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Everything posted by josie

  1. It sums them up- so awful it's great. It'd be one thing if they were serious everyday jerseys, but I believe it was just a fun expo thing. Dat face tho... I believe we've found the missing link. Proud of you.
  2. These. Where can I get one? Real collars, too! http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&nv=1&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=sv&tl=en&u=http://m.eurosport.se/ishockey/tidernas-fulaste-matchstall-spelar-i-lederhosen_sto3934997/story.shtml
  3. That's awesome. I have a friend interning with NASA in Houston right now. She was in the control room with the Soyuz launch this week. From what I can tell, hanging around those guys is an amazing time. Checking out the Space Center should be a real treat. Enjoy!
  4. Good lord this is adorable. Have an awesome time :)
  5. Yes, everyone loves a good coccyx. Um. Words with unexpected letters are cool. Or o's and i's together. Like, sternocleidomastoid. Also one of the easiest parts to draw on someone that makes it look like you know what you're doing.
  6. One of my favorite anatomy terms is xiphoid process. I just love saying it. Iliac crest is awesome too. Yay bones! I always liked talking about gel electrophoresis as well.
  7. D4rk bought us a new TV so we can watch hockey and movies and play games on something bigger than a blurry post-it. He wouldn't let me help pay for it. In return, he's probably getting goalie skates for Xmas.
  8. At least Alexander Semin isn't on our team to promote it.
  9. Clogged arteries and certain heartburn aside, I'm more worried about what "special Sabre sauce" entails, personally.
  10. Can confirm. Am struggling through the day mixing coffee and painkillers and floating through assignments.
  11. haha perfect. Georgia will be posted 10/10. So since the cat's outta the bag, this is all for Dockers. They have a Game Day line of pants in team colors. Check their facebook twitter or instagram- the first one I did is Texas A&M and it's up already. Working on LSU Tigers for next week. They actually have a live tiger in a cage that roars at the other team. And I thought the Buckeyes were nuts growing up (haaaa legume pun)
  12. Miikka Kiprusoff announces retirement. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/story/2013/09/09/sp-nhl-calgary-flames-miikka-kiprusoff.html
  13. haha awesome. I'll check it out, see if there's someway I can ref it in there. Thanks!
  14. The one I've been told to focus on for UGA is the Victory Bell. I'm betting there's videos on the youtubes of it, no? Any specific craziness that happens during the ringing that you know of? Like, hand signals or anything? I'll probably try to include a Bulldog in there somewhere. Thankya miss!
  15. Thanks man! Unis are: Oregon State, Louisiana State, Texas A&M, University of Georgia, Missouri University, Washington State, University of Minnesota, University of Kentucky, University of Michigan (go blue!), aaand University of Illinois. Might be more down the road, I'm not sure. Each one has a specific tradition I'm referencing. If anyone on here knows the spirit/rituals of any of these schools, I am all ears! Been studying Texas A&M all day for the first one.
  16. My first freelance job with a major company came through today and has me studying traditions of ten major universities at their games and illustrating in a style I enjoy doing. Yeah, it's football, but it's a lot of fun to research and it's one step closer to hockey/sports illustration than I was before. I'm super excited.
  17. Got my brand new paintball mask today in the mail. I look like some kind of shiny, angry wasp with a ponytail in it and it's awesome. Now I just gotta find the time/money/people and go play. Oh, and I get my car back today. Blew my mass air flow sensor somehow and was given a Subaru Outback to drive until it was fixed. Thing's like driving a spaceship. So many knobs and buttons and slushbox transmission. Give me my barebones manual Impreza any day. Not a bad Thursday so far.
  18. Teemu has the shiniest hair. And sparkliest eyes. And funniest voice. Well, crap. I'm in love with him. How can you not love that goofy Finn grin.
  19. Good to know! That wasn't the case last year. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough (holidays, no time, stuff out of stock). Sounds good. I think I'll always be partial to anything Breckenridge myself, but d4rk loved that Fireside Chat brew.
  20. 21st Amendment makes great stuff. I couldn't find any in Rochester, but for Christmas last year I had a friend farther west send me a couple packs of their FDR themed beer because d4rk is obsessed with the wheeled wonder. Really good stuff. Something in it would give me migraines though. No idea. Have to admit, the idea of a fruity beer, especially watermelon, turns me off cold.
  21. Oh he is. You should see his vinyl collection.
  22. Yes. The Gogol Bounce. Been through it twice- nearly broke my ankle the first time. Be prepared to get bathed in sweat not your own and crowdsurf against your will. The people watching alone is worth admission price. Easily my favorite band to see live. Glad I dragged you to one, eh D4rk?
  23. haha that's awesome. Maybe we've uncovered the secret lives of goaltenders aka don't quit your day job
  24. Went to a new eye doctor today. His last name is Lehtonen. He's not sure if he's related to Kari or not (his dad came to US from Finland at age 4 and grandfather was in foster care in Finland, so family lines get unclear around there). He's a hockey player and to distract me while he put in eye drops, he told me Newfie jokes. My kinda doc.
  25. bahaha and kitten ###### is the worst. Suffering for love, I guess. Good lord. To think I tell people how great a school it is all the time. I love their open online courses but geez... My uterus is telling me to boycott.
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