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Everything posted by josie

  1. :w00t: I laughed and then I sobbed a little. I haven't watched TV in years. Besides Netflix and Hell on Wheels.
  2. Everyone grieves differently. The person I lost perished when the second plane hit. Every time I see a video of that second plane smashing into the tower, I know that's when she died. I still wince. I found out how/that she died in detail on my birthday, 3 days later. Her daughter, who I was friends with, is immortalized in a photo where George W is hugging her at ground zero a year later. She was interviewed on CNN years later as the girl in the photo. She's attached to it every year in a rather public way and seems to find solace in annual ceremony. I totally understand the avoidance theory, too. And that one is harder to live by when every screen and headline is the same uber sensitive drivel about that day. I just click on by, and know that it may help someone cope somewhere. Out of a horrible thing came some beautiful moments of humanity, and those are the things I like to see remembered. The last time I went to ground zero, it was still a massive hole. Buildings were still missing windows/facades. I had a good long peaceful moment to myself. It helped. I've avoided it since. But it helps me to talk about it every year to someone who'll listen. I don't mind everyone pausing annually to remember something that really changed most of our lives. It'll fade as we age, as more and more people take the media reins who weren't there/were too young/not yet alive to see it. People are fickle. They mourn today in respect for the NYPD and tomorrow they'll be cussing them out again. But I guess it's worth a few hours of appreciation. Sorry this post got long. Thanks for reading if you do.
  3. Can't wait to dig in.
  4. Oh my. Look at their header banner there. Dat black fuzz behind solid type doe. Lord help their designer.
  5. Oh Miralax. As someone who has no function in sections of the intestines for various reasons, I used to have to take it daily. I eventually figured out that a good diet and a glass of beer or wine at night does the trick for me and quit using it. Of all the gut relaxers out there, Miralax ain't so bad. Good luck!
  6. I will never understand why people can't be polite, especially at the beginning of a project. There are diplomatic ways to handle things, and in the case of not hearing voice tone/seeing expressions, being curt and snotty in emails with people who are going to be working with you for a month or two does not a happy team make. Good thing I'm all little miss sunshine today.. why yes, I can take on the crazy amounts of comps an sketches needed in a couple hours! No problem. I like a good challenge. Just not a crazy one. I hope it doesn't go that direction.
  7. Haha true. My bday is the 14th, and I know for a fact that I was made on Christmas Eve in a fit of exhaustion (the fertility test thing went off, my sister was a hyped up 6 year old excited about xmas... there was no passion whatsoever in my conception). September babies are often holiday gifts.
  8. Congrats to all the new fathers! I guess sabrespace gets busy around New Years, eh?
  9. It's great. Pretty sure I've posted this before, but Breaking Madden.
  10. North Pole antics. Pretty awesome. Wish I was there.
  11. I don't know. When it comes to air travel, I'll put up with kneecap busting and loud children, since I have experienced barf explosion passengers. Ever had someone projectile vomit next to you in a tiny space for 3-4 solid hours? Then start it up again when the plane starts descent? Spoiler- it doesn't all get in the bag every time. I've got wayyyyy too many stories like that. Though the screaming children is pretty damn bad. Infant triplets on a 7 hour flight. That sucked. I felt for the parents. They were doing everything they could. Drunken teenagers who can drink in their home country who are being denied booze on an american carrier flight... those are worse than the infants. Oh joy, I hop on a plane tomorrow. I've jinxed myself, now.
  12. Which is HILARIOUS...
  13. d4rk and I put a doggie sweater on the cat when he's being a complete and absolute dick. And because I think it's hilarious. He also doesn't seem to mind it that horribly much. Yeah, I guess we're horrible people. I give it ten minutes before d4rk gets on here and says it's mostly me. (you do it too and you know it).
  14. My first week as an adjunct prof at RIT is over! Class one was an exercise in my worst fears. Sweated through my clothes, was met with deathly silence and blank stares, kids were way behind where I thought they would be as a starting point, stammered, shook, talked too quickly, generally felt like crawling into a hole and dying. My students began asking age related questions... Some of them are barely a year younger than myself. Came home and drank a Scotch Ale and shuddered, questioned my life choices and tried not to cry a lot. Class two, complete opposite. Worked one on one with everyone, was able to relax and get some laughs at terrible jokes, and generally opened it up into the kind of class I remember enjoying as a student. I'm feeling SO much better about it now.
  15. Aww cicadas. I used to collect their shells after they shed them- I thought they were the coolest things ever as a kid. Well, I'd bring buckets of them into the porch.... and my mum put a stop to it after I brought a few in that hadn't actually finished shedding first... Just a porch full of those suckers, whizzing around and banging into windows and freaking out the cats... Worst part about cicadas- running at night or early morning and accidentally crunching one that's chillin' on the sidewalk or road. Blegh.
  16. One of my favorites. As a native Ohioan, I don't understand why they don't use those gorgeous thirds more often. They use our state flag.... I find the regular Blue Jackets logo pretty lame. But the cream with the light blue and navy- such a gorgeous color combo. They could've gone flat white and didn't. I love it. Looks good on the ice, too. They bring out a damn cannon every time they score a goal. And wouldn't you know it, people have actually heard/seen it go off in the last year or so! I'm excited to see that franchise improve.
  17. The horse rescue I volunteer at has always shared its space with a family/their barn. Over the last year, some misfortune has befallen them, and they have not handled the situation in a very mature or cooperative way. To put it lightly, tensions have been high and there has been a lot of passive aggressive b.s. pulled on their part. It scares off new volunteers and potential adoptees and has also been detrimental to several of the horses. Two days ago we signed all the papers and will have our own farm with 26 acres, trails, a pond, an indoor arena, round pens, a six stall barn, and a house for use. We can help so many more horses this way, and come to volunteer at much more flexible hours. It's a mile down the road from the last location. A woman lives there still- she has life use of the house, and she seems kind and has been a horse woman/instructor her whole life. It's a relief, and I'm hoping the move is smooth and quick! We should be settled in before winter hits :)
  18. hahahah I've never seen it spelled that way... pretty sure it's "doe eyed".... because big innocent sweet deer eyes. That being said, as crazy as Mel is, he was one fine lookin' gent in his younger days. That man looked good in leather.
  19. So, instead of our usual Friday night X-Files, can we watch Thunderdome tonight instead? Thunderdome, scotch ale or cider/rum, and cinnamon donuts, that's an f'n fantastic friday.
  20. It's only been that way for a year.... The law says: bust a deal and face the wheel!
  21. Hear hear. So many complicated issues exploding at once, bringing out some of the worst in everyone... I corrected an image issue on a friend's meme on fb (about Ferguson, was a vaguely racist meme using a photo from the LA riots in '92 and saying it was current- I pointed out the actual source, that is all, no comment on the awfulness itself) and received a few very horrible messages from people I don't know calling me all sorts of horrid names and telling me to let the men talk, to get raped, etc. etc. But you know what? d4rk brought home some Mayer Bros donuts and cider last night, I've got a busy, productive life, my health, a couple good friends, and plenty of other things to be thankful for... and the poutine truck should be around the corner this afternoon.
  22. To be honest, the Walleye logo really isn't that bad. It's got a pretty nice design. One of my favorites is the Muskegon Lumberjacks. I like the saw blade, I like the axe, and well, I'm one of those ladies with lumberjack fantasies. And the Calgary Inferno women's team logo makes me smile- takes both calgary flames and calgary hitmen motifs and gave us a lady with firehair. Couple of those strands of hair are kinda clumsy, but overall, the idea makes me happy. Yeah you got the Walleye beat for oof. Wooster. Haven't thought about that town in a long time. I used to go there in middle school/high school for creative writing competitions. Huh. I can guarantee you it's not a sports town. It always seemed pretty sleepy when we stayed at the university there. Also, the Korn Kings sounds like a horrible offspring of Insane Clown Posse (kottonmouth kings) and Korn.
  23. Man, I missed an entire thread about team logos? That's what I get for tuning out for the summer. d4rk can tell you, I'm fairly obsessed with them. My favorite is digging into non NHL logos. There is some odd stuff out there. My hometown's ECHL team is a damn fish. Yes, the Toledo Walleyes. And I have a Toledo Storm jersey which looks like a 3 year old drew it. Nostalgia. Before that, we were the Toledo Goal Diggers... and had Mike Eruzione play for us. I have a mooterus jersey, because it's hilarious. Horrible horrible logo, but worth 10 bucks on ebay for a drunken laugh during pond hockey in the winter.
  24. Hello hello! I haven't signed on in a month or two... Let's just say I've been super busy and was trying to keep the distractions/endless internet surfing to a minimum... :ph34r: Today I just got my syllabus approved for teaching. Starting Monday. I'm pretty damn nervous. I hope everyone's had a great summer- only another month or so of offseason! I'll be scrolling through all the threads to catch up on y'all.
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