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Everything posted by josie

  1. That's the way she goes, boys. F***in' way she goes.
  2. Whoops, was "watching" the State of the Union and missed the goal. Obama was discussing the possibilities of Miller being traded.
  3. I have never, in my life, been in an Old Country Buffet or Golden Corral without seeing a massive pile of vomit somewhere within or on the premises, in several cases in the process of being created. I have been to many, because when traveling in a bus for band, that's where they make you eat. When I meet someone who is legitimately excited to go there (like the poor saps who were out the door for weeks when one opened here in west henrietta), I seriously question his or her grasp on reality.
  4. Isn't that a volcano in iceland?
  5. Woah Varone! Or is it Holy Varone! not sure which actually rhymes...
  6. Finnish hockey commercials. Awesome. http://www.wimp.com/finnishhockey/
  7. Awesome. Any advice is great! I'd love to work on cars/cycles, too. Dream of mine to have a rat rod and paint on it. Someday I wanna figure out pinstriping... but I'm not known for my steady hand. I love building models, I could see me painting some of my old airplanes. I figure I'd start with watercolor or some super thinned out acrylic. I hear there's models that are different in terms of flow- more expensive brushes will let you control your airflow with pressure, others are just full blast all the time. I'd expect to do most of the base color/shading via airbrush and then the outer linework with a good liner brush to even out the fuzzyness and keep it sharp.
  8. A friend/coworker may let me borrow his airbrushing setup so I can learn the basics. Then I'm going to buy my own. Then I'm going to paint goalie masks. This is happening. I swear. On that note, does anyone have any tips/info on airbrushing? I've had a couple people ask me to paint/design goalie helms for them, and it's something I've wanted to do for awhile anyways.
  9. That makes me kinda sad. I was so stoked on getting one. In a perfect world the flippers would donate some of that profit for the Zoo but yeah... that's about as likely as us winning the cup this year. I fully expect another batch of them. They made bank off them in such a short period of time. I have no idea how I'll get my paws on one since they don't seem to sell them online, but who knows.
  10. Well, that was a disappointing tilt. Time for a shower beer.
  11. hahaha yes that was my other thought. May the Schwartz be with you.
  12. That looks like the crawler they use to move stuff like the space shuttle to the launch pad at Cape Canaveral.
  13. Pond hockey. Finally got out today and had a ball for a couple of hours. Snowshoed yesterday. Now, some venison sausage and then a game tonight! Gonna be so tired. But in the best way.
  14. I stick around for the beard. He knows better than to argue with me, usually. We don't have much that we disagree about, but arguing with him when we ARE equally invested in conflicting viewpoints is fascinating. You will rarely meet anyone as stubborn as d4rk, or myself... It will go for hours, involve multiple book references, descend into theories, ascend back to fact, and end in a draw, usually laughing at the stupidity of it all. Ain't worth it. I've got better ways to harangue my brain cells. :P And there's plenty of posters in this community who fit that bill as well. It's interesting to watch you guys clash. Egos and opinion and differing levels of experience get going and I get the popcorn. I'm a terrible arguer- I'll end up validating your point and still argue my own and get overly verbose over nothing. I'm here to learn. Play nice, boys. Carry on.
  15. I remember a girl in my classes who was a medical illustrator. She was technically one of the best artists I've encountered. Yet, for every assignment that she could, she would incorporate furries. They were painted beautifully, the style was enviable, it would fit whatever narrative in some way, but... they were furries. And creepy. We'd blast her for subject matter in crit but really, there's only so much you can do besides cringe. Diff'rent stroke fur diff'rent folks. Prof didn't really know what to do. True. I've taught high schoolers who are the best at just giving you dog face. Blank stares... no participation... It's the worst.
  16. Love that gif. I like Holtby. I have respect for the guy. I like the way he handled the beatdown from Emery- didn't cause a bigger deal although he certainly could have with validation, kept his head (albeit bruised) in the game. I don't really see the trade happening since Grubauer shows plenty of starter potential someday, but hey, that's what this thread is for!
  17. I wrote you a whole message about it when you get a chance. It's Illustration. Multimedia. Combining traditional and digital. Twice a week, studio course, 3 credits- a major class. I took the course back when I was an undergrad and Chad taught it. It's definitely up my alley, I've always been torn between the two methods and usually combine them for freelance. I like running crits and can certainly get the kids interested in new/old illustrators and help them figure out what they're actually going to use their degree for. If I get a kid who wants to pinstripe cars, I'll ask you to find a car door for them to practice on :) Not sure I'm mean enough to do it- what if I get some kid who draws nothing but furries and bad anime?
  18. This.. is true. They'll all be late. Most of my profs would change the 8ams to 9ams. And then show up themselves at 11. There's also the whole fact that I'm only 24... and some of these kids could potentially be transfers and be older than me. Could be kind of odd.
  19. I just got asked to teach an entire course at RIT this spring. I don't have a teaching degree. I've done a couple small summer intro to illustration classes for high schoolers. The most teaching I ever did was martial arts for a few years quite a while ago. All I can say is... the department must be hella desperate to be coming after local alumni to fill their faculty holes. I may not get it, I may not say yes, my bosses at my full time may not even let me take the time to do it but... I guess I'm just sitting here in awe. I knew the dept. was in trouble but I didn't know it was this bad. Kinda makes me sad. I honestly don't see my repertoire as impressive enough to make sixteen 19-22 year olds listen to me. They're 8 am classes- I guess if I brought in donuts and coffee we could get through anything!!!
  20. I've lived in that apartment complex three years and have yet to set foot in it. To be fair, it is new this year. I'm just weird about people seeing me working out. :(
  21. haha yeah we were pretty relieved it wasn't a bigger deal than it was. A news team saw my tweets and called me. They asked me to come out into the parking lot beyond the police lines for a quick interview. The police investigator interviewed me quickly to make sure I wasn't a witness to the actual crime and then shooed me out of the building by chasing me with handcuffs. He was a real goof. The other police weren't quite so jovial when I came back in and when we went to leave work later in the night. We were all escorted to our cars which were documented and then had to go past two more checkpoints to leave. Beer time.
  22. Grimace is exactly what I did upon reading your comment. So my timely twittering got me called by a local news station. Hoping I didn't say anything TOO stupid.
  23. :( I'm sorry. It started with a call from Wegmans, shoplifting. The suspect was armed and fled. It all wound up here, the female police officer shot him. I suspect it's just a one off... This area is pretty safe. We've looked at moving to locations downtown, and security was our main concern, hence staying here in Pittsford. Hah! I am having a helluva time getting back to work now...
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