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Everything posted by josie

  1. At this point, I'm too busy to make playoff art (or even watch) like I normally would, but uh, go team with most interesting looking people on it in case I find an hour I admit I'm really conflicted on the Vegas thing. Sure they earned it-they play good, hard hockey. But man, something's wrong with a first year team dominating like this. Stacked somehow. But they're having fun and spreading the love of hockey so... eh I dunno. I'm a crotchety old b!tch these days.
  2. I'm not really- I just feel dirty for having been his friend. I cut all ties to him when all of this came to light, and it felt weird- you worry if you're overreacting, or the stories are not true... but in this case- no, it's for real. I'm also somewhat projecting how my friend feels- she worked there for years, most of her tattoos are done by him... just absolutely sh!tty all around. I know she'll be happier at the new shop, but I'm worried about her- this is going to be really hard on her. I hope no one gives her any sh!t. I will annihilate them.
  3. I know it ain't Thursday but this is essentially the non Thursday compliant thread, right? Best friend's boss has had a ton of women come forward with allegations of assault/other nastiness that I won't get into. I knew the guy well. Always found him scuzzy and had heard horror stories from his exes, but well, I was complacent because the culture of his tattoo shop/social circle was always blue humor and edginess. I rolled with it and had lots of banter with him over the years, and generally ignored his come-on's and pervier comments. My friend would call him out on his line crossers and he'd cut her hours or otherwise screw with her. Long story short- it's clear he did this crap- my friend quit last night and is starting at a better shop this weekend. I'm glad I don't have any tattoos from him. I feel like crap that I was yet another person who maybe in a sense enabled this d!ckhead over the years. Not only did his actions directly harm those he assaulted, the ramifications affect so many others who worked for and with him. Fu*k garbage people. I hope someone takes his happy ass to court. Don't get a tat at voodoo monkey if it somehow stays open after this. He's a sh!tty artist to boot.
  4. Yes volcanic eruption insurance exists, at least as far as I know in the US (hawaii, washington, wherever else). My friends whose wedding we attended this weekend are headed to Hawaii tomorrow for their 2 week honeymoon- they are spending their first week and a half on Kauai but then had the second half of the last week on the big island... I'm curious to see how it affects their trip- given that Hawaii is a very tourism based economy. I guess it's kinda like booking a trip in the Caribbean during August... you don't EXPECT a hurricane, but you're in the right area for one... hope you have travel insurance and a backup plan.
  5. Congrats Dave! Powers out. Went out at 430 at work, it’s out at home... my one. Free. Night. The only one. Darks at hockey, I finally have some time to answer the screaming and angry emails and texts from overdue freelance.... and now no power. Grid said 6:45. Then it went blank. Now they’re expecting it at midnight. Livid doesn’t begin to describe how I feel right now.
  6. Ideally yes. Until you find yourself to be someone who’s more likely to be prejudiced against and you start to notice those ingrained prejudices everywhere- so you vocalize them to draw attention to be problem so others can work towards kumbaya. Problem is, those who aren’t affected don’t see why it’s important and assume it’s a product of over sensitivity at best and outrage hobbyist tendencies worthy of eye rolling at worst. I feel that’s the crux of this woke or not convo going on round these parts.
  7. I hear you on the all nighters. I went from too little to too much. It's a good problem to be had overall. Thing is, the people who aren't in creative at my new job have no idea how long it takes to do our tasks. 2 hours to download and rename 8 images- to which the links are provided. Took me 4.5 minutes. But we're scheduled 6-8 hours of tasks a day... so I usually have all my work done by 9 am and then have 7 hours to sit there and think about all the freelance that's piling up/that i have no time to do. I've tried to address the issue but no dice. I like being busy... and I'm worried this is just a sign that they really don't need me- or at least could put me down to part time (which I'd honestly be fine with). The other creatives are working stressful nightmare 10 hour days on websites.... I've been teaching myself coding, but I need to actually apply it to really feel like I've got it down. Yeah- was supposed to be a 2 week trial, if it works out, bam, salary full time. Month plus now, everyone is so busy that I think they forgot about me... haha Still better than being poor, still better than my last job- I said "I'd sit and watch paint dry for 8 hours if it meant they'd pay me" and I got my wish. The work itself isn't horrible, it's very corporate and mostly copy pasting stock photos, it's just that I need more of it. I'm more worried that this is a sign this won't last... and then I'll be back to no income and unable to get a damn graphic design job because Buffalo. I keep getting this nagging feeling that my abilities and creativity are a Cadillac parked in a garage that only needs Honda Civics... and the people that would happily drive it and enjoy it only buy cars from their friends. I have a lot I can learn with the free time, I'm using it the best I can. Just feel a little useless.
  8. " There is no better place to geek out with your co-workers on music, video games, anime, etc. than Utilant" That (which is not something I would write on a glassdoor review, honestly...) combined with the reviews saying how toxic the culture is and how you structure your day yourself... man, did my old company reopen here in a different industry? One of the pro comments is that they're fed a lot.. It kinda looks like for every bad review, someone posts a glowing review not long after that refutes the points the bad review had.... Interview and see.
  9. WOW WOW Apparently jingles for rogaine
  10. Oh yeah, remembering that one time i did a doodle and a cussword was on it sorry man, fixed some of the posters on here have profile pics with more nekkid lady on them than that, though, just sayin' :p
  11. Aw he doesn't smell _that_ bad. And you wouldn't have to walk, call Ink's Uber. win-win-win.
  12. insert photo of screenshot from the shining with distant shot of nude attractive pixellated woman in bathtub here Serving woman in the bathtub in The Shining realness
  13. Maybe we all need a good coddling. Spread some love in the world. Wait, that's cuddling. Well, that's fine too. Ah yep, it's a pretty common bandied about term these days. It has become an insult for the most part. The usual reasons, some people in a generally good movement took it too far, people didn't like it, etc etc yadda yadda internet go boom. Yeah, I'm with you on that. I don't need to know who. But don't we always want to know who? Curiosity, morbid curiosity, man. As someone who watches/listens to/reads loads of content about serial killers and other awful things... the mob needs something to teethe on. Saints and sinners, never a grey area. it still comes down to Russ had enough strikes to convince the Pegulas to ask for his resignation and never mention his name or thank him after the initial announcement. This is why I'm not over here going oh poor Russ it's all a setup. Hence my initial victims comment. Something's awfully rotten in the state of PSE and someone took the trash out.
  14. Guy I knew in high school is out in Bryce right now- they just had a pretty good snow and the pictures he's posting are extremely envy-inducing. Sexy, deadly, but most of her is dead and dusty and filled with venomous snakes. I'd still buy her a drink.
  15. Alrighty, since my nose is bleeding from all the mentions of me and arguing in my name and whatnot, a few things. 1- When I said I'm out, I meant, oh f*ck this, I'm not doing this tonight. I lurk a lot. I don't say much. Reasons being- I don't like arguing much, I'm not a fan of drama, and while I have lots of very deep and fiery opinions, I rarely/never share them because I'm exhausted. Nothing I say or opine is exactly ground shattering or glass ceiling shattering. I see worse opinions than the majority of you every hour on twitter (and I curate as best I can-holy sh!t some of the "hot takes" on Kim right now... some of that TBD flair, yo). But why argue when people have no desire to change their minds? In general. I'm someone who considers every side of the thing. I see it. I don't often agree with it. I will continue to lurk here and annoy you guys in the OT threads with my stupid life stories and pictures. 2- For those critical of me not defending me/dark doing it for me/probably thinking i'm some stupid martyr baby. I simply logged off last night and didn't come back until lunch today. Wow. I left because I thought- "this thread is going to devolve immediately". And it did. Sure I was a catalyst but someone would've said something similar to me (like it was particularly controversial, man) and it would've gone anyways. This is the sort of topic that always does. Inappropriate something or other, a firing of a big head, and now, to spice it up more- a woman taking over (Kim isn't really a topic in here, just overall- this is exploding all over social media, not just here). Yes, I have a chip on my shoulder. I'm not taken seriously a lot in general. I get talked over frequently in real life and on the internet. I see my ideas ignored and then represented by others to great acclaim. I'm sorry that I leave in a huff sometimes when maybe it isn't super obvious why. 3- Coddling me. Don't. I know I get it to some degree because I'm dark's old lady and I'm not really a battle-axe anyways. It's not coddling in this case, it's looking with a different perspective. None of the language I use regarding being a woman/having an outside opinion is particularly crazy. If you're being a bit of a dinosaur, I'll give you a little nip. I'm not SJWing every post. I do from time to time and I'm painfully aware no one cares/it's no way to make friends. I'm a sh!tty feminist because I'd rather have the friends. Besides, you can change a friend's mind better than an enemy's. Dark's responses are because he has to listen to me ranting and yelling and grumping around our shoebox sized apartment when something on the internet makes me angry. I was pretty peeved last night. Overreading whatever minuscule amount of replies there were to me? Maybe- but I knew if I stuck around the same convo would happen with me involved, and I didn't have time to hunch over my keyboard until 1am having this exact grumpathon with y'all. I almost made an additional point last night with my initial post/grenade down the hatch. I almost said that my sympathy for those affected by this is very in part to the fact that the internet will scour and witchhunt until they can find out who the person/s in question are, and then blast them for it/doo gross internet things. Y'all ain't doing that here, but there's a post a page or so back where supposedly they've already figured out who one of the people are. And yes, I said "whatever" because I knew someone who loves semantics would come charging in to play devil's advocate. It's a message board. It happens. I try to head things off at the pass. I don't usually throw grenades (I really don't think this even counted initially, but we all need a catalyst) without knowing damn will how to put a pin back in them. I'm not a total f*cking idiot. This fight/discussion happens every few months, or every few weeks outside of this board. There's a lot of emotion to any situation that has a whiff of sexual impropriety to it. It's exhausting for us all. I'm sorry I didn't "fight for myself" or whatever. I just thought man, if you knew one of the people who was involved in this mess and being touted as "the other person/the victim/chemical x", wouldn't you feel like ###### for them, whatever the case? Maybe everyone's to blame and everyone sucks. Maybe those "victims" were fired. We don't know. But evidently, who's the blame is the crux of this, it's very male vs female. Argue amongst yourselves. I'm sorry I became a focal point in here. I hate that. I have a lot of work to do and three jobs to keep going (seriously, i went from too little to too much and I'm dyin' ova hea), so I'mma log off for awhile. Be kind. Hate me if you want. Treat me like a fragile package if you want. It's the internet. I'm not new to it. You guys are nothing compared to rape and death threats I get sometimes for just existing on twitter. Holy f*ck that's a book. If you're skimming looking for your name, relax, I'm too lazy to bother (and have no need to. not mad at anyone. just tired) :P
  16. Ah screw this. Figured I'd have an ounce of compassion for the unnamed people mentioned in the report. Everyone else is dancing on his grave but oh boy. I'm out.
  17. Whatever the case, something was out of balance, something wasn't right, something went pretty damn wrong. Aye. Course I don't know. But it's not just a "hey toots nice ass" to result in this. JFC y'all
  18. Yuck. Thoughts go out to the employees he was harassing or whatever. Hope they have the help they need.
  19. Yes Oh man, gotta break out my leather miniskirt again
  20. ohmygod yes and a week later rob zombie bring it, august
  21. Ah, but "Farming is a profession of hope" (-Brian Brett, canadian poet) And it fits the star spangled story of all American boy- rippling athleticism, the accuracy of a nearsighted bald eagle on a windy winter's day, a gamble on an underdog unbesmirched by the coaching of an elite system, a boy whose very alveoli in his patriotic lungs sing the rocky mountain lovesongs of John Denver with every golden breath! Lo, a red blooded and future man, a bro who grew up with cotton, the very fabric of our lives! Blessed blessed blessed be.
  22. Actually, we really don't know when the actual date is. Just kinda turned into us looking at each other one day and going "you're my girlfriend/bf, right?" He kissed me for the first time on April Fools (easy to remember) and then we were just busy with school/life for a couple weeks seeing each other when we could. Didn't want it to be 4/1- I'd been dumped the previous year on April Fool's and lemme tell you, having an important thing happen to you on that day sucks. He chose 4/25 some months after we'd been together and we had figured out that this was actually going to be a lasting thing. Doesn't really matter, honestly! Ah he remembers, I'm just the louder one on social media/make art for it. I think he remembered better this year than I did, actually. I brought this up while we were hiking on Sunday. He'd never heard the phrase before, actually. He claims to be all set in that department. I mean, I may not be *insert gorgeous perfect wonderful dream girl celeb whatever here* but he could do worse haha
  23. Good ol' dark and I have been together 7 years as of today. :beer:
  24. Oh absolutely. I watched a bunch a couple years ago when I was working on a wrestling game at work. I was animating/doing UI for one of the female fighters- it was a lot of fun. One of them wrote a book... I was expecting some origin story, how she got into wrestling... after like 2/3 of the book we had yet to get to GLOW or wrestling at all, and it was mostly really raunchy/borderline p0rn memoirs of her days as a dominatrix/swinger/phone sex operator. Which sounds great. Except it really wasn't. Especially not for chapter after chapter after chapter... I haven't read the rest.
  25. ROR was up for it before if memory serves when he was with the Avalanche... he nearly completed a season without a single penalty, and right at the end he got 2 minutes for puck over the glass. I don't remember who got it that year, but I believe Datsyuk was a contender as well.
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