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Everything posted by josie

  1. As this is the unofficial blizzard thread, I'll add this: http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/stuck-30-hours-on-thruway-he-just-feels-abandoned-20141119 Honestly, it's a nightmare of mine, and I can hardly believe it. I've been on the thruway when it's been close to closing- it's pretty easy to find yourself on your own. You can't imagine the plows won't come out to look for you at least. Seems a lot of people underestimated the situation as they were coming from areas with less/no snow. Some are irresponsible, others merely unlucky. I'm a little surprised there weren't more snowmobilers out helping. This is why I keep emergency rations/handwarmers in my car and a full tank of gas any time it says snow in the forecast....
  2. My god. Looking at that and a radar map gave me a meteorology ######. Just amazing. I've never seen a storm just sit and dump like that. We'd get lake effect heavy snows where I lived in Ohio, but nothing like that.
  3. Oh man. I love thundersnow but it kinda scares me sometimes. Once when I was a wee lass, in mid november, we had a day that started out with snowy conditions/slush, upper 30s. By mid afternoon there was thundersnow and the temp was rising. By late evening (11 pm or so) we had rain and real thunder, with fog everywhere. It was the eeriest thing. By 3am, we had a tornado warning. 2 days later, after weird slush and lightning storms, it was snowing and 25 degrees. Weather be crazy, yo.
  4. Aw man, I would've loved to have been on that. Yeah, women are often small and fast. If you take away checking, it's like any other opponent. I have to admit, I don't like playing against other girls (my age).... They seem to take a personal vendetta against me and will play all kinds of dirty/crosschecking etc. Good for you. I'm pretty sure we've covered it in this thread or others before, but that's the kind of attitude I really appreciate. I only stay aware of what I represent because at times, it does come into play, good and bad.
  5. Holy crap. I just gotta say, last night the top line pulled me on as a winger. I played the best I ever have. I'm in a beginner league, and normally, I get pushed down onto a line with at least one person who is very slow/new. I don't mind, it's what we're here for, I still have fun. I've never scored a goal (but have a good 11 assists to my name) so I don't consider myself a huge asset on the ice. But man.... Skating with two other people who know what they're doing/moving fast? I had a ball. I kept up. I contributed. I like to be a pest- I go after anyone on the other team with the puck and just generally screw up their plans/passing. My advantage is being a girl- no one expects it. I don't hold onto the puck long because I'm not a great stickhandler- I get super nervous and usually quickly give it to someone else. But man, the difference of playing on a better line against another good line ( a lot of intermediate/advanced beer leaguers walked on last night)- night and day. If I got to play in that situation every week, I'd be so much better in no time. Still learning, but last night was the first time I've had that much fun/felt that useful.
  6. If I vote for Stu Barnes it's only because I dated a guy with the exact same name.
  7. Thanks guys, now d4rk is going to be moping around the apt in his Khymylev jersey whilst wishing I was Yuri's daughter, stabbing voodrew stafford dolls and muttering strange incantations.
  8. I get enough rape and death threats as it is on the internet for being a female game designer. iT toOk My BreATH awAYy! ~*~*~* CraZY tricKS to lifehack grab the tissues just wait error error don't do that dave
  9. Congrats Derrico! I'm excited- two of my lady coworkers are coming out to the rescue with me tomorrow. One of them grew up on a horse rescue, and she's really excited. After last weekend, where I carried/stacked over 1000 pounds of feed and 40 something bags of 30 pound shavings on my own, I am SO happy to get help. If I can get one more strong regular volunteer, I'll be thrilled as winter hits. I went into Field & Stream last night to grab a pair of work gloves since the snow is here and my 2 year old pair is officially worn out. Men's work gloves don't often fit. So, I go into the ladies section. Only had those stupid gloves that are designed to let you operate a smart phone. In. Pink. Guess where I DID find work gloves. Kid's section. Size XL. Really, guys? You have effing work gloves for kids but not ladies? Screw you. Also, it's pretty darn amusing wandering around that store. I had two men ask me what kind of work I do that requires my being there. Customers, not sales associates. I just want to look at knives and gloves and socks in peace, not be asked along on your hunting trip. Or be told I must "have a pretty big heart" insert toothy grin here. ok that was more a rant than a yay thing, but the first part still applies.
  10. Zemguuuuuuuuuuuuuus!
  11. No! And if you don't pipe down, I'll turn this tank around!
  12. I think about this a lot. I feel whiny, but it's true. My father travels the world for his job (consultant/project manager) and in many other countries (ok, most) his coworkers/superiors get mad with him for not taking time off or resting. Ever. They all get a month off at least. Mandatory in some cases. He refuses to. He stays on his phone/laptop no matter what, starting another job if one forces him on vacation. His other American colleagues are often similar. The Germans and Irish he worked with really didn't get him. But I guess I watched him all of these years and thought, if he did and and got where he has, I must too. I hope I can find a happier medium- it's killed his marriage and relationship with us (until recently, where I've made an effort to understand). He's 70 and shows no signs of stopping or slowing. Can't be good. I hope I or my someday husband can find a different way.
  13. Yeah, darling, you know how if I get zonked in the noodle you get mad when I won't see a doc? Now it's the other way around. Pop by urgent care or something.
  14. I know that feeling. Mental breakdown city. Like, a total sobbing collapse nearly every week, usually on Tuesday. And then I keep taking on more work outside of work and teaching... I'm getting acid reflux now, too. Was told it's stress related. But taking time off is just... not really feasible. I haven't even had time to really watch hockey. I get mad at myself for taking a night off freelance and going to bed before 2 am. But, I guess that's just normal and I'm preachin' to the choir. Man, I feel trapped.
  15. Good for you! I was watching some of my teammates from beginner hockey play and lose Wednesday night in a different league. d4rk asked me what i was up to, I replied, "Oh, watching my zamboni boys lose". He goes "I don't know, they're making a decent shake of things" thinking I was talking about the Sabres. Sadly kind of appropriate!
  16. Fasth making sure Ennis was ok was pretty adorable. But seriously, glad no one was hurt. Players flying ass backwards at goalies will never not freak me out for a sec.
  17. My heart goes out to you guys, Matt and GCoE. I have written so many condolence messages lately, from family members to (many!) friends losing their childhood pets. I myself may head to Tennessee in the next week or so as two of my family members are on their way out. Both are very old/have lived good lives, but the woman taking care of them is in her 80s herself, and also taking care of her daughter with breast cancer. I haven't seen any of these folks since I was 17, so a trip may be in order.
  18. Yea, my favorite is when you come to the barn with me in your overalls and people think you're an Amish boy on rumspringa.
  19. Carpal tunnel. I ain't got time for this bullcrap. Guess I should stop using a drawing tablet like, 18 hours a day. Oh wait, I can't.
  20. I'm aware it will probably never happen outside of a last minute goalie substitution as we've seen before, but it's fun to dream. Knight and Schleper talking about skating in the NHL with the boys http://www.iihf.com/home-of-hockey/news/news-singleview/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=9185&cHash=6c964373624309674da2a83700736b9a
  21. Be still my heart. Pilots AND animal rescuers?
  22. Came in second place in the company costume contest. Lost by 3 votes to a spot on Assassin's Creed costume complete with stealthy wrist blades that he made out of legos, magnets, and nail files. My costume turned out better than I thought it would. I'll be wandering Elmwood in Buffalo tonight, so if anyone's around and sees a gothy looking woman in big wings and a lot of leather, say hi! And happy halloween, everyone! Stay safe, enjoy seeing all the adorable trick or treaters, and have a good night!
  23. We had to send a company wide memo to NOT install yosemite because it is absolutely screwing up most of the dev programs. It's also affecting photoshop. I have yet to upgrade my phone.. Man, I remember when Apple wouldn't release an update to the broad public until after it had been bug tested to death. Seems when Jobs passed, everything has gone downhill. If it wasn't for the Mac's superior color display/graphics, I'm not sure I'd deal with it. Side complaint- my problem student I've mentioned here before... I've had to kick her out of class twice this week. Long story short, she comes to class to do other work for other classes, and cries and makes a scene when I ask her where work for my class is. Having a 20 year old woman pitch a tantrum on a table? Man. The rest of the class is awesome, though. I frequently end up staying late after class to talk with these kids. It's long enough into the semester to really see some amazing improvements too. I'm so proud of them :)
  24. I feel like a horrible person for turning the game off halfway through to get some work done. Let's hope this is the true rock bottom. Bottoms up, eh?
  25. Last year I was Casey Jones, since I had a bunch of hockey equipment laying around, including the old-school mask. It's my easy go-to. Or a pin up girl because it's really simple to throw together last minute. I have way too many vintage-y looking dresses. This year I'm going to attempt being a crafty person (I am not at all) and be a crow. Why a crow? Again, kinda simple, just all black with a black wig and such and then the wings. I'm making them out of felt, will have loops that will attach to my wrists/arms. I'll cut it so there's feathers and a tail, and then I'll paint the delineations on. Kinda like this but a crow. I saw it said, hey that's kinda cool and not typical girl halloween costume, and I could paint it easy. Costume party at work, I'm sure I'll be the lamest there. My coworkers sometimes go all out. Sometimes. Also.... Any excuse to embarrass d4rk. This is an example of our last minute costumes. Pin up and washed up hockey hack. That's a wig on him I swear.
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