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Everything posted by josie

  1. Which one? :P
  2. Oh god. Excuse me, I just became bulimic. All over my desk.
  3. +1 It puts a face on an idea that is alien to many. A tangible, human personality. Helps lessen that "us v them" image. I hope one day people won't have to "come out" as well, because it won't be a big deal, but that's still a ways away. And Ms. Roberts was very tasteful about it. She mentioned her girlfriend of many years. She didn't come out banging a rainbow drum and hollering. Having fame and being homosexual is still tough in this time. Good on her.
  4. This is one of the many reasons I like you. I've got way more in common with Ms. Upton than most of the desirable ladies with their thigh gaps out there. We need more Uptons and Christina Hendricks' and Robin Lawleys in the world.
  5. Finally in the final stages of finishing a logo for my hometown's fire department. I know it's not much, but it feels really neat to know my design will be on their trucks and gear. Also, while home over xmas I got out to my uncle's barn where we're storing our 1929 Model A that I grew up working on/riding in. Renewed my hope that someday I'll get to restore him (he's named Fred) and drive him. Just time and money, time and money. He's a barn car at the moment, and it's been a few years since we got the engine to turn over/drove it anywhere. Massive amounts of play in the steering- I had to turn the wheel back and forth in an almost pantomime manner to keep the damn thing going straight! But someday... someday I'm driving that baby everywhere.
  6. I'm sorry :( You sir, are living the dream.
  7. Proud to be the owner of a quick brain and broad bum. Looks better in jeans, man!
  8. It's a silly one, but when someone asks "Hey! How are you?", and the person replies, "Oh, I'm doing good." WELL. YOU'RE DOING WELL. ARGH. I'm guilty of my fair share of saying things weird, as d4rk can tell you (root, roof, route, diamond, iron...), but I try to either avoid those words or say them "correctly". I cannot abide misspellings, though. I usually turn them into some kind of pun battle if I see a friend screw up heinously on the book faces. Definitely quite annoyed at myself for becoming seemingly dyslexic/writing in ways that do not make the best sense. I have been texting and coddled by auto correct for so long now that my once pristine MLA style of writing sans contractions is hopelessly muddled. Dammit, I used to win writing competitions! I doubt I could pen a worthy research paper now! I have to dumb down a lot of my words at work when messaging clients. My art director and boss will check stuff I've written and warn me that it sounds too presumptuous. Art people. Grump.
  9. This is all i could think of:
  10. I tried that once.. did not have intended result.
  11. aw wonderful. Congrats on the new pup. sorry bout your doorframe though...
  12. Oh my goodness. This is truly touching. What wonderful people you know. Merry Christmas, all! Giving is a wonderful thing. My today is awesome story: We just did our White Elephant exchange. I work at a video game company, so there's lots of pranking and game related humor. Always a lot of fun when not facing stupid feedback or deadlines. Giant boxes with boxes within and stuffing for a tiny gift card... Handmade gameboy pillows.. Lots of legos. Old video games that are probably worth money (handheld Batman, Golden Axe and Double Dragon!) and ... The gift I managed to pick was homemade jam, cookies, sauce, and venison sausage. I was SO excited. Not being a hunter or really knowing anyone I could mooch off of, I hadn't found venison sausage to get for d4rk, something I'd been wanting to do. It's illegal to buy in NY state. Then, it got stolen. In the last round. There was no way to steal it back. I was crestfallen. I ended up with some admittedly cool Nintendo themed toys. I'm not really a gamer, and REALLLLY wanted that sausage. (go ahead, yuk it up). I ran downstairs to actually meet with one of the Sabrespace denizens on here. When I came back, the thief came over with the box, and we split it up. She didn't really want the jam or most of the cookies, so I let her take the sauce and sugar cookies and gave her my Nintendo toys. And I got the sausage. Awesome.
  13. :w00t: Izzat your garbage disposal drain catcher thing? If so, I approve. For a moment I was confused as it looks like part of our coffee percolator. And sure, good luck with his biohazard fart powers. If you wanna wriggle on up there towards his heart, that's your choice! I'll have cookies made for whenever you boys get done playing Cave Explorer.
  14. and you'd like it. Not sure John Scott would enjoy you attempting to bash through him over and over again, but...
  15. That and maybe the fact that he seems really intent on getting the hell out of there afterwards with her trailing behind? Oh well, guy was probably nervous as ######. Congrats to the happy couple. Her confusion was pretty adorable. My takeaway- The "Lovabulls". Really?
  16. Well, in that case, I'm not too worried, because everything will reappear pretty quickly. But seriously, sounds interesting. Netflix has Blackfish right now too- a doc about the orca Tilikum (and others) who were violent towards/killing their trainers at Seaworld. Super fascinating stuff. Pretty gory/gutwrenching, too... watch at your own discretion.
  17. The spinning goalies in the beginning. Just awesome. Like fat little snowflakes. This is my hometown. Land of dropping a giant fiberglass Walleye in lieu of a shiny ball on New Years. Apparently we have a rather tantrum-y coach on our ECHL team. So we're having an "Anger Management" night, complete with tirading coach bobblehead. I wish I was in town then. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/toledo-walleye-giveaway-bobblehead-depicting-head-coach-tirade-133614919--nhl.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  18. Are you insinuating I'm an arsenic kinda gal? No, it was a garbage plate of death, I think. Or he's got the stomach flu and I'm next.
  19. He has been known to glue himself to this board for hours at a time and is perpetually stuck in the loop of facebook email sabrespace twitter facebook email sabrespace twitter Though currently he is fighting a really horrible case of food poisoning and isn't here to defend himself.
  20. I'm definitely Jet Girl. I'm gonna fly this rocket right up your socket.
  21. Lots of outdoor hockey this weekend at the Frozen Frontier in Rochester to look forward to! Maybe, if I'm lucky, some pond hockey with friends! Not looking forward to standing still in the stands freezing to death though. Buying some cold compression stuff after work today.
  22. Just let it happen tank tank tank tank tank tank tank
  23. I would be his best friend. A friend and I made a Slayer wreath once back in college. it had a krampus crying blood. Art kids. So awesome. Make the best of a tough situation and flaunt your fuzzy gut :)
  24. All this talk and none of you gallant knights bringing her ice cream and other soft foods. :P
  25. If someone's posted this already, oops... This one's got some Sabres in it. But check out the rest of Tim Thompson's work if you're so inclined. Largely Canadian teams of course... but good stuff. His Pavarotti love letter to Hockey Night in Canada vid is making the rounds right now. It's beautiful, even if you hate the Leafs and Canucks. Also, does anyone have any links/places to see good hockey documentaries? Any team, any era. Always looking to learn more, and seeing faces helps the most.
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