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Everything posted by josie

  1. I am sorry for your people. Hopefully the suffering ends and they can rebuild. My thoughts are with them. It's twister season. I'm on edge and probably driving d4rk nuts. I know it doesn't happen here in NY but I get texts nearly daily from my dad, mum and sis about tornado warnings and such where they are (chicago, toledo, columbus). It seem the storms get stronger/more plentiful every year. We've had too many close calls in the last couple years. Last thanksgiving I drove past a place 5 minutes from my home that had been carved through. A couple years before that, we made national news with part of Lake Township getting wiped off the map. My sister was home and heard it go over. Ripped off some shingles/took out a small tree, but we got lucky. Of course, I'd rather be getting my butt all puckered about close calls and forecasts than telling y'all on a complaint thursday that I'm headed out to assist in cleanup efforts.
  2. Sounds wonderful. Airplanes and flight are my first love in life- but money and med problems stand in the way of me ever realizing that dream. Bikes are a close second? My friend's fiance's bike is a Kawasaki Vulcan 500 I think. He never actually told me, I'm going off appearances- I don't know what year. It's newer. It's nice- I prefer smaller bikes like that to big Harleys, personally. Unless you're talking 30s Knuckleheads. If I ever got a bike I'd get some 80s honda- something with a smaller motor that I can, as d4rk puts it, "take apart and rebuild in the living room". Dream would be a Royal Enfield or Vincent Shadow.
  3. I know there's a funereal pall over the rest of the Habs/Rangers series which is made worse considering the final score of game 1, and I certainly feel the hopeless doom and gloom myself, but I wonder if we're not all counting chickens before they've hatched? The Habs are fantastic at rallying around an underdog cry this season- is this the pummeling of adversity that leads to a Disney movie magic ending? I'd read rumours that Subban was injured- as far as I've seen those are false. Say the young goalie (Tokarski's his name?) manages to play the series of his life, and Subban and co really turn it up? Someone has to stop NY's fast breakouts, though. Lundqvist is a hell of a goalie when he's on, but he's sputtered on and off this season. I think he turned "on" halfway through the last series. Maybe the off switch is busted and he'll carry NY to their first cup in 20 years. I'd felt pretty blah about the Rangers all season, I'm still surprised they're doing as well as they are. Just playing devil's advocate here. :mellow: I personally am with the rest of the apocalypse prophets.
  4. The term I've seen Habs personnel and fans use is "accidentally on purpose". Yeah, let's dive into that murky grey area. But only Kreider knows for sure. Crappy situation any way you slice it. Either way, when the Rangers sweep 'em or kill them off in 5, it's going to feel cheap.
  5. Kreider "accidentally" ran into Craig Anderson last year, too- screwed him up for 6 weeks. Admittedly it wasn't the playoffs, but he seems to be pretty good at just happening to slide full force into goaltenders. Man, I was really hoping for a Canadiens v Blackhawks final.
  6. I'll take Hera on defense. Nothing gets past that woman. Go ahead Zeus, try to turn into a cloud or a peacock or something and sneak past... And Ammit, too. Devourer of souls and guardian of the gates of Egyptian hell.
  7. Well, they ARE all walking on water...
  8. I'm having a ######, frustrating day at work and I want to punch a wall. Grump grump grump.
  9. Think of the children, think of Hoppy!
  10. nah, that meat's spoiled rotten.
  11. My sister is 30. She's never had a date in her life, never been kissed, etc. etc. Just now she kind of wants to look into the dating world, and she's not having any luck. And the losing touch with friends- very much so. She's never had an easy time making friends, but it's really hard now. Socially, I'd say she's just now hitting about 20 years old. It sucks for me, sure, but when people find out about my sister, it's this near level of outrage which then fizzles into "your poor mother" and "what a shame, what a waste, she'll be a spinster for life". Reeaallly not helping her out. Also, inexcusable.
  12. "So you're a dog, huh? What's that all about?" "Say hi to your mother for me, ok?"
  13. This. As a girl who is surrounded by girls my age getting rocks on their fingers and babies in their bodies, I understand. I can't meet up with anyone I haven't seen in awhile without getting the "so..... you getting married soon? Kids? House?". Half the kids I know going that route are having this mid twenties biological clock meltdown - as my friend who's marrying the wrong man this fall said recently "well, he's handsome, i guess we'll make it work, he won't ###### up anymore because divorce is a bitch and this is the last chance I'll be able to have my wedding before I get too old and it's a joke". Upon me explaining to someone that no, it's going to be a few years before I myself don a white dress and sashay down any aisle or pop out any grandbabies, I was told "better hurry up or you'll be too old and have to adopt". :wallbash: I think a lot of people forget there's a marriage after the sparkly party is over. oof. sorry. Liger's complaint hit my 24 year old girl rant nerve. I'm so sick of people telling me where I should be on the good little housewife scale. Nothing wrong with whatever choices you make, babies and marriage are wonderful when it's right for you, just stop expecting me to do the same thing. You do you, Liger, it'll work out for you. Also, holy crap weave, that sucks. :(
  14. Absolutely. I cannot wait for game 7. I've given up my Habs hatred temporarily and have gone full french. I have barely watched the other games in round 2- this might as well be the finals to me. Dear god Montreal please beat Boston.
  15. Despite being an admirer for many many years, I had never ridden a motorcycle. That changed tonight. I was terrified at first going from "here, hold on" to 65 on a twisty river road but after about ten minutes, I really understood why so many bikers use wings as symbols. There was a gorgeous sunset and the weather was perfect. My uncle also dropped by in my first car, which he took when I left for NY. I got to take my old mustang for a spin. She's no beauty or impressive by any means, an aging 99 bright yellow Boss that the owner before me pimped out with a ridiculous sound system and stupidly obnoxious mufflers. But I don't care. She's loud and has a surprisingly good pickup. And driving around today was a very sweet ride down memory lane. Ice cream, steak, good beers, abandoned farms and good friends rounded out the rest of the day. Ohio ain't so bad sometimes.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised. I take the beer loving, big hearted people of WNY over the uptight hippocrites back home.
  17. It's so true. I'm from a rust belt city myself but I've never seen a mentality concerning alcohol like Buffalo. It truly is an alcohol town with a sports problem. I don't know of other cities with bars open as late.I've never met so many people who consider what I call binge drinking to be completely normal. I got made fun of a lot of being the DD in college. "you don't know how to have fun".
  18. I'm back in ohio and it's a sunset on one side, severe tstorm on the other, with a huge rainbow. And I just got an email asking me to teach digital illustration at RIT in the fall. Ladies and gents, I am going to be a professor. I shall corrupt young minds. But I better find shirts that hide my cleavage and curb the fart jokes first.
  19. Holy crap. Another person who loves perfect ice spheres. I thought I was nuts/OCD. They just look so awesome in my glass...
  20. Insert joke about ###### here. Meeeyow. But no, that cat loves sitting on his gut and sticking his face in d4rk's beard. He yowls and runs around the house like the sky is falling if d4rk goes to take a shower or something. I just live there...
  21. oh. i have a lighthearted complaint. d4rk shaved his beard off. I can't deal.
  22. That's exactly it. Those suckers get huge, too. And when surging with hormones in that special time of the year, they may think that taking on a speeding car is a worthy/manageable opponent.
  23. Sunday night d4rk and I played hockey as walk ons. One of my favorite teammates from my league was there as a walk on as well. Wonderful, sweet, funny guy. With five minutes to go in the game, he falls down. Something about the way he fell made me look (i was on the bench)... and he stayed down. Whistle blows and we all realize his ankle is busted. His skate is on literally sideways. Oh man. I wanted to barf. Another teammate of mine there is an EMT, and there were plenty of people who wanted to help- they called an ambulance. I sure hope he's doing better. I hope he has a job that doesn't require being on his feet a lot, and he has someone readily available to drive him around (right ankle). As one of ladies in the locker room said "there goes his summer". :(
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