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Everything posted by josie

  1. there.
  2. :P ..... my lunchbreak is soon.
  3. If the Wings play like they have most of the season, they'll go up by 3 goals in the first period, then goof off and the Sabres will catch up. It will then go to overtime, and then the Sabres will win.
  4. I think I embarrass him. I have the mouth of a drunken sailor. :blush:
  5. I just want to marvel that the censor catches d*o*n*g*s and d*i*c*k*s but not cunts
  6. I've only ever had to share a locker room at special events, like a meetup at an outdoor rink or something. Most dudes were pretty modest, but there's always a couple hangin' ###### for our benefit I guess. The ribald jokes and beer flow, and since I show up wearing the basic understuff anyways, it's not a big deal. I've seen enough hairy old men in figure drawing, a few bellies and saggy bits don't phase me! I think I make them more uncomfortable by being an in shape 24 year old girl. Definitely helps with the bonding, though. I've read female players' accounts on how it sucked to be the only girl on a competitive team where some rule (usually a college) wouldn't allow them to change together- changing before or after the guys, in a janitor's closet, in a small aux bathroom, the bus, and missing out on all the team feeling that exists in the locker room. EDIT: wow, didn't know the word that rhymes with kong and starts with a 'd' was a censorable offense!
  7. Yeah, the book is so darn colorful. Middle ages dyes WERE gaudy. LIfe was so dusty and drab, the people who had money were guaranteed to celebrate the fact with garish/elaborate wear and embellishments. Any coat of arms/family crest is violently saturated. I really wish characters like Daario and Loras, our flower knight, were dazzling, the way the Southern Islander (xalabar jho, is that the name?) in King's Landing is described (as an exotic bird). I dig the dirtiness, the grit, the reality, but yeah, Daario being a foppish pirate rogue would be so much more interesting then just another dingy guy in dented battle bruised plate. We've got enough monochrome hunks haha I had no idea there were multiple Mountains. We have a whole range now! Dying to see the first episode here. Guess I'll have to find a way to find it.
  8. Haven't seen it yet, but I still have issues with either of those guys as Daario... where's the dyed beard, dudes? And yeah, at least the first Daario didn't look like anyone else in the show. New guy could pass for random henchman or guard.
  9. We have one dude who seems to enjoy checking girls. When he starts, we all start slew-footing him or any other sorta sneaky way to knock him over. I really don't mind it that much. The constant "are you okay?"'s get sorta distracting. Sends my brain into a "wait, was that worse than I thought?". Now other girls.... sometimes they're just brutal. Sticks in the back, hair yanking... I'd rather play against all dudes any day.
  10. I have an art show tonight at my studio in the Hungerford in downtown Rochester. There will be beer and wine. Really, after a horrible morning of doctor stuff, getting ready for this show this week, and whathaveyou, I'm so ready for those refreshments. Our theme for the show is cats. They sell really well, so this is our third annual cat show. If you're around, come by and say hi! We're not fancy at all- the studio is usually a tattoo studio, so we keep things casual. Tomorrow, leasing a new car perhaps. Have to get it shipped in, probably, since manual transmissions are hard to come by apparently. Just get me through the next couple hours and I'm almost home free.
  11. I get apologized to constantly. For everything. Light bumps, fighting for the puck, an accidental trip, if I lose an edge near someone... I think it's because I'm a lady. No one wants to be that guy who steamrolled the girl. Course, the one time it happened, guy just skated off and left me lying there zonked.
  12. Nothing. Nothing scares me more than tornadoes. Having lived through several and having been tossed across a road in a van by one. There is nothing quite as helpless feeling as sitting in a location watching one move in. God I hope this one passes quickly and everyone is safe.
  13. Endorphins make EVERYTHING better. :flirt:
  14. It's been fascinating seeing what talent is showing on that team without Datsyuk dominating the highlights. No one expected Goose to be this impressive.
  15. Today I learned about this individual. Wow. How did I never notice him before? Probably the only linesman who could wrestle down a raging Chara if need be.
  16. Every tour (concert band thing, school trips) bus I've ever taken in Europe was driven by an Austrian. Who was nuts. In Spain our usual driver (who admittedly was pretty tame if you don't count the vodka swigging and loud singing) was switched out because of a family emergency with a madman who was careening through the mountains up towards Ronda at speeds well exceeding any limit. If you weren't motion sick, you were convinced you were gonna die on account of sheer drops and no guardrails. It was like a never-ending potentially lethal tilt-a-whirl. On the plus side, we could see the Rock of Gibraltar and the distant coast of Africa out the swaying windows... One of the kids asked him to please slow down and he said "We make it before night or we die. We will die if drive at night. Sun is setting. Driving must be fast. You live we drive."
  17. My friend was playing goal (learning how to be a goalie) in the never ever league there. Just put up pictures from it. He also plays on my team (as a skater not goal) at Thomas Creek in beginner zamboni. You should check it out! The skill level in my class is from barely able to skate/cannot skate backwards/learning how to stop up to decent skater but no speed/figuring out the mechanics of stickhandling/positioning. If registration is full up but you're curious, you can sometimes walk on for $15 if there's room.
  18. Toronto traffic can be nightmarish but it's one big city I really don't mind driving. I've never really driven downtown Detroit more than a handful of times and never on my own. Not much traffic to speak of if you get onto surface roads. I haven't lived in that area since before college though, so I really don't know how it is these days. d4rk's been there more recently than I have. Most cities I've shot through on a big highway or took a train into- Toronto I don't mind noodling around in. Denver though. Worst city I've driven. It's a race to them. No concept of road rules. Everyone's cars are scraped up. Nightmare. Holy crap Paris. I never drove there, mostly stuck to bus/sub, but nearly got killed by an errant BMW motorcyclist more than a few times. Ain't no traffic jam like a Bastille Day in Paris traffic jam. And Austrian bus drivers. No fear. None. I don't think they're human.
  19. I actually want to thank the Leafs for helping me out this weekend. I was in Toronto in an area I'm not totally familiar with and my navigator and I got completely turned around downtown. I knew if I could find the Air Canada (Rogers? whatever) Centre I'd find the Gardiner and be fine. I also knew my home team (Wings) were in town playing the Leafs around this time. I followed the people in mostly Maple Leaf jerseys headed to the game, and thus got out of Toronto! So thank you, Toronto and Detroit fans :)
  20. When I went in for an xray, they told me that because of where it is on the leg, it'll probably last for a long time. Inside left ankle, like you. Not a lot of blood circulation in there, so slow to heal. I still wrap it in an ace bandage if I know I'm walking for a long time, and try to keep it elevated if I'm loafing. I played Sunday night sans wrap and didn't notice pain, but definitely weaker than I'm used to. Interesting you still have a bump/discoloration. 3 weeks later, that's where I'm at, and I wouldn't be shocked if it stays that way. I bruise/scar super easy as it is. Sure beats the white hot pain and constant charly horse sensation I did have, though!
  21. Dude, you shoulda seen my paintball bruise on my thigh I got the day before this one. It was almost genuinely beautiful. Like a little subdural hematoma galaxy. So colourful and radial. I think I've hit my quota of "disgusting pictures of my bruised irish fishbelly white skin" on this site, though.
  22. I saw a couple games where it seemed Phaneuf would just tantrum halfway through the game and stop trying. Clarkson has been majorly ineffective as well. The only player I really noticed trying was Kessel. Things just aren't adding up on the ice. I don't think the goalie situation between Reimer and the coach has helped. There's about 8.4 zillion articles floating around right now about how and why they're crashing in such a spectacular fashion since Toronto media is melting down. I think everyone assumed they'd be a playoff team because they made it last year. I don't think much has changed, and getting in last year was partly due to the shortened season. Either way, pretty amusing to watch (sorry milbank!).
  23. Ask and thou shalt receive. I still have a bump/some soreness when I walk. This was taken a week after the shot. My advice? If you take a stinger, take a shift off and make sure you're ok, and don't play the rest of the night (happened at the beginning of the game) because you're afraid your teammates will think you're a pu**y. I have a chip on my shoulder being one of the few females on the team and didn't want to be the "weak little girl" so I played on it, spraying it with cold water to keep the pain down. Then drove home stickshift. Stupid stupid stupid.
  24. My kind of hockey fight :)
  25. Sometimes teams give away bobbleheads of a certain player on a certain night. I wish for Hasek night they'd give away special slinkies that have his legs on the bottom and rest up on top. Or did they actually do that back in the day. Because they should.
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