exits/routes. Whenever I got a new classroom to teach in, I'd study a map and sort out possible escape/hiding routes. I don't tell others or make a deal about, I just quietly make notes and tuck it in the back of my mind. Course, FWIW, I also am the woman who carries her keys between her knuckles and avoids parking garages/dark lots alone if possible. You get grabbed a couple times while out for a run and it sticks with you forever. Scaredy cat, I guess.
  11. Have fun, y'all!! I was coming up with some good team names just in case... dang.
  12. but seriously... I have no clue. I saw a ton of reputable places besides just TMZ saying he had passed, and now there's just mixed reports everywhere. Either way, he's not doing well. :(
  13. Yeah this is what I'm getting as of 8:35
  14. Ok.. hit the link, says it's locked in at 8 people because it's so close to the draft.
  15. Tom Petty has passed away. Fu*k today.
  16. My friend missed it all by minutes. She's there for a work thing... Waking up to read the death toll/injury reports I was absolutely WIRED until I heard from her. She's fine. Glad yours is too.
  17. Man, Flagg, are you and I related? You describe my struggles well. I have an appointment with a neuropsychologist in November (made the appt in July when I thought I was going to do something stupid) that'll be ~6 hours of tests (logic puzzles, cognitive stuff, not like, Ludovico experiment stuff haha) that will hopefully help sort out what's wrong with my head. I told my GI doc that I was 90% sure my extreme gut problems were anxiety related. He said "It can certainly contribute. We're going to do tests to be sure, but don't blame this all on yourself. Brains and guts are tricky and they're connected in ways we're not totally sure about yet". I didn't put 2 and 2 together that I could possibly have an anxiety disorder until reading an article in a magazine, of all things. I went... Dear god, this is me. Read it aloud to d4rk and he's like... "uh... DUH". And allowing myself to acknowledge that yes, there's a problem, and I'm not necessarily doing this to myself for once/being stupid/failing, has helped a lot. I'm terrified of being medicated. But I'm opening up to the idea of having a general anxiety drug IF and WHEN I need it. So if things start to go off the rails, knowing I have a chemical failsafe is good. They gave me something like that back in high school for my GI problems... take this bitter little pill and stick it under your tongue when things start to go south. Later found out it was just immodium, but by prescribing it, it has a sort of placebo effect as being stronger. After talking to some friends, I found out almost everyone I know has this issue/has a script for stuff like Lexapro for when they start having some problems. Made me feel better. None of this helps my 3 am panic attacks that manifest themselves as heart attacks (had one once, am terrified to have another) and stomach flu (terrified of vomiting). But thankfully, now that I know there IS a problem, I'm having less of them. Get a doc. Sometimes having a diagnosis can make all the difference with this sort of thing. I hope you find answers soon <3
  18. I've learned so much because of Marek vs Wyshysnki. From little nerdy nuggets of hockey knowledge to more old/cancelled Canadian TV shows than I ever thought possible. I hope they stick to it, too. Wonder what his next venture is gonna be...
  19. Did a quick design for the UB volleyball superhero game tonight- pop by early and get my shirt design fo free! Here's hoping you see my grubby little hands all over more UB stuff in the future...
  20. Ugh. :( Still sore from my ill fated GI spectacular last week. They took some cuts for biopsy and I'm still feeling it. Especially since my main hobby/part time job is smashing my body against metal hoops and dropping down silks. That was a freakin' traumatic event that should've just been a boring "wasn't that bad" footnote to be forgotten. If anyone ever wants to do a film treatment involving non-sedated forced alien probing, I've got some insight for you! Second time I've woken up during a damn surgery. How the hell can I be the girl that two advils knocks out, but heavy sedation can't keep down? Side note: coming down from a shitton of fentanyl is awful. You've gotta be desperate to be doing that crap for fun.
  21. haha not to jump on ubkev's personal preferences here, but I remember when I first saw that video thinking it was extremely beautiful/desirable/everything I wanted to be. Haven't seen it in close to ten years... when he posted it today and I clicked play, I was honestly kinda shocked. Half because of her thinness and half because of how freakin' young she looks. Talented artist, regardless. The Industry and society still value thinner women but man... you have to give them some credit for normalizing a thicker/fitter body type in the last few years. I'm here for it.
  22. I guarantee that I will get home tonight to find d4rk eating a block of freshly purchased cheese thanks to this thread.
  23. haha nothing wrong with thinking it's hot! She's ripping her clothes off and writhing around in a steamy night in college most of us have fuzzy yet fond memories of! That's what I love about music videos/music culture- there's always the initial visual impact and then the story/stories behind it all. Good sh!t. Well, some of it's pretty bad, but hey, gotta have variety.
  24. To be fair, I cannot get it up. nah, ED = eating disorder. ana= anorexia. mia= bulimia. ednos- eating disorder not otherwise specified. There's a whoooooole dismaying language out there.
  25. I've seen that video before but not where you'd think. Back when I was a stupid teenager struggling with an ED it was in constant rotation on some pro-ana blogs I followed. Actually- interesting article on some backstory to that video...She'd probably be pretty dismayed to know how many of us tweenage idiots worshipped her body in that for the reasons we did... http://www.refinery29.com/2015/07/90367/fiona-apple-criminal-feminist-anthem This is my new favorite insult.
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