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Everything posted by josie

  1. :wub: Thanks for snaggin' one! I really was proud of that one. I pitched it when they first contacted me and they actually sold it.
  2. I agree. The problem is, where do we find good vets willing to part with their teams? We haven't got anything from the last near decade worth bringing back where nostalgia would be a draw. You get someone spotty with injuries like Jagr (who'll play until he's literally a re-animated pile of flesh and bones in hockey skates) who has real passion or you get someone who was never that good, despite a fun personality (oh Ott, great guy, not what you need as a leader on an NHL team...). Oh gee, bring back Vanek and we've got him and Pommers, what a help. I think Okposo was supposed to be part of that veteran force, but then he fell ill. I don't know.
  3. Just imagine that's a liger not a little black housecat
  4. The show must go on! ...you know what? Lyrics to that one don't even need to change.
  5. oh, he won't take me home tonight (please) nope, not beside any big red goal lights...
  6. Some say the ghost of Holmstrom's a$$ is still there in the visiting team's crease... I think the days of league wide respected cupless players coming to Detroit for a final harrah are safely over now that Babcock's shuffled across the lake... Yzerman's kicking tail down in Tampa. Sigh.
  7. (try to) enjoy the rest of your night, lads back to work for me
  8. they're just skinny lads, they don't know no good from bad
  9. WTF is up with the music choices shout is unofficially Buffalo's fat bottomed girls is unofficially THE ohio state university's (barf) do not play that song in a Michigan barn for fear of riot
  10. haha that works too! *puts on detroit hat* Never could warm up to him. Him and Abdelkader were supposed to be the new leaders of the team and man, I just never felt it. I mean, you go from Lidstrom and Holmstrom and Dastyuk and Zetterberg and... yeah, good luck. *puts Sabres hat back on* ughghghhhhghghghghh beer me
  11. Good ol' Larkin, Detroit's latest great hope... better than Tatar tots I guess.
  12. He had hands, too. I remember enjoying watching him. Yeah, something has definitely changed. We can only hope it goes back to the way it was.
  13. Playing the Shout song in Detroit mmmk..
  14. He used to be. Whatever landed him the hospital last year seems to be lingering or have done damage. He missed most of the summer for training, didn't he? It sucks. I had people asking me to do paintings of him years ago, he was beloved by Islanders fans.
  15. Wasn't too long ago they were a dynasty... missing the playoffs last year and knowing they're most likely gonna miss them this year hurts after 25 years of making it. Buffalo fans are just so much more used to feeling pain. All the Wings fans I know just do not know how to cope with failure... hell, some of them weren't alive when the playoff run started. The infallible Detroit farm system/Swede farm has faltered. Datsyuk's gone, Kronwall's old, Zetterberg's back could put him in retirement any year, and aside from Larkin and Mantha, the new crew is lackluster. Or something like that. edit: and then they go and do that. Bleh.
  16. Something like that :beer:
  17. heh which one
  18. Everyone's wandering around checking out the DoughJoe instead of the game All I ever want out of Wings v Sabres games is that no one gets hurt.
  19. Yup. I'm working out about 1-3 hours a day right now. I've kept food diaries on and off since I was about 14. I pretty much live on toast, cereal, granola bars, and sometimes eggs. 1 cup of tea in the morning, and cycle the rest of those throughout the day. And those cause problems sometimes too. Anything else is a total toss up as to whether I'll pay severely or not. So pretty much the BRAT diet they give you in the hospital. It makes me want to die it's so uninspired and joy sucking. Beer is relegated to weekends and then only 1-2, rarely rarely more. The only near cure I have is pretzles and ginger ale. God, you think I'd be skinnier given all of it haha
  20. The hallway in the building where my aerial studio is always smells divine, which is pure torture for me. Lots of fajita, bacon, general delicious food smells. Well, I was talking about it with some of the other instructors and they claim it's a sports team of some kind. The bodybuilder instructor can practically count calories via smell- "whoever it is must work out a lot because those are some high calorie meals they're making every day" Sure enough, the owner has stumbled over a ton of lacrosse gear strewn across the hallway and Bandits bags on her way to the bathroom, and I've seen a few manly men in Bandits apparel... Kinda cool.
  21. Oh yeah, check out his vis dev of the cicada and saddle haha
  22. Back when hurricanes were slamming the islands, one of my former students did a fundraiser where if you donated to a charity that was helping out Puerto Rico or Florida or wherever, he would do a painting for you if you provided proof of receipt. Today he sent me the mostly finished piece, and it's beautiful. He was one of my best students and the one I did an independent study with to further his digital skills. I'm a proud teacher today. He asked what I wanted and I said, make sure it's something for your portfolio that you like/want to do, and throw in either a cicada or an armadillo. Here's his site for more: https://raymondmillerstudio.com/
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