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Everything posted by josie

  1. Sorry The fantastic part is it will end at some point, I'll go home, and continue to work all night on freelance but I can blast death metal and drink and then sleep in a bit
  2. God I ***** hate fridays. It's always the craziest, worst, most stressful day of the week at work for creative. And everyone else is "working remote" aka goofing off, or blatantly going golfing during the day and marking it down as administrative overhead. I'm livid. I'm tired. My neck is severely messed up. I want to shiv someone.
  3. Our cat is a murderer. .... of Carter's elbow. Or a piece of dental floss. Or a hoodie string. A moth, spider, ant, or other varmint? Yeah, no, stare at it, pat it, squeak at it, otherwise hopeless. Which is just as well, last thing I need is him eating some poisonous bug or a spider coated in insecticide that stumbled inside.
  4. It’s one of my fav places on earth. I’d been talking it up to dark for years. And today? Our hike was nice but not a single clear view to be had. Just driving through clouds the whole time haha
  5. We drove the Skyline road in the Shenandoah today. Wow what a view - we almost mist out on spectacular mountain panoramas what a shame that would’ve been
  6. Soon as I finish my work and pack, we're off on a roadtrip. There will be airplanes, horses, civil war battlegrounds, and bizarre roadside stops. Let's go
  7. Uteruses suck
  8. How does the universe know I'm going on a vacation How I'm going to spend the first 3 days of this trip falling asleep in various places from pulling so many late nights/18 hour days.
  9. I believe they are- at the very least they can get reamed/lose their job. Who knows, maybe she or one of her coworkers just went through someone using a fake ID and it's a "seriously don't joke about that" moment for her right now. Or it's like my friends who work checkout and want to murder when they hear the "oh it won't scan? must be free ha ha" joke for the 80th time that week. Harmless, just annoying. Retail, what a joy.
  10. Yeah, norovirus outbreaks, food poisoning, seasickness... drinking, spangly shows, shopping, crowded pools... Nothing a cruise offers appeals to me. Just not for me. Add in inclement weather possibilities that will turn that gorgeous blue around you into an angry sloshing toilet bowl of fear... I also find ships to be the scariest thing. Like, I read about disasters of all kinds frequently... but the idea of being on the only floating thing in miles and miles of liquid desert, and that something may go wrong on that floating thing, and rescue is difficult... does not sound good. And I get seasick on anything bigger than a rowboat.
  11. Yeah I said the same thing but I'm trying to be nice. Those cruises are cheap this time a year for a reason, guys... but most people don't think that far, are on a shoestring budget. And cruises in general. Yech. It's right up there with Disneyworld as "things I would hate to spend my money on".
  12. yeah my buddy is my biggest client and he's a cop in north Miami. Lives right on Biscayne Bay. Even he sounds spooked. My coworker is supposed to be leaving on her honeymoon cruise from Miami through the west bahamas... ha ha ha i don't think that's happening girl
  13. Nothing is going right today, i'm worried about my friends in Miami, i have to work all weekend, but I'm cracking a beer because ***** everything.
  14. Oh man yeah... after one of my surgeries I was given Haldol and I freaked out- that's what we gave my violent schizophrenic grandmother back in the day... ... and it didn't work. Zofran was my saving grace for anti-nausea. Hang in there man
  15. I see Alex Honnold on there. (the free solo el cap climber) He'll be the stringiest/wiriest of the bunch by far.
  16. If anyone's in the area, head to Flying Bison tomorrow for their beer garden art party. There'll be art, live music, beer, and a couple aerialists and I demoing/performing! Super chill, low key, come say hi! 12-5ish.
  17. Can confirm. They're pricey but worth it. Most places are pretty good with GF requests now. There are a lot of vegetarian/health focused places as well. Several of my coworkers have Celiac and it doesn't seem to hold them back much in this town.
  18. A family down the road from me growing up had 13 kids. Every single one of them was voted prom king/queen their respective year. Interesting crew. Anyway... I clearly remember their giant 90s turquoise/violet splash decaled GMC Safari van, packed to the gills with kids.
  19. I used to say if I ever decided to have kids, I'd want twins to just get it out of the way with one 9 month span of hell. Well, after like 75% of my friends who've had kids have had twins... I take it back. Yeah, I have to assume there's something in the water. aka fertility treatments. But I know plenty of people who never did treatments/visits and still popped out twins... Quadruplets... jesus christ. I knew a couple back home who had triplets, then got pregnant with quints. Just... my god, I can't imagine being a living clown car. That's got to be hard.
  20. Hey now, I resemble that remark Have you seen Skinner's legs lately?
  21. Only thing I can think that's close is the Assyrian Lamassu:
  22. Feathers. You know, the wings on the buffalo.
  23. He meant it as a compliment I believe ❤️
  24. As my friend said today... that's america's butt
  25. I turn 30 next month and have never had avocado toast in my life, nor do I get a drink from Starbucks everyday. Thus, according to the times, I may one day afford a house. -- -- -- August doldrums. I painted traditionally for the first time in over four years this weekend. It was... overdue. I was thrilled with how easily it came back to me. Dark and I holed up in the garage, tunes blasting Saturday night and both painted and it was the happiest I've felt in a while. I plan to be very selfish about it. I've spread myself far too thin over the years here, and I will not turn one of my rare joys into yet another side hustle. Acrylic painting is for me and me only haha
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