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Everything posted by josie

  1. The amazing part is I'm sitting here at 10:45 goobering around on Sabrespace because I need approval on something before i can actually START any of the SUPER URGENT WORK they need... and no one's in the office yet.... Let's see, today's Thursday, so they'll all leave about 4, 4:30 for the bar. Probably will go somewhere "fun" for lunch, so take a noon to 1:30 or 2 pm break there.... :wallbash:
  2. I'd happily go a couple times and pay per visit. You'd have to rent shoes/harness/helmet every time. I'd have to rent harness/helmet. Plus it's a pretty good jaunt to get up there, so factor in gas... I spend about that on my aerial training, but I also essentially do it for free since I teach/earn it back. Wouldn't be able to do it otherwise. $60 is a ton of money to me now.
  3. Oh honey, have you ever seen me rock climb? I'm turrible. Bouldering, anyway. I'm not as horrid at top-roping. I can barely complete the easiest routes on the flatter walls at Red Barn in Rochester. It's an entirely different mechanic from the aerial stuff I do. Surprised me- I thought I'd be a lot better than I am, but rock climbing is grip strength, something I actually don't have a ton of. Might be better now that I do silks. Now I wanna go climb. I said I would when I got to Buffalo... haven't been yet.
  4. :lol: Today's complaint is just my old company wrecking balling my week/schedule again... said yes to a little freelance, knocked it out of the park last week even with stress... so naturally, they need 3x as much this week... by EOD Friday... and didn't bother to tell me until yesterday that the game's entire deadline is Monday. We're still in the "get the editor in chief at Nickelodeon to look at comps and approve them" stage... so yep, impossible. God what a gibbering bunch of disorganized unprofessional dorks. From now till 5 tomorrow with slight breaks, I have to put life on hold and devote to them... which I'm only doing because I feel terrible for a couple of the other people on this project who are also being royally screwed. Never again. No more work for them without really tight contracts and times laid out like a normal company would do.
  5. haha I made it as self deprecating as I could without being a total jerk. High gravity rock climber... think about it... beer league benchwarmer... D'AWWWWWW YOU I'm so whitebread it hurts
  6. Shameless self promotion again... 26 Shirts released the first design I did for them back in the Spring. It's Teddy Roosevelt riding a buffalo whilst wielding a hockey stick. Name is, Speak Softly, Carry a Big Stick. This one is 100% my idea. I pitched it when they first reached out to me. I'm happy with how the buffalo turned out. Charity recipient is the Buffalo History Museum. Not sure how long this one will run- it's a Special Edition rather than a regular 2 week Sunday to Sunday dealio. http://www.26shirts.com/carry-a-big-stick.html
  7. I despise the font and lack of laces. Better than those weird shiny applique laces from last year. But I'm going to unpopular opine here.. I like the arm stuff. Screw it. It's kind of a 90s garishness that sorta resembles wings. Would I prefer a really nice classic looking sweater that hearkens back to the early days of playing? Oh, absolutely. But if we're going to reinvent the wheel here, I guess I don't mind this one too much. Still doesn't have the gravitas of an official jersey- feels like a novelty "Worn for warmup and auctioned off for charity" deal.
  8. The Thing, Alien... Hellraiser... the scene in Pan's Labyrinth with the pale man... god what a great monster. god I love those old school gory as heck vaseline and fake blood special effects. It's just so awesome. I remember a doc i saw some time ago about a company that does SFX from the original Day of the Dead movies up to animatronics in current flicks- made me want to reconsider my career. Check out this company- the masks really form to the face and look creepy as hell. I follow one of their sculptors on instagram and it's always disgusting and awesome. http://www.immortalmasks.com/index.php As far as Halloweeny flicks go, my old standbys are Addams Family, Young Frankenstein, Beetlejuice. (and practical magic don't kill me it's my guiltiest pleasure). Never was a big Hocus Pocus fan. Oop.. shouldn't have said that... I hear the pitchforks coming for me... buut it's November now so... now what
  9. This is excellent. I taught classes in an old flight suit all night. The thing on my knee is a little orange cat beanie baby that's supposed to be Jones...
  10. something something PROCESS
  11. This one wins https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/79dpv5/my_friend_dress_up_as_some_local_art_and_i_think/
  12. Seriously so happy I chose Ripley. it's the comfiest costume I've ever worn. A flightsuit and hightops, my natural hair. No corsets, no heels... Though I'm not sure I'll ever top my weird faun demon lady from a few years ago. Nearly swallowed my fake fangs a couple times... Prosthetic ears were a lot of fun too. Can barely see them in these pics. d4rk as Marty... baby faced....
  13. Hmm. As far as I know there are no new PMs... Haven't had a new one in about 2 years. Scuttled around the messaging service and the only new people are developers right now. Youngest PM is a few years older than me. I'm not sure! Posted that deadline at 4:54 pm, in yo FACE
  14. Pray for me should I ever attempt to bear d4rk children.... My sister was very early. Due the second week of April, showed up January 3rd. so that's... 16 weeks early, 24 weeks in. Give or take a week. She was a sickly little thing but had a full head of hair- looked like a little wrinkly monkey. She made it. Then a year or so into life, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. She made it again. Has never really been that healthy, though. Hard and scary stuff. I feel for the Thomas family.
  15. I'm not in Roch so it doesn't matter. I know everyone's doing costume party/drinking fun this afternoon so I'll probably never get feedback on anything. Is he closer to your age or my age? Because if he's closer to your age I know who you mean, most likely. Used to work at Xerox? Good guy.
  16. Doing some freelance for the disorganized nightmare I call my old company. And you know what? I am fuc*ing CRUSHING this deadline and it looks GREAT. I know you guys miss me ok that's enough cockiness, I'm sure something will explode at the 11th hour... aka 4:48pm today...
  17. I've been waiting for that game to come out for years. One of my internet pals was an animator on it. Fu**ing incredible work. Hard as hell game, too. I'll never play it cuz I suck but I'll watch all the playthroughs...
  18. Ok, once d4rk's caught up, I declare movie nights at your place.
  19. I definitely agree with that. If I had sat down to watch it watch it and not be half working while it was on, I'm not sure I'd have felt it was really worth my down time. There's some potential there but it's not fully baked IMO. They're trying to tie the development of criminal psychology and darkly interesting serial killers of the 70s to this one whiny cocky d!ckhead's rise in the FBI and I couldn't give 2 sh!ts about him. I honestly felt like I'd rather his gf was the main character. She had way more interest then "stare into the middle distance looking slightly disturbed" guy. Man, maybe he and Emilia Clark should hook up... they can stare into space at each other and it'll make riveting TV! Oh yeah, d4rk is watching Twin Peaks (the original) for the first time now. I didn't see the new one- anyone like it?
  20. If you want to get to know a person on twitter/social media, save the DMing and compliments for when you have built up a frequent and witty rapport... or get straight to the point so they can tell you to eff off. This current one is harmless... just... persistent. Not doing enough to be actually hitting on me per se, but just... overly friendly... direct messaging me inane stuff but... the second you go into DMs it just gets a bit too personal I guess? I know I could just block him and be done with it but I always feel sh!tty just doing that.. harmless just... weird. I save the banhammer for dudes who are like "hey bby wan sum f*k" or rape threats, yaknow? I get enough of those as it is. This isn't the first time this particular guy has done this with me either... Happened a couple years ago, and now it's like groundhog day with the same questions and kind of cringey "nice guy" talk... no mention of having a bf seems to help either. Weird. Just being polite and brief and otherwise ignoring him. Worked the first time. :/
  21. josie


    I said it multiple times last night.. once a good/uncommon word gets stuck in my craw, I can't help but use it... now it's just funny.
  22. Heard someone say "big bodies" and it wasn't Pierre. Do I still have to take a drink?
  23. josie


    Nah man, I think our main problem is we don't have ENOUGH outside POVs. But yeah, that's all I had to say, too. I'm gonna back out now too. I have a lot of opinions and this isn't the place to put 'em haha
  24. josie


    It is difficult to construe anything right now as anything but a statement. I think this passed the "this is a really nice gesture for a serving member of the community who passed in a tragic and unusual manner" mark and has turned into spectacle. Articles "urging" people to come out and wave flags on the route, etc... this isn't normal. It either is setting a new standard, or is abnormal for some reason, and at the risk of sounding like a total piece of sh!t, I don't see why this particular event has garnered this magnitude of pomp. Will we see the KBC rented out for every KIA/Officer/Firefighter moving forward? I don't know. Should we? I don't know. I don't feel we should, for most of the reasons presented by others above. One of my friends is engaged to a man who was best friends with and was part of the deceased small unit (4 guys) in Iraq. They're mourning and have been hounded by the press about his relationship with the Officer. She's remained fairly quiet about the whole thing, and I can't help but feel all of this press rings hollow. Most of these people don't care about Officer Lehner. This isn't for him. This is for national news agencies, to see photos of the former K9 partner loyally staring at the coffin, the arena solemnly filled with good Americans, the streets lined by mourners waiting in the rain as the (rightfully) incredible parade of servicemen/women escorts the body (in a Harley hearse, no less, which I think is a neat personal touch) to the cemetery. I can almost feel those pictures being popped into Photoshop to have big bold soundbite messages written across the tops and bottoms, to circulate and be used as fodder in more polarized twitter fights. Maybe I'm a cynical c*nt. Well, I know I am. But this is worthy of discussion. He has become a symbol. And Pegulas pouring in the money is certainly eye catching.
  25. haha I feel ya... sometimes the amount of knowledge between my sister and I about sociopaths/serial killers/forensics/anatomical decomposition etc strikes me as... off... Finished the first season of Mindhunter. Admittedly, I was half watching while I worked, but my initial impressions about the guy playing Kemper hold strong. Didn't realize until the end that it's co-produced by Charlize Theron... definitely has a bit of that Atomic Blonde vibe in the music/graphics at times. Also... the main character, Holden is the voice of the good guy love interest in Frozen. Heh. Probs my least fav character in the show, which I think is intentional... yeah, that means I enjoy the serial killers more than the main protagonist...
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