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Everything posted by josie

  1. Man. Holtby did NOT look into that fight.
  2. My mum made it safely to Estonia some time today. I know literally nothing about the country, but she tells me everyone is very tall, blonde, and well dressed. And there's goulash. Can't wait to hear more- definitely wish I could be traveling with her. It's fantastic because she's always been the "post" as she put it- stayed at home and kept things in order while the rest of us in the family traveled all over. So now it's her chance, and I daresay she's caught the travel bug. Ireland, Netherlands, Denmark, Britain, Germany, Hungary, etc., all in the last couple years. It's great to see her out there enjoying herself before she gets too old to do so.
  3. Dressed as Casey Jones for halloween at work today. How the devil did old time goalies see the puck in these damn masks? Happy halloween, guys. Watch for trick or treaters on your drive home tonight!
  4. Saw a friend who'd moved to NYC a few years ago tonight. Great to catch up. Also got word that the horse rescue I volunteer at helped the county with seizure of 14 horses and additional farm animals in an animal abuse situation. I rounded up a couple friends to come help tomorrow as the rescue is now completely full. It might be sad seeing what state the animals are in tomorrow but the awesome part is knowing they're on the way to a better life and I get to be part of it. Nothing better than watching a sick animal gain weight and get a spring to its step. :)
  5. That was a close game to watch. I fully expected the wings to get trounced since Kronwall and Ericsson are out. But Sharks are missing Boyle, too. Was hoping for an overtime decision rather than shootout, but was a good battle. Now.. LA and Calgary. heh
  6. Jim Leyland is stepping down as manager of the Detroit Tigers. My favorite Leyland story is the one where he was a young kid back in ancient times and gave my grandfather sass. My grandad, then a high school math teacher (they taught on clay tablets in the days when jim was young and rode dinosaurs to school), grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the lockers and lectured him on respect. Huzzah for hometown heroes. Sad the Tigers didn't get to the World Series this year.
  7. Mike Smith officially has more goals/shots on goal than most of the Sabres this year.
  8. Love that film. I watch it to brush up on my spanish and clear out my tear ducts.
  9. Watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, drinking gin and writing invoices. Because getting paid is f'n fantastic.
  10. I just started Don't Call Me Goon. Love me some learnin' about old time hockey. Well, it's old time at the moment.
  11. Yeah, the last minute or so when they pulled the goalie was good stuff. I thought for sure the B's would tie it up.
  12. Listening to the Wings/Bruins game. Ugh Rene Rancourt. Does anyone else think of a star wars Rancor with his face when he sings? Or is it just me...
  13. Haha he's a little tall for that....
  14. :w00t: Meth. Not even once. Tbh I used to pretend I was an airplane when I was little- I'd wear black and tell people I was an F-117 (i was utterly obsessed) and zoom around pretending no one could see me. But I guess it's more endearing when it's a little girl rather than a grown ass man!
  15. My GPS misdirected me on the way to a doc appt this morning. While that part sucked, as I wheedled around through the slums lost as could be, hurling cathartic yet unheard expletives at my phone, I saw some real characters that unwittingly brightened my day. To the lady by the bus stop dancing better than I could ever dance in the oversized white shirt with a giant tiger face and fringe with beads with what looked like adult diapers and majorette boots- get it girl. The man with his arms spread wide running across the busy street like an airplane, I don't know where you're going dude, but I hope you land safely. TGIF.
  16. All we need is for Foligno to say something similar and we'll have those tickets sold. To hordes of screaming fangirls, but hey, money's money.
  17. RIT Homecoming is this weekend, which means tailgating and then live hockey! Michigan will be a fun team to watch. People in town, beers a flowin'... I can't wait.
  18. Best of luck to you and yours. ###### cancer. As a survivor of a myriad of heart problems (heart attack at 15, hole in heart, experimental surgery), it's absolutely amazing and rather comforting what technology can do. My surgeon was at Cleveland Clinic and he and his surgical partner changed so many lives for the better, most of them infants. You're in my thoughts. My complaint is also a sad one- a very good friend of mine from college is overseas fighting with the rangers in Afghanistan. I recently got in touch with him and long story short, things are bad, he's in hot situations. Several people from his regiment, including one of his childhood friends, were killed earlier this week. He has commissioned me to paint the friend in his kit and on his wedding day for the family. The man's picture is all over the internet in that article about families of the fallen soldiers being delayed posthumous benefits. I don't know how I'm going to do these paintings, looking at his face, without just sobbing all over the place the whole time. Screw war. Screw Congress. And I hope my friend gets home safe. Hang together, guys. Weekend's almost here.
  19. Oh man I'm not sure, but for some reason it made me think of the time Clarkson strapped a dead cow to the top of his car.
  20. Top Gear is my go-to when I'm down. I could watch the Arctic or Botswana specials a million times and not get bored of them. Oliverrrrr!!!! I even carry a little Stig that doubles as a flashlight on my keychain. And if I didn't want a Toyota Hilux before, I certainly do now.
  21. In the midst of making pumpkin whoopie pies with cream cheese frosting from scratch and a batch of choco chip cookies because d4rk would give me the sad face otherwise. I've missed baking. Had an excuse to do some tonight for an open house the horse rescue I volunteer at is having tomorrow. A glass of Rohrbach's Oktoberfest lager and the apt smells good... even if the sabres lost again.
  22. I'm putting an art show together. I told my studio mates I had no time to do it, and they set it up initially and then... let the ball drop. So I had to drop everything to pull it together, which they knew would happen. ######. It's halloween themed (first friday october) and my mate who set it up has coined it the Gore Show. All well and good but my god have the crazies come out of the woodwork- I have a girl trying to get me to go ghost hunting in Buffalo, another claims she's a werewolf... But it's cool because a really kind crust punk named Lock NLode came in last night with work. My god where DO they come from...
  23. He's a robOtt
  24. Vintage, baby. Let's spin some vinyl with hipster Ryan Miller and smoke cloves. This is true. Either way, I'm happy with the choices. It's going to be an interesting season.
  25. And now my Ott jersey is outdated! And my painting of Ott is outdated!
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