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Everything posted by josie

  1. No but I want to. Hell of a case. Incredible- and McNamara had a lot to do with that case ever being closed.
  2. ..... I can only get so erect
  3. Stupid sexy Holtby
  4. Ayup I listen to Last Podcast on the Left pretty much daily, we're both Murderinos (My Favorite Murder- admittedly not my fav but has a different viewpoint), and I watch docs/read about all manner of horrible sh!t constantly. My encyclopedic knowledge of serial killers is pretty useless but a great/awful party trick.
  5. Yeah, watch out world... my clone definitely has her sh!t more together than me, though. And she's a bit younger and skinnier so, take the world by storm, other me!
  6. Yeah, I actually looked the other day to see if they were still going. :( They'd reached out to me for an Eichel portrait like how they used my Risto painting- I said I was going to do one anyway and would be happy to let them use it (we'd worked out a loose agreement the first time). Made it. Never heard from them to actually use it. Too bad. Some real talent on that team.
  7. haha he talks to everyone, and most of those attractive young ladies are people he knows (I bet I even know the accounts you're referring to). I've never seen him be creepy, though- never got that vibe. But nah, he's good- he's got a good deal of empathy which I think helps make him a cut above a lot of the others. Less "follow a narrative and make it all fit" and more "well, here's an anomaly, what does that do to the bigger picture". Overall, I'm still not sure how I feel about the Athletic. I was hoping The Buffalo Star would do better.
  8. Every single Bills related design I've done for them has had at least 15 people suggest it haha I think it annoys Del to no end- he wants to keep it a bit more family friendly by not nodding to the drunken shenanigans we've garnered so much attention for- for better or worse.
  9. Yeah, I don't really worry about the color thing as much. Just means I don't go and search out the exact hex code of the official Bills/Sabres logo colors and just use what works with whatever shirt color it's going to be on. Yep- figures, the one thing I paint for fun on a Sunday afternoon is one of my better sellers.
  10. It absolutely could- but none of those are exactly Sendak's characters. Just closely inspired. I have clients who request exact replicas of various licensed characters with a slight twist on them, and I usually counsel them to do something a bit more different. My main client likes to do this a lot, and he's gotten a cease & desist from the Simpsons before as a result. I wonder about it too- we're technically not allowed to use any bills/sabres logos or even exact colors. The one that always bugged me was the "This Is Fine" design that sold hundreds upon hundreds and made that designer a boatload of money- it's a sliiight change of KC Green's original, not a lot of re-drawing. But yeah, for this one, that's what they wanted, so that's what I drew. The only design I've ever done for them that was 100% my idea was the Teddy Roosevelt riding a buffalo one. Yeahhh they hop on whatever's current, only goes for 4 days to 2 weeks, gone with the wind after that. New design every 2 weeks.
  11. :wub: :wub: Thanks man!
  12. I get a dollar per shirt sale. Which means I usually make like... 20 bucks total for like 6 hours of work (and my lowest rate is $25/hr). But sometimes it really works out- the tailgating shirt netted me a real good sum. It was admittedly really frustrating when I didn't have a steady job/paycheck- that's a lot of time/money to miss out on.
  13. Got another shirt design for 26shirts out! Where the Wild Things Are, Bills style. Check it out if you're so inclined. https://www.26shirts.com/wild-rumpus.html In other news, I didn't even realize until later in the weekend, but the people I was set up with at Nickel City Con are legit industry legends. I've never been a big superhero comic fan- more of an indie comic person- but the co-creator of Bane was chilling with us all weekend, and the current artist of Black Panther liked my Okoye painting apparently. Bunch of other current Marvel artists/writers were there as well- may lead to some interesting gigs for me down the road. Nice people for the most part. Was next to Guy Gilchrist all weekend- he's one of the creators of the Muppets/former good friend of Jim Henson, and has done the Nancy comic strip for 22 years. Weird dude, but nice. Kept giving us food and stories. But holy sh!t does doing a con drain you. I'd heard friends talk about post-con-depression but man, it's a real thing. Just constant noise/artificial light/subtle to intense human interaction... ugh. You find a quiet place afterwards and just shut down. I'd sit in my car in the cool, quiet parking garage after each day for 20 minutes just staring into space and groaning. Images:
  14. Day one of Nickel City Comicon went well- if you're going today or tomorrow, stop by booth A19 and say hi! Selling my prints and women's hockey stuff :) I get to hang out with the creator of Kicking Ice, and it turns out we're long lost clones. We both love hockey/have played as the only chick on a team, both are creative, both are obsessed with serial killers, both love stealth fighter jets, both have a long history of doing martial arts.... it's pretty neat.
  15. I heard that they omitted AIDS from the biopic. AND his sexuality. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Freddie opening up about it (it only went public the day before he died, but the admission was a huge step at the time) helped put a face on a ravaging disease full of stigma and hatred. Leaving it out is irresponsible. He was well known to be bi... you don't have to make it a huge deal, but it was definitely a cornerstone of his image and personality. It's a biopic, he died tragically... it would be like taking Selena's biopic and leaving out the whole getting shot by the president of her fan club thing, she just passed away in a random drive by oops. Or Janis and ODing. Cobain suicide/potential murder/drug use. Focus on the feeling of the band, the life, the love, for the majority of the film but you can't leave that stuff out. I will be a skeptic of it being worth a watch until convinced otherwise haha
  16. Pretty fascinating- we just played it here in the creative room loudly... I mostly heard Yanny, everyone else mostly heard Laurel. But I still hear both at the same time. Kinda fun little experiment. Oh well!
  17. Officially full time at my job now :) I can breathe a little easier on that front.
  18. The trick is when two people listen to it on the same device and hear something different. Noticed it's usually a man vs a woman hearing different things... I feel like I read somewhere that women pick up higher frequencies than men, men lower frequencies than women. Or it could all just be a load of and I wasted precious moments of my life typing about this on the internet.
  19. Oh god it's infected all of you, too. For whatever it's worth, I hear both Laurel and Yanny at the same time, like two people are speaking simultaneously. I have been told by my coworkers that I am nuts.
  20. Yeah I think we're conditioned to think "if you're not satisfied at your job you're in the wrong career". Back when I was a kid I read a great little story (it was in the Junior Great Books course I think, though I cannot find it right now). It was about a journeyman who yearned to be a master craftsman. He tried to be a glasswright, and found his skill lacking. Similarly, a carpenter, a blacksmith, a painter, etc. He would learn the basics but find himself either unable or unsatisfied to continue to the next level of craftsman. Eventually after many poor fits and many years of trying, disheartened, he moved towns (this is medieval-ish era) for he was so ashamed and saddened he hadn't found his niche. Then, the people of his new village needed a window to replace the broken one in their church. He could fix it with his basic glasswright knowledge. A new frame for a house- he had the knowledge to instruct the younger men to build it. On and on, you get the idea- he became an important member of his new village- absolutely revered by the townspeople for his wide base of knowledge. And he realized that though he wasn't a master craftsman, as a serial journeyman he'd found his purpose and reflected on how he'd thrown away years of happiness striving for this great 'other' that didn't really exist. I think about that story a LOT. Always related to it- though I'm fully an artist, I was pulled in many directions and still am. So I guess one of the morals is... do what you can when you can, learn and enjoy what you are able to, because the culmination of that knowledge may put you in a place where you find happiness someday.
  21. I've reached the point where I understand going without kids almost better. Nothing says family fun like long hot humid days with quickly tiring sweaty children full of nauseating overpriced sweets surrounded by a sea of similarly enthused meat creatures testing the limits of even the strongest deoderant's claims standing in long lines only to be whirled into hurl land for a few moments. My main freelance client pal in Miami has offered to pay our tickets for a day or two at Disney (and i know how effing expensive that is! good lord). He has a baby and a little girl- said he'd wait till the baby is 6 months. I'd go. Best of both worlds- wander off with my man and enjoy some overpriced alcohol and people watching, join up with my friend and his family, see the magic at work at a kid's level (they go all the time- I think he's a bigger fan than his kid haha). What I absolutely don't get is spending your honeymoon there- no shade to those of you who did or plan to- I know the package deals are a good value- I just don't want to be around a bunch of people on my honeymoon. I'm there to explore, fu*k, drink and eat nice stuff, and relax, not watch my language and get heatstroke/swamp ass. I know people (who live up here) who go every 3-6 months. It's crazy.
  22. My sister helped me beat an impossible deadline. She doesn't know how to use photoshop, has no tablet, but the work (which was fiddly time consuming placements for circuit cards) was doable once I skyped in and showed her a couple things. She pulled off 7.5 hours of work between last night and this evening, and saved my bacon. I've put in about 5 tonight, and last night was spent teaching for two hours and then entirely on another project (which you'll see soon- 26 Shirts, and for Buffalo this time too!). We've never had the closest relationship. In the past year she's faced death a lot, as recently as last month with a surgery that yielded more unpleasant surprises. Her attitude has changed a lot (it had been softening the last few years but this is almost radical change) and I get all weepy thinking about it all. In light of my dad's mystery illness and her surgeries and such, I guess it's sunk in that we all have to try to pull together when we can. Anyway, I'm so grateful. Don't worry- she's getting paid her share (and it's a lot).
  23. I'd like to take this opportunity to share that I was the one in our little life together that decided to cut a sour-ish beer with Chambord. It was Cayuga Cruiser, I found it not to my taste, and threw some Chambord in there. Made for a pretty good little sipper.
  24. Never dreamed I'd see someone on this forum clock that Yes- I'm a huge fan. It just cheers me up.
  25. Walked outside to move my car for a coworker.. my god, it's perfect weather for one today. but I have to go teach a fitness class in a sweaty basement have one for me, boys
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