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Everything posted by josie

  1. Watching Mindhunter on Netflix. Some of the acting is wooden, but it's not bad. If you're a fan of docudramas and have interest in the advent of crime related behavioral psychology/serial killers, it's up your alley. It's staying pretty truthful to the sources, and the actor playing serial killer Ed Kemper is genuinely disturbing/spot on in his portrayal.
  2. Today I can finally post one of my Buffalo designs for 26 Shirts. The idea was a sketch/concept by Wolfpak Clothing and they passed it to me to do the final art. No flaming tables guys, sorry. They're doing New Era hats with this design, which I think look pretty good. This means I have one other design (Buffalo) ready to go with them at some point and another that got scrapped because a certain player it's about hasn't even touched the ice yet. I've got hopes this one'll sell with the Bills win yesterday. http://www.26shirts.com/buffalo-tailgate.html
  3. Man, all it's gotten me is a salary cut down to the poverty line. I'm doing this wrong. *drinks bleach*
  4. Nice day out, absolutely buried in work, it's stressful but hey, at least I have work. And at least a bit of it is actually sports related. Old company came crawling back and have me working for them right now too. Looks like I might be able to afford xmas presents for a couple people this year after all. Have to teach 8 straight hours of fitness classes tomorrow, boss is out, but hey, she trusts me enough to essentially run the place, so that's cool.
  5. Gosh y'all, he told me he was looking for a night job to make some extra cash, but it doesn't have to be this way. Come home d4rk, I'll buy you some cheeseburgers to drive into that gut. You don't need to be hanging out with a dirty old dog drinking dirty old swish and eating dirty old pizza crusts by the dumpster behind the Donair King. You don't need to be Smokey, d4rk. But yeah, anything mentioned above is fine, the food is fine, it's not 5 star cuisine but you're looking for sports bar food in Buffalo, not filet mignon with a good wine before you holler your head off at a hockey game. If it's warm and you have time, have a wander around Canalside or down to Riverworks- stop by Ballyhoo and have some links and drinks. And have fun!
  6. What a lovely way to start a thread. Glad to see you around, Modo!!! :beer:
  7. I almost wandered out in underwear and slippers the other day. Too comfortable...
  8. Come with me on a trip to Rochester to the magical Marshalls of Pittsford. Seriously. I've been to a lot of Marshalls/TJ Maxx's and the rich folks out there have the best freakin' one ever. It's on another level. I mean, I agree, I feel for the people who have to see me in it, but I haven't got a choice :/ I hate that I've become one of those women who leaves the house in spandex yoga pants. Just takes too much time to change in our one tiny single bathroom and then rig equipment and check people in etc etc
  9. And here I am, barely putting on makeup anymore... I work in PJs or I squeeze on some spandex and an old band shirt to teach. Though I have a closet full of beautiful dresses and heels that I have no reason to wear right now :(
  10. I can understand. Back when I still nurtured that whacko dream that I'd get interviews and I dropped a couple hundred on nice interview clothing, it seemed that every damn shirt I put on was straight out of my friends' moms' closets... Trendy stores, too. 50 bucks for a pattern that looks like I spend my holiday breaks on cruise ships, Carol, check out that hot young towel boy and hand me my mimosaaa.... I could almost feel my hair trying to morph into the I Want To Speak To Your Manager haircut... Nope.
  11. This is awesome. Glad to hear it! Guess who's doing another quick design for UB? If you follow their men's basketball, stay tuned!
  12. I knew some people who did this. Their rationale was "we're not giving her back because they were obviously neglectful in letting her get out". No amount of logic and saying "mistakes happen, give back their damn cat" helped. People get super super weird about animals. It's why I know so few people who last volunteering at a regular animal shelter. You see some of the best of humanity and a lot of the worst.
  13. I was thinking about this the other day when they did a quick blurb on Cogliano and the fact that he has never missed a game. Something like 747 consecutive games. They call him an Iron Man. So did he just play through the bubble guts or just is one of those lucky souls who has a super high immune system? I mean, also consider injury likelihood, it's incredible. I remember a couple years ago when I followed the Wings a lot closer- a norovirus was ripping through the team and Kronwall and a couple other dudes were just hurling on the bench. Stepping into the tunnel/turning their backs and retching into buckets because so many of the team were sick and they had to dress. Half the team was AHLers at that point because of it. They had to mention it because Kronwall jumped off the ice early at a really bad time during his shift, opening them up for a soft goal. I live in fear of norovirus, getting it and listening to others with it. I would be calmer if you told me a serial killer was stalking me than if you told me a super bad norovirus outbreak was affecting places I need to be... I'm an obsessive hand washer now.
  14. I love this stuff. They engineered an entirely new system for Merida's hair in Brave, which they use and update still (Moana/Maui/etc's hair is updated from it). Frozen was cause to create an entire engine for snow/wind, which they renamed and used in Moana as well for sand and water. It's just so incredible. I know a few people who work for Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks/Blizzard and the dev work that goes into creating those engines is absolutely mind blowing. When you think about the fact that some of those effects took years to build and create, you can drive yourself mad wondering what they're working on now that we won't see for a few more years... I love hand animation, but the 3D stuff is inspiring too. And now they combine the two frequently! Speaking of hand animation, I know this isn't the video game thread, but check out Cuphead. One of my friends was a designer on it. Effing incredible stuff.
  15. And yet I had a full conversation with you about it when my friend first pointed it out haha I'm actually half-watching Fury Road right now as I work. Yep. Same general musical theme.
  16. I saw Frozen in theatres twice. I liked it a lot at the time. And then every person I know just over played it and I remember after about the tenth time I had to sit through it at a friend's house for their kid's sake going... I can't enjoy this anymore. I still love almost every Disney movie despite some of their issues, Mulan being my favorite. You and I have opposite tastes, man. Shiny has grown on me somewhat but... god did that stick out like a sore thumb. I love Bowie and I get it was a tribute to him and I generally like Jermaine Clement but why... why was that there... I skip through it a lot. blrugghhh it gets burrowed in my brain like the least welcome earworm ever...
  17. I actually listen to Moana's soundtrack quite a bit. Not the biggest fan of how far i'll go. I like we know the way, songs of ancestors, know who you are. I like the movie a lot better, too. I really didn't think I'd like it, not being a big fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda, first of his name, writer of AP history class sounding musicals, the unburnt (he's a cool guy, just not a huge fan of his work). Does not liking Hamilton revoke my status as sh!tty millenial or just make me a horrible person? My sister's 6 years older than me and playing with her meant essentially getting tortured so...
  18. I knew you'd say that. Takes one to know one, fellow worthless millennial! But seriously.. I'll like that movie again in a few years. Try working in a kid's geared market when a juggernaut like that gets loose...
  19. I at one point sort of enjoyed a couple of them and then they were overplayed to hell. So.. none of them. Can I pick from Moana instead? haha
  20. Congrats and happy anniversary!!!
  21. :w00t: oh my god amazing
  22. You're right. I'm just bad at confrontation. I'm just nice to her and keep topics to enjoyable things like aerial or the weather or music. If she ever does come after me with vegan stuff, I have some arguments ready. Most of them being "I work with you in a professional capacity and you have no right to disrespect me if it is not directly harming you or the business. If I want to raise and slaughter human babies in my own time or test their microwave times or run over human beings with steamrollers, you have nothing to do with it". I did dress her down for her no-show last weekend. She just "forgot because I was so in the moment teaching yoga and we all went to the buffalo film festival and omg it was so amazing you should've gone". It's honestly almost amusing at this point, if it wasn't bad for the business.
  23. New complaint. Just saw dudacek's masterpiece in the WTF thread. Complaint is I didn't see it sooner. <3
  24. I unfollowed her on FB after the one I mentioned. She's the sort of person who gets confrontational/upset if she finds you unfriended her. May I remind you she's 39. Boss is sitting her down soon to have a talk. She's been coldly polite lately because she thinks all the problems she's getting feedback on are me narcing on her. Nope, sweetie, we've been getting emails from clients... I've actually been standing up for her on some things... Man.... I'mma go have a juicy steak and contribute to the fall of mankind. Next week's complaint. d4rk is parading his hairy gut around eating meat sticks and loudly belching... I had to call 911 when my coworker's head exploded...
  25. I'm fine with her being passionate about animal welfare/rights/her dietary habits. I know a lot of vegans. But this lady goes too far. When we first met it came up how I used to spend every Saturday volunteering at the horse rescue. She then goes "oh thank goodness, I was afraid you'd be another meat eater. I just hate them. I can't get along with any carnies, they're just bankrupt morally and cannot give me any good arguments as to why they do what they do". I... didn't correct her. I warned the boss, too. Don't. Order. Food. Around. Her. She'll ask you what you're eating and then ask to know the ingredients. It's passion that has crossed into being obnoxious. She shares things online frequently about how meat eaters should die, etc. Like, I get it, I to some part agree, factory farming is bad, the environment does suffer... but when you post memes that show Africa fu*king blotted out with text "Change the continent of Africa to herbivore grazing lands and have everyone be a vegtarian"and when someone comments "where are the Africans going" and she responds "They're all meat eaters, they can die, world would be better without them". Anyways. All small irritating potatoes in the grand scheme of things. Best of luck to you and yours, Swamp.
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