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Everything posted by josie

  1. Couldn't help myself. I also have a version with process scrawled on their playoff playin' guts
  2. I'll counter my rant with something positive that really blew me away. They almost had me with the medallion-as-a-superconductor moment.
  3. Most of d4rk's notes are mine as well- we spent the better part of last night ranting all that out together. I really really wanted to like this movie. I have enjoyed all Star Wars films (dont' really remember the prequels tbh). I liked Force Awakens. I really liked Rogue One. I would not consider myself a Star Wars fangirl. Most of my dislike with this movie honestly had nothing to do with Star Wars lore- it was just a poorly executed movie. I had heard spoilers (not important ones it turns out) going into it, but had NO clue what I was getting into. They had a lot of great ideas, and mashed them terrible. They took all the beautiful colors in the crayon box, reds, purples, greens, blues, and said "Surely all these fantastic colors will be better mixed together!!!" like some misguided toddler Voltron. No. You made brown. A whole lotta brown. A big ol' brown note in the center of what was a nice opening and closing. Overall I felt abotu this movie the way I feel abotu the Sabres this year. Very excited, not expecting a masterpiece, but ready to have some fun. But instead I wanted to leave after the second period.
  4. I sat next to Mads Søgaard and Valdemar Ahlberg’s billet mom on my flight in this morning. Really fun lady, from Austin Minnesota (home of Spam). I now know a lot about those two boys. Hoping they have fun this week even if they get destroyed tonight.
  5. Sorry. Fu**ing off now. Fu** off with the ice girls while we're at it.
  6. ooh yep, creepers. Ok d4rk, no taking cougars to the Yellow Jaguar, ok?
  7. Wouldn't expect any more from you ;) Nope. Always kinda wanted to, though, know a few. My best friend has those big ostrich feather fans that I've considered stealing for a routine someday. Might perform in something burlesque-y on chains with troupe at some point though. I mean, jeans and a bra isn't that scandalous anyways. I'd consider burlesque more if I wasn't so rhythmically challenged. Seriously, I've tried sexy, you'd get farther slapping a slice of wonderbread on a support beam. The bolded does not surprise me at all. I didn't touch on that in my treatise/rant, but eating disorders and body dysmorphia are par for the course for those ladies. I think any time you're baring your body for visual consumption you're opening yourself up for criticism- and no one's a harsher critics than the worst case scenario ones in your head.
  8. Same. That and I don't want to deal with creepers.
  9. Well, there is Uhura.... which I'm sure we'll see a good 10 minute scene involving her feet...
  10. The one I mention above is an aerial instructor, mainly hoop and sometimes pole. She's happily married (as are most of my friends who danced) to her man of 12+ years and has a kid on the way. She has competed nationwide on hoop and pole and is a bada$$ with absolutely no tolerance for bullsh!t. Boy, does she have some stories from her days as a dancer and a general hatred for men. Most of my friends didn't dance for longer than a year when they were in college. Good money but not worth the b.s., harassment, and in a few cases, sexual assault/rape which was systematically covered up. Main reason I'll never go to a club. Not really supporting the dancers, which I'd happily do, you're supporting a mostly sh!t industry that really harms its moneymakers (male and female). Support your local burlesque troupe or something instead. It's a classier way to get a b0ner AND you're supporting the arts! I mean, for me, sexually oppressed/clinically depressed 19 year old working a pole vs Dita von Teese owning it in thigh highs- no contest. Pole dancing is one of our aerial arts. It's competitive and really tough. The main reason most of us do pole in minimal clothing is because you need bare skin to get grip on the metal to climb and invert. Cloth slides and can lead to some nasty injuries. Fun facts no one really cared to know, but since i have a bit of insight I guess, woo ok, enough stripper talk and sexist disgust, i'm out, this thread is for sub-par hockey.
  11. I know a few strippers. Well, ex-strippers. The athleticism on some of them is insane- one of my good friends is a hell of a pole dancer/aerialist. I've got nothing against someone earning their keep that way. From what I hear, though, most of them are younger women badly in need of a good friend and less drugs. Which is sad. You can really make bank if you are good enough to work peak times. I've never been to a strip club. Almost went once with some friends for figure drawing (one of the dancers was a friend from school and encouraged us to show up for that purpose). Burlesque though... I'm all 'bout the burlesque.
  12. Chedda is bedda. Someone at a coffee/sandwich shop wrote that on my takeout order of a grilled cheese/soup. In that case, they were right. Course, for me, all cheeses and "cheeses" result in bubbleguts and exorcising the demons of lactose intolerance so...
  13. Awww Bless you for saving her. Post pics pls
  14. My company used to have a good time at Good Luck in Rochester. Then it was Lasertron, also fine. I guess the rumors this year are they'll go bowling at the new barcade in Rochester and then go to a strip club so... super glad I left that place. They ran out all the other women save for 2, do what they want now I guess. As a self employed person my company party is just me and my cat, sadly drinking alone
  15. yes I still wanna see the sequel but it never came out in the US that I know of... I also don't want to see the sequel in case it's terrible :(
  16. I guess all the ice girls are just readying me for the inevitable threads ranking hotness of female winter Olympians. I'll probably end up watching tonight since I'll be motionless and sick on the couch and therefore bound by illness and Satan's deathgrip to stare at whatever is put on the TV. Until the first Chelsea Dagger, then I'm puncturing my eardrums with an ice pick.
  17. Sometimes I think my parents would be happier if they'd separated. 35+ years now, 12 year difference between them. He's an old man, she's at the "travel and really enjoy life" age. A lot of toxicity built up, a lot of grudges. Then again, I don't know. Maybe that would've made it worse. The woman who owns my aerial studio/my boss/friend/all around amazing person is going through a separation after 12 years. She's the happiest I've ever seen her now, and I am so so so proud of her. My best friend back home is already beginning the same mistakes with the last marriage all over again... and once again, no advice or amount of giant red flags waving in her face is steering her course any different. Again, it's as individual as the case. I'm good with taking it slow. No partnership is without its issues or difficulties. It's the couples that tell me they have no problems and never fight that I worry about most, honestly. Or maybe they're just really damn lucky.
  18. $250 is pretty darn steep. I spent that once- I had one of those keratin treatments done. Yep- my hair was glossy and smooth and model-looking but damn... I can't afford that every 6 months. I did it last year as my one "i'm still on this salary for a couple months before I quit" indulgence. I always look at the pics of the wives/gf's of NHL players and whine about how they all have the exact same gorgeous glossy unattainable hair... now I know why. it's kinda like literally just rubbing hundred dollar bills all over your head. Same for their skin and clothes. Usually costs about $70-80 and I give her a 20 for a tip. The alternative is supercuts butchering my weird wavy/curly/thick mane. I actually have cut it shorter now so I save money on shampoo/conditioner.
  19. Prenuptials are for people with money... I do not qualify. Though I'd be pretty pissed if d4rk took the plants. We'd fight over the cat, too. Sorry man. In the end you gotta do what's right for you. Otherwise it's good for no one.
  20. And even then, only when I have a gift card, thank you very much. The most money I spend is on gifts for other people/shared meals/investments in my business that I can write off on taxes. Or hair appointments. That costs more than I'd like every 3-ish months. I feel pretty guilty about that. I've always been fairly frugal, but since I now earn a quarter of what I did before, I'm pinching pennies till they scream. Joining up with d4rk/mörk would probably create some anger.
  21. I think children is a huge deal with marriages ending. One of those "one wants it, the other doesn't, well, if we get married, he/she will see my side, we'll worry about it then" and then it's just bad news bears. Feeling like it's "time" to have kids still often feels like something you worry about AFTER the wedding. So now it's after the vows, and you two vehemently disagree, and all the crap bubbles up and it's a race to find a willing partner before the biological clocks run out?
  22. I dunno. I've known a few couples that seemingly fit that bill, and the wedding/marriage in one case was a "we need to make this official to solidify things/make them more special" and it failed, because marriage changes virtually nothing (and that can be a huge rude awakening to many people it seems), the other was "wellp, guess we better do this, cuz I'm stuck with you for life" resignation sort of thing. It's like they were holding their breath and putting up to hit the Big Milestone that would magically Make It All Work, hooray we did it! And then they did it, exhaled, and went... oh. Well. Doing over... I'd... ok, see ya. Success and failure at anything is as individual as the person(s) involved.
  23. We almost signed the paperwork this year just so I could get health insurance that wasn't financially murdering me. Super romantic. By the time we get to it, I'll be around or over 30 (yeah, no hot young brides here, sorry)... We'll have been together 10ish years, so... it'll be more of a "thanks for being in our lives, here's some fun n drink and a reason to actually see each other" plus some legal plusses for signing the papers n . I won't change my name, I don't want a white dress. I feel like a bit of a shmuck for actually wanting one, even a tiny one. There's still a touch of dumb girl in me I guess. Maybe I'll get my circus pals to perform during it. But yeah, I know a tooon of folks who got hitched for the wrong reasons. From "omg i want a huge party where it's all about meeeeee" to "yeah you'll do, we're the right age to do it, better do it now" to insane religious pressure... To be fair... none of those divorces were even the least bit surprising. They were all "well.. ok, wonder if this'll last" sorta deals in some regard.
  24. I'll get a cardboard cutout of you with one of those magnetic wooly beard boards so guests can draw different facial hair on you all night Just in case
  25. Smoke 'em while you got 'em! ;)
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