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Everything posted by josie

  1. hear hear. This too. I was hoping for a good team this year for more than just my own enjoyment- I was gonna have reasons to paint and sell prints and . Ain't no one wanna buy paintings of underachievers.
  2. Just can't seem to feel well this week. My usual issues, just never ending. It is very frustrating. Knowing my medical tests all came back normal just confuses me even more. It's probably because I dared to eat real food on Saturday at our Friendsgiving get together. How dare I. My alimentary canal is a damned terrorist.
  3. One of mine, too. God it's good. To summarize- a few years back a female developer (Zoe Quinn) broke up with her developer bf who, depending on who you believe, said she only dated/slept with him for favorable reviews on the game she was making. What followed was a misogynistic sh!tstorm under the banner/disguise of "ethics in journalism". Death threats, doxxing, bots, lots of horrible stuff started raining down on any woman in the industry. Around that time, a woman named Anita Sarkeesian started doing a youtube series called Feminist Frequency, which looked into problematic tropes facing women in video games. As you can imagine, she got it too, with bomb threats called into hotels where she was speaking, etc. There's a subreddit called KotakuInAction (KIA) that really fostered the fear of it, and they steadily moved towards alt-right ideation and imagery. Good ol' Pepe the Frog was misappropriated from his chill stoner creator Matt Furie's comics and given a creepy meaning there first. Well, 4chan first, then KIA. Women in video games, including myself, started to get all kinds of horrible direct messages, ranging from dick pics/verbal harrassment to rape and death threats. And in a few cases it was obviously a misguided 14 year old mouthbreather, but I'd say that most of the ones my friends and I received were bots. Women spoke up. And were summarily told to fu*k off. And then well, bots and other things got involved in a sticky little election and I just won't go there here for fear of ban hammers. Now, you may think, well, jo, if you just had kept quiet, you wouldn't have received hate messages. Well, fun story, I never engaged in any online arguments about it. My profiles on various social media simply said I was a game designer and that key word was enough to earn me some really fun messages. I made the mistake of liking and RT'ing a video by one of the women who was heavily targeted once- several days of hate pouring in resulted. I'm no stranger to this crap- I've talked on here before about the stalking/doxxing I went through in high school. But this was on a MASSIVE scale. I've come to hate video games and the culture they breed. It's terrible and sad.
  4. Man, you nailed it. Working in games (esp being female) during Gamergate was fun. That was the end of my "I like to understand both sides no matter what" ethos
  5. Massive negative scandals have been a part of Hollywood since its inception in the 1910s. Murders, rapes, drugs galore. Charlie Chaplin marrying 16 year olds as an old man (and potentially being the reason for dead director William Ince), Laurel of Laurel and Hardy being an alcoholic wife beater, the Fatty Arbuckle scandal, everything ever done to Judy Garland, to name a few, and onward. It's a messed up system with 100+ years of slime grinding along. I'm very glad to see the "open secrets" truly opening up. It'll never be squeaky clean, but this is a step in the right direction. Bring 'em down. Bring 'em all down. I won't see movies with trash like Gibson in them. I won't see movies directed by alleged pedophile Bryan Singer (soo that rules out all Xmen films). You can ignore a stream of pointed fingers. You can't ignore a goddamn waterfall. As awful as the last year has been politically/etc, it has certainly awakened the opposition. Let's get some wayyy overdue sh!t done.
  6. Ah, the manic pixie dream girl era Zoey. Well.. she kinda WAS the manic pixie dream girl. No, that title goes to whoever the female lead was in Elizabethtown. Kirsten Dunst? Or Natalie Portman in Garden State. Horrible Bosses... I liked it when I saw it in theatres. Loved Charlie Day being insane. I remember thinking Spacey was really good at being a creepy a$$. Wellp.
  7. She genuinely was being nice- I must've acted well, because she whole heartedly felt we both enjoyed it and it would remind us of a good time with family. The bf and I had a good laugh about it later. As much as I hated that flick, it does have a couple good quotes/gifs "so much room for activities!" and "did we just become best friends?"
  8. Oh god.. Stepbrothers... my then bf made me sit through that with some of his family at his aunt's house. I didn't laugh. I wanted to die. Halfway through his aunt goes "Jo why aren't you laughing? This is like the best movie ever made" I said I just wasn't a fan of Reilly or Ferrell. Then i felt horrible because she took it as a personal affront. For the rest of that godawful torture session I forced myself to laugh or smile since she was watching me like a hawk. For Christmas that year, she gave us Stepbrothers. It was like I was starring in my own crappy short... I've only liked one Will Ferrell movie, and it was Blades of Glory. Supremely stupid, but kinda fun. And yes, I've watched at least part of most of them. Except Elf. I've never seen Elf. Different strokes for different folks haha
  9. With you on this. I refuse to give my money to a film featuring pieces of sh!t like Gibson in light of all the scandals finally coming forward. I don't dig that kind of humor anyways. Saw Thor: Ragnarok yesterday. You know what? It was really fun. Silly, not the greatest plot in the world, had some dumb moments, sure, but I haven't enjoyed a superhero flick that much since the first Avengers. Plus, hey, Hemsworth. Catsuited Cate Blanchett visibly having fun as a villain. Even Hiddleston looked pretty good in this, and I'm far from one of the legions of adoring Loki fangirls. Goldblum got a little too... Goldblum sometimes, but it worked.
  10. Ah, man, I know that one. Never be friends with attractive identical twins and expect to be the first choice... or the second, for that matter... Yeah, this is my bet as well.
  11. My mother spent many of her summers as a young woman with her cousin as a Captain's guest aboard those ships. Dated a sailor for awhile (I've seen the pictures- he was SUPER handsome, but according to her, not too bright haha). She has some amazing stories about trying to pick her way across those 1/8 mile long decks on a clear night- no lights, low guardrails, wearing high heels/nice dress, the stars blazing overhead, just praying she didn't misstep and fall overboard. She enjoyed a fair few voyages on the William Clay Ford, which was one of the ships that went out the next day to search for Big Fitz, a few months prior to the disaster. Such a tragedy.
  12. I posted about it in the random thread and a quick painting I did of her, but yeah. I'm hoping to have a porter in her honor tonight. Good doc on her if anyone's interested: Still one of my favorite beers, honestly.
  13. Took a few minutes to paint big fitz.
  14. This is the second one I'm actually going to because it's pretty early. It was really common with most people I knew in college/my coworkers, but I was always out of town. I'd never heard of it when I lived back in Ohio, though. So maybe it's an upstate/WNY thing?
  15. Today marks the anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975. It's also 2 years to the day I broke my leg. Let's hope this one is a nice boring Nov 10th.
  16. Don't have to work this weekend, can let my aching hands catch a break. I underestimated how doing 7 hours of aerial training a week + several late nighters/14 hrs of drawing days can make my writing hand just absolutely throb. Playing DnD with some fellow nerds tonight, friend thanksgiving tomorrow. I'm planning to do a whole lot of lying around under as many blankets as I can physically stand.
  17. Fine here I spent 10 minutes he'll be gone... 10 weeks. They have to be positive paintings though. So... rock the flow, mo. ....looks more like the b@stard lovechild of Jagr and Dave Grohl... oh well
  18. I would but... laws. Technically without his consent, I can't sell a likeness/image of a person in NY or a sports logo without fear of lawsuit. Not as big a risk with prints if y'all want prints but moreso for apparel. Someday d4rk and I will have a house with a messy shed or garage that we can put a mini screen printing setup in and I'll just make my own- a little sneakier than using sites like I currently have to. Plus- haven't y'all figured out that I'm kryptonite to anyone in Buffalo I paint??! :( Every time I do art of a Buffalo sports star, they get injured or just start a downslide.
  19. The Tailgate design I did for 26 Shirts raised $2850 for the American Diabetes Association! That's some real money. Speaking of shirts, if there's any UB basketball fans around here, go to the men's home opener Saturday vs Canisius. The free shirt for Game of Thrones night was made by yours truly.
  20. When I had to give up coffee, I got into english breakfast and early grey because they have the most caffeine. Love jasmine green tea, but not enough caffeine to keep me going. I wish I could branch out a little more myself, it's just money, and until I had to drink it, I wasn't really a tea fan. It can be reallllly perfume-y, or sweet, which makes me gag. My sister loves all the japanese teas. It's an easy xmas gift, but I feel like I give her the same thing every year now.
  21. I'm always here for a THE Ohio State University schadenfreude fest. go blue.
  22. I remember my mom going through this for a China trip. Ended up not going last minute due to health reasons, but it took for-eeevvverrrr to get that stuff back. And then all her personal information was hacked and was traced to Chinese sources. Her brother lives/works over there and doesn't usually have these problems. Weird stuff. Good luck!
  23. Nothing boils my blood more than posting and begging for approval, which takes forever to make everyone pay attention, everyone is on board, I get ready to move on, and saint high horse rolls in and overrides the art director and everyone else with 8 billion changes that he couldn't be fu*ked to mention like... 3 hours ago. Mind you, not construction criticism. Never "Hey, that element isn't working, try doing x or y instead". It's just "yeah that looks bad. that doesn't work. nope. that's a bad idea." and everyone cows over and then I have more hours added to this fu*kin nightmare. So much anger. I may not survive this. I've gotten used to decent clients. HOW did I DO this for 5 years...
  24. I want to do that too. I spend a lot of free time reading mountaineering stories. I'm absolutely enthralled by it. From hiking relatively small peaks in the NE USA to K2, Everest, Annapurna, Cho Oyu in the Himalaya, Aconcagua in the Andes... Mont Blanc in France, Denali in Alaska. But talk about money. Crampons. Ropes. Weather gear. Bolts. Carabiners. Harnesses. Gloves. Hours and hours of training and guided routes. Even just bouldering outside, the cheapest of climbing sports, is costly. Shoes, you'll want a mat for falling, chalkbags, time to get to bouldering places, and if you're like most boulderers I know, plenty of pot. Apparently there's some good bouldering in the Niagara Gorge. Never got there this summer. Maybe next year!
  25. I can only do about 3/4 routes before my forearms are like rocks. I can usually do another 3 spaced out a lot before I have to call it a day or risk injury. I got too confident when I climbed at the Barn weekly last year and did a dyno jump up to a rock. I caught it... but my body twisted sideways and I felt my elbow area tendons go "ohhh fu*k you". I fell a pretty good distance, landed funny and smashed my nose, bit my tongue and then had tennis elbow for 3 months. Eaasy does it haha
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