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Everything posted by josie

  1. Clean for 23 years, fell off the wagon in 2012. Sad stuff. Addiction can affect absolutely anyone, rich, poor, successful, burnout. Rest in peace, you talented man, you.
  2. Nothing wrong with that! I kinda wonder about some of the goalies I play with (in beginner levels) who rock these super expensive painted masks. They're cool looking, but... Simple says a lot. D4rk has a Hasek style birdcage mask. He wants me to paint it. I'll probably do it in acrylic and then clear coat it. He wants some kind of patriotic thing. Poor guy gets to be my guinea pig.
  3. There's a book called Saving Face about the history and art of goalie masks. I picked it up last summer and highly recommend it. The evolution is pretty neat. Equipment development is always fascinating to me, and even moreso when you involve art. 1933 Exhibition game in Seattle.
  4. hahaha apologies.
  5. My former professor Bob Dorsey made this for RIT when he was a student. Just makes me happy. Perhaps not the most amazing feat of art but cool nonetheless. I've got a couple logos I've designed for teams... not sure they belong here. One was for a beer league team in nova scotia and has mermaid boobies.
  6. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. He's my favorite. And that mask makes me so happy. Such a beautiful job.
  7. Nice. Stuck to his signature style, which works. I like it. Eye Candy Air does some great work. Here's a shot of Jimmy's so far. Same artist as Miller . Simple, tasteful, not so sure about the giant eagle, but Bishop does paint eagles pretty well.
  8. Yeah. It's just very... Ed Hardy meets Coney Island dude with a ponytail airbrushing cartoon characters on bedazzled denim jackets circa 1993. I really don't like it. D4rk can tell you, I sit around drooling on goalie masks just about daily. Seeing this last week is actually why I suddenly decided I have to learn how to airbrush- if that guy can make bank, darnit, I might as well try! I actually don't mind Miller's current mask, of the buffalo... still not sure why there's purple in it, but compared to this, it's a masterpiece. I think the clock on the back there is a reference to business time with his lady love. See how she's kind of in the middle? He thinks about her round the clock and when he goes from six to twelve, well... I wonder what Quick and Howard's masks look like. I've seen some sneaks of Howard's, but not enough to really see it.
  9. I know I'm being a bitchy artist but man, the way Bishop renders people realllllly bothers me. That Uncle Sam.. oof. I know Miller had it in the Vancouver Olympics as well. The matryoshka dolls are a nice touch, though. Admittedly, until I saw someone else mention them, I had no idea that's what they were- not really clear enough. I thought it was Miller as a punching bag clown. I'm excited to see all the different goalie masks and uniforms this year.
  10. That's so cool. Have fun! I got my baby back today, after a month of driving a rental. I may have cried a little bit when driving her out of the hospital. I was halfway to work, stopped at a red light and thought... "Oh holy crap, what if I've forgotten how to drive stick"... Then I remembered I'd obviously made it that far. I swear I love that car more now that it's been to hell and back with 3.5k of repairs. It just feels so good. Cars are people too haha
  11. This is my go-to video if I'm feeling sad for any reason. Makes my day, every time. He's definitely in my top 3. And I'm glad he's on my fantasy team.
  12. josie


    What happens when you screw with the controls of Madden. Breaking Madden. http://www.sbnation.com/2014/1/30/5351052/breaking-madden-super-bowl-broncos-seahawks
  13. Wow! Awesome! Good luck, man!
  14. I feel bad about the whole thing- he's my buddy, and I think something is wrong. I can't reach him either. As a full time jobber who tries to do freelancing in free time, I completely understand the delay. You work your ass off at work, being creative, come home, and the idea of sitting down and forcing more creativity out your bones is just... awful. Some days you work late, or do something after work, and you come home and go... ugh. Then the guilt rolls in and you beat yourself up for not being professional. Swear you'll say no to another job. But then someone asks and... yep. That's as an illustrator. He probably took 300-500 photos of the event, and has to sift through those and then edit 60-80 photos. It ain't point, shoot, upload. It could be, but I doubt he'd want to post work that he hadn't edited under his name. That dude on the team is just... I doubt he gets it. If you explained it, I doubt he'd get it. I feel guilty FOR Will.
  15. Randy bo bandy
  16. Would a picture suffice?
  17. josie


    I'm going to be playing hockey. I expect a skeleton crew game, and lots of craning the necks to see the TVs in the upstairs bar at the rink. I plan to be bombarded by post-game highlights and commercials and wrapups on social media afterwards anyways.
  18. I just got very excited that this had turned into a metal/hard rock music thread when I wasn't looking.
  19. The photos are just awesome. In the true sense of the word, not the "this hot dog is awesome" context. Thank you WildCard for posting a link. BBC has been my main source as well. There was a subreddit on the Syrian conflict that actually had some good information on Kiev as well. The photo of the man in profile with the wound/hole in his face... his expression just says it all. I think it looks so much more insane and violent because of the tire burning. I'm sure the molotov cocktails don't hurt, either.
  20. I disagree with you in several ways, and find that tangent to be a sensational self serve to an argument I don't want to be involved in. But seeing as this is a Presidential politics thread, you have all the rights to say your piece. If anyone sees fit to open a Kiev/international politics thread focusing on other countries, I would be happy to move over to it. If it exists already, apologies. Have a good night y'all, I'm hitting the hay.
  21. That is awesome news. However, like many political wounds, I fear much of the unrest is yet to come. Thank you very much for posting what you know- I have a lot to learn. That last couple of years have had my head spinning as I try to get a novice's grasp on everything from the Arab Spring/Egyptian uprising to Syria to Kiev to Georgia to Sochi now. Some of those photos- especially the ones of the Orthodox priests standing between the police and the protestors- are just so powerful. Haunting me in my sleep.
  22. Really wish they'd require that all clapping during the State of the Union was reserved for the end. Gives it a terrible feel. Lots of pretty words, I just hope there is substance and initiative behind them. Obama, nobama, whoever, I just want this nation to improve.
  23. I'm interested. I will listen to what you know. I've been trying to learn more but finding good sources that aren't super biased is difficult. I've been trying to understand the last 20 years of Russian politics as well i.e. the rise of Vladimir Putin. The pictures coming out of Kiev though.... just wow. I was at Dachau going through registries once and found family on both sides! Woo family reunions! aka half the family tree has been... well... omitted from family history.
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