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Everything posted by josie

  1. Yeah, I'm too lazy to clear my cache, bet that's the issue. Didn't think of it. Thanks! I painted him last night. Might as well shill since I'm here- I have prints for sale on my Etsy and am donating $5 from each sale of his portrait to the Eric Wood Fund at the Buffalo Children's Hospital Foundation.
  2. Random- changed my icon- appears as the new picture on posted posts, but is my old one on the main page and currently as I type this post. Kinda funny.
  3. I follow a fair amount of Native American people and activists on twitter- yeah, they're wholly on the side of getting rid of ol' Wahoo. It's the most visually offensive logo in major sports. The name isn't as bad as "Redskins", but the logo- yeah, Wahoo should be relegated to the history books. Not totally focused on sports but a documentary about native representation in movies and the entertainment biz in general- watch Reel Injun. It was on Netflix, not sure if it still is. I've plugged it here before. If I remember correctly, it touches on Wahoo and the Chief Illini (university of illinois) pregame show, etc.
  4. Well, what started me was I was searching Eichel on instagram. sometimes you find better photos/ref on there. The top "related hashtags" were as seen in the screenshot below, and many of the photos he's tagged in were of the same highbrow variety discussed in this important thread. and I said "aw look his mates (or enemies) are having a go at him"... so I searched on google. That's when I was like... ok. I've google image searched Eichel many many times and it's never been that prevalent in acorns and bell ends.
  5. Yeah, just let it wander. Those suckers are everywhere. I went home to Ohio once this summer, parked on the street down from my old house. Went to leave and found a spider bro had built a gorgeous web on my driver's side mirror/window. Didn't see him in it, went back to NY. Next morning- beautiful web, spider bro chillin' out. He was clearly living in my mirror and enjoying the benefits of tooling around town at 30-40- not fast enough to ruin his web, but enough to get him lots of bug snacks. But every time I'd drive over 50 mph, rain, or if I rolled my window too low, his marvelous silken creation would be destroyed. Next day, back again. Went back to Ohio a couple more times, parked in the same spot, figured he'd depart. Nope. He was my daily companion until winter really set in. I wonder where it is now- probably too cold to survive in my car. I named it Sam. The cat loves to point out Sam's adventures to me. Just hoping the cat doesn't try to consume Sam. ... I like bugs. I have a soft spot for all living things, especially the many legged variety.
  6. Heartbreaking. What a guy.
  7. He's a Jeff. A Chad is your stereotypical quarterback/lifeguard/protein powder swilling Alpha. A neckbeard is your emotionally weedy "nice" guy, coated in a fine layer of cheeto dust and lives on reddit's MRA forums. I'm gonna say he's a Jeff- you'll find Jeffs in the gas station wild eyed at odd hours, Monster tattoo from their teenage years displayed prominently, talking up about the time they spent a week in county jail for decking another dad at their kid's little league game. They'll refer to their girlfriend/wife as "baby girl" or "old lady" and have dualie tires on their truck and at least one of their daily items (knife, wallet, phone, chew/flask) decked out in camo.
  8. I saw my phone alert during a class last night and automatically yelled "Yes. F*CK Marchand" and no one knew what the hell I was on about. But seriously. F*ck Marchand.
  9. NHL All Star ads are coming out and they're terrrrruhble. Copy pasted heads on stock photos- but done *just* well enough to go past "funny pasted faces" territory into "did they mean to make that look horrid? Hire a fu*king illustrator. Make an ad interesting and eye catching, not "meh". I got mad that someone's being paid to do that and did a 20 minute scribbly redo of the Karlsson one on my lunch break. The Subban one is worse but I have sh!t to do.
  10. Sorry man, that sucks. Hopefully it's a mild one. Don't look at screens if you can. See a doctor if it's bad- or to get a note to get out of work/other stuff. If it's mild enough that you're trying to work, tell other team members/boss what's up- you might do some really squirrely sh!t without realizing it. I got a pretty good one once and was finding bizarre file placements/mistakes on the most mundane/normal tasks for months afterwards. Def stay away from the booze- in addition to the whole "brain peeling away from skull", it dehydrates, which is the last thing you need when dealing with a concussion.
  11. Yeah... that's f*ked up if she's actually proud of that. Not empowering, just sh!tty. Course, could be someone heard her frustrated/jokingly say it and it got blown out of proportion. That never happens in frustrated atmospheres!
  12. I don't know how much of it is sexism and how much of it is the spectre of dual leadership over one strong figurehead. Yes, sexism plays into it, as out of two people, she's seen as the weaker, less informed one. Maybe she is just as in the sh!t or more than other "in charge" people. She's never strapped on hockey skates and taken a shift, but has Terry? He assistant coached a Mites team, but was described as a "fish out of water" on skates . I dunno, I don't know the history as well as most of you. I'm probably missing a huge glaring detail, and I apologize for it. I think what's more telling about that first paragraph is the fearful atmosphere- the walking on eggshells. How could there not be, after the last few years? That ties in with your locker rooms, your marketing gaffes, your whole losing culture persona.
  13. d4rk and I spent a quick weekend there but hope to come back for a longer trip someday. We didn't get to do a ton, but if you're interested, the World War II museum down there is fantastic. Tom Hanks bankrolled the whole thing and it's really well done- one of the more immersive-without-someone-babbling-at-you experiences I've had. And they recently opened a new section of it. If you have money to blow and want a fancy a$$ dinner and a world class sazerac, go to Commander's Palace. Mostly just eat. There's so much amazing stuff to eat. Just don't get food poisoning like I did. (was either a beer allergy or a bad shrimp po'boy at Mother's) I agree with ol' Iron Crotch on Bourbon Street. It's definitely worth a walk through- never really seen anything like it before on such a scale. It was as if every stereotypical southern frat/sorority kid were there celebrating their stag parties. Vomit everywhere, loud, some subpar sloppy t!t flashing, just not my scene.
  14. Yes- I have several friends there- they say it's drizzle, not downpour. A fine grey mist that permeates your very being. Like living in the produce shelves of a supermarket, but instead of simply misting water, it's a cocktail of apathy, delirium and exhaustion. That said, I'd still love to visit someday. The 71 sunny days a year are probably wonderful. I'd rent a kayak and go on a orca spotting tour.
  15. Email gremlins. They strike at the worst times. Copy pasted an address to send my resume/cover letter shenanigans to- a friend at a good company has a part time lead for me, for which I am extremely hopeful and grateful. Today he hits me up again, essentially asking why I never sent anything. For some bizarre reason, he never received it. Not in the spam, not in the junkmail- my email says it sent... We sorted it out but god... nothing says "I REALLY WANT THIS JOB" more than looking like you never even tried to apply... :sick: I'm going to pass out.
  16. Lovingly calls their players the space needles.
  17. Ah. oops! I guess my issue with Kraken is, when I think of krakens, warm Caribbean waters and dark rum come to mind. Not the PNW. Maybe there's a chillier kraken, or some terrifying icy megashark- like those prehistoric sharks in Greenland that live for 500+ years if left to their own devices. Could be neat though. Seattle Squid doesn't have the same ring to it, nah
  18. I could go for a nice pavlova now that you mention it
  19. I don't hate Evergreens but there better be a giant joint in the logo. Seattle Cascadia Events? Seattle Seasonal Depressions The Seattle Sog Seattle Sounds, or in that vein, The Seattle Shilshole! (it's a bay, but what fun!) You could definitely do something lumberjack related too. Seattle Skid Rows! Seattle Shredders- get that stoner snowboard/ski culture but yeah, Kraken's ok I guess. I'll never not make GoT Greyjoy testicle jokes if they're bad, though.
  20. Your username right now accurately and onomatopoetically describes this team. If someone came up to me and said, "make a noise to describe the Sabres this year" it'd be between a long sad fart and "skoggslopp".
  21. Oh it absolutely can get worse. We're not at mid 1970s Caps level yet. Or 1985-86 Red Wings. But I guess to me the bright spot is- it has to get better someday again. How? I don't know. I miss watching hockey. I miss being excited. People aren't throwing jerseys on the ice... yet. Is that next? What is next?
  22. We're not watching. I'm working and d4rk is cleaning. The score updates on the phone are painful enough. I'm so sad. We should be enjoying a Saturday afternoon game, not forgetting they exist until the numbers start piling up on our notifications.
  23. I didn't even realize it was the same director as the recent Oceans movies. They were well into the heist and it had a kicky pace/feel to it that made me go "oh this is SOOOooOOo much like the Oceans movies". Looked it up, oh. well. that makes sense!! Apparently Matt Damon was supposed to be in it originally... glad he wasn't. Would've felt way too on the nose with the Oceans brand, especially if they kept up the trope of him eating in every scene...
  24. Nice wrasse. ok back to hockey
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