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Everything posted by josie

  1. I only have one women's cut and it's a Datsyuk jersey... Need a Sabres one haha
  2. I'm afraid to watch last year, when I didn't watch games, we often won. I haven't been able to watch either game so far this year (ok, so dark and I were streaming it between acts at a concert but I wasn't truly watching all the way through) I don't wanna jinx it oh god I'm so superstitious I can't paint anyone either- I'm kryptonite for whoever I paint ?
  3. Do any of y'all have a lady in your life who has one? The bell shaped comment above gives me a moment's pause. (not much, i really don't care _that_ much) I'm totally in for a unisex cut, I have several, but I admit I do prefer when a women's cut is offered. I'm not boxy, I like something that I'm not swimming in- the alternative is a youth large that just doesn't work well with hips and chest.
  4. Got to see the Black Keys again this last weekend. I saw them about 8 years ago and their performance has changed quite a bit- it was a very time-machine-to-the-60s/70s and we're taking you to church feel. I didn't really want to get up and jump around like the first time I saw them- I was enjoying just vibing out. The energy was good. I think Dan and Pat are the musicians they've been working towards being, and it shows in their live sets. They played their newer stuff, a lot of big classics, and a few off their first couple albums which are my favorites. Modest Mouse opened. I loved them throughout middle and high school. I gotta say, I was disappointed- I don't think they're cut out for a huge echo-y arena (Little Caesars Arena in Detroit). He cut the rest of the band and stuck to just drums and banjo and it sounded great- but with full band it was just a lot of noise. Bummer. First opener was Jessy Wilson- check her out, very good singer. Bluesy soul rock.
  5. Maybe the real goal is the friends we made along the way
  6. She and I are undefeated wins for hockey games we've gone to together. so... get us to some sabres games together.
  7. Is his face warped onto a skull-like shape? Yes? oh. well, he's a replicant. That answers everything. These broadcasts will be lost like tears in rain.
  8. I zoomed in more and there's a lot of goofy proportions in foreshortening/arms.... you can tell the artist grabbed photos from getty for the faces but had to make up the limbs. But yeah, the part that annoys me most is the scaling of Doc Emrick there... he's huge for where he is in the composition and the rim highlight makes him look like a cardboard cutout... ok ok I'm done back to work
  9. Get it! ❤️
  10. ...and the more I've seen and learned about working that job (or any art job), the less I've actively pursued it. I feel I'd only really be proud of my portraits, but they're not looking for that. It's often what the art directors/higher ups want, the deadlines need, and what the budget can afford.
  11. Well, it is how I feel, but I also know you don't make friends and connections by publicly tearing apart the work in the position you want to have haha If they contacted me and said "here's what we have in mind" I'd have to take a few big swigs of something fortifying because holy hell what an undertaking. I'd have a few concerns that would give me an ulcer until I got into it: 1- that's a LOT of likenesses to get dead on. 2- those jerseys are a veritable rainbow of colors that clash... and you have to put them all in the same environment and get them to work homogeneously enough to be believable/not stand out. 3- Eff that perspective- that's a hard angle with a curve no less (there are some definitely scaling issues in this one as it is but I bet there was a LOT of "ah shizz this ain't quite right" adjusting) 4- As much as I would love to make work for the NHL in some capacity- nothing is more vile than the comments people say on your work- good or bad- in a public forum. Takes thick skin. I remember the work I did for Dockers (they had a Big 10 college football line I did illustrations for) and how I still hold some of those evil responses too close to my heart. Oof.
  12. He definitely is glaring right at him isn't he...
  13. He's wolfing down wings and looking dyspeptic.
  14. I honestly don't see much wrong with it. Perspective and colors are fine, and I really enjoy a lot of the little detailed jokes worked into the players. I see an either stylistic choice or a "we need this ambitious project ASAP' situation, meriting the kinda uncomfortable filter-over-photo technique for faces/trophies. The issue, speaking from an art-prof-crit standpoint is you have a much chunkier/simpler style for rendering uniforms/shoes and then photorealism for faces. It blends, fairly well, but has a touch of uncanny oof to it. But it's cute, and overall works pretty successfully. But truth, I'm just happy to see illustration being used. Maybe someday I'll get my shot!
  15. It may just be the people I know, but the women my age have been a lot more open about this in the last few years. Many of my friends have gone through many miscarriages, stillbirths, and IVF and years of testing/trying and some have resorted to fostering/adoption. I'm glad to see it talked about, for those it helps. While it never lessens the pain and grief, it can help normalize and help these people not feel so alone. My therapist actually specializes in postpartum counseling. It's a very scary, very real problem that more women than not face. It's a pretty common refrain on my social media sites for us in our late 20s/early 30s. You'll also see a lot of discussion on how we're slowly trying to make people realize that asking the "why haven't you/when are you going to have kids" questions can be really damaging/hard to hear- often for this reason. It's sadly quite common. But the support networks are getting better, the understanding is growing.
  16. Utterly heartbreaking. My mother lost 13 children over the years, all told, including my sister's twin. It really takes a toll. I can't imagine what they're going through. Absolutely horrible. I hope they have the best support network available. My heart absolutely goes out to them.
  17. Careful man, that's a slippery slope. I was the girl who refused to wear leggings or yoga pants into public. Didn't feel pulled together. Too exposed, certainly didn't feel in shape enough, was afraid of being ridiculed. Always would have a dress or jeans. Then I became a damn circus artist and have to wear them all the time to the studio. Stopped giving a crap about the above. The comfort. The ease. The simplicity. My god jeans are a prison now.... I can't go back to the way I was...
  18. Yeah that's weather alright... but hey, any friday where your bf wants to come back and deal with you is a good'un right? in other news, my routine for our halloween show is starting to come together. hope they like me taking a bad 80s sax ballad very seriously...
  19. I eat the morningstar grillers veggie burgers a lot. They're easy, quick, taste pretty good, and I got dark hooked on 'em too. I still prefer a big ol meat burger, haven't tried the Beyond or Impossible ones. Mainly because I'm usually coming home after job 2 at 10pm and don't have time to do anything but microwave. I've got a lot of GI issues, and while I still eat meat, eating less seems to help ease some of that. Turns out I can't process onions well (I'm pretty much on a lifelong FODMAP diet at this point). They're in a lot of stuff. Not too much in some of the veggie things, surprisingly. Just think of it as another food item. If you like it you like it.
  20. ugh she's 37 I swear we don't expire at 35... I swear. Caution people who don't use headphones at work: swearing, discussion of women. But there's Tina Fey and Julia Louis Dreyfuss (full discretion: I do not watch amy schumer, but this is just a fantastic little sketch)
  21. . . . He was referencing the manner in which Dennis Rader was caught/convicted. It's a pretty interesting story. brb gotta go take more selfies for face id
  22. Yeah the Charlie actor was great. Bill's kid's story is actually based off something true. Unrelated to these characters and who they approximate, but it was a particularly gruesome crime that really did happen. I'm most of the way through- been watching it while I work at night. I like how they're portraying BTK. It's maddening. He didn't get caught until 2005.
  23. I'd somehow been insulated from more reality tv fans being an art idiot in college/working at a video game company. Now i work with a broader demographic and I my desk is by the break room... my god, I didn't believe real people actually cared about the Kardashians. Or the Bachelor/ette. They care. They really care. Like... they care. We were at a drinks after work situation for a coworker's marriage announcement and all these beautiful women I work with all got on the topic of plastic surgery... how they all want lip fillers, jaw shaving, how they wish their boyfriends/husbands would get work done... and I just... couldn't even, y'all. I really like these people. They're not stupid, they're kind, they're fun, they're great coworkers that make this job bearable. But wow my eyes start crossing the minute they start babbling about Kylie this and Khloe that. Feigning interest- I should get a damn Oscar.
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