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Everything posted by josie

  1. Sorry too, I was having a super terrible no good awful very bad day yesterday and was alternating between homicide and suicide pretty much all day. It was bad. I just signed off social media for awhile and worked till 3 am. As far as Trudeau, I have a lot of issues with the guy, but he kinda is a bona fide hipster. I mean, he was a snowboarding instructor in Whistler in the 90s, rockin' that flow. Doesn't really get much more "hip" than that in 90s cred haha Silver spoon in mouth and world leader status aside, he's definitely more "hip" than most of the people signing the big documents right now. And maybe it's because we've got the reality star golden plated toilet man in our highest office but, he never struck me as flippant or immature overall. Never stuck out to me. But this veers dangerously close to politics, so I'll stop there haha -- 3 hours of sleep means you do dumb things like drive with your windows down in 24 degree weather because they're frosted up and you're late for a meeting. It also means that the plant you rescued from your coworker that you lovingly took care of and brought back to life will go for a tumble in your car during your lowered window winter frenzied drive to work, covering your usually spotless car in dirt and smashing most of said plant to pieces. This week needs to end. It's only Wednesday, you say? *****. Say it with me: Planned obsolescence! Hoorayy!!!!
  2. ... does it really matter? Same job. Name's stupid, but oh well. A lot of companies have toxic culture issues. Having a position dedicated to that and HR will most likely have 0 effect because companies are basically just cults of personality and if you don't fit in you're better off leaving but... worth a shot in some cases maybe. But what do I know, I probably qualify as a hipster. I have to work with a lot of posts and articles about different aspects of mostly boring companies- it's a term du jour. Relax, nothing's changed, and probably never will.
  3. Fancy hip buzzword office speak for HR/Coordinator, probably
  4. Woke up to find a gofundme for a friend from college. One of the kindest folks I knew. She has one of the rarest (less than 1%) and most aggressive forms of breast cancer. So we're all trying to raise $15k to help out in some super tiny way (she's already wayyy past that amount and has opened/maxxed out more credit cards). Minimum 2-3 rounds of intensive chemo, double mastectomy, 2-3 more rounds of chemo, then radiation, then a radical hysterectomy all before 30. ***** cancer. Just... ***** it. -- On a lighter and stupider note... I had a guy order a huge print from me back in the Spring. Lives in Germany. No prob, did what I always do for European bound work. 4 months later, get an email "hey where is it". After lots of searching, found it had gone to Germany, seen the sights, and was "lost" in a hold in Rochester. Got it back. Went toa different carrier, paid a buttload more money, asked a bazillion questions to ensure its safe arrival... off it goes. Guess what greeted us at the door this morning? Yup, another full trip to Frankfurt, but rejected at customs there for size! Apparently! Again! So now I'm choosing to refund the guy (who never responds anyways) in addition to the giant hole of money I'm in from expensive shipping... and I'll try one more time. OR I'll just buy a freaking ticket to Deutschland and hand deliver the damn thing.... Woody, you aren't planning to be in Frankfurt anytime soon by any chance, no?
  5. Aw man I just heard the Millennial alarm, sorry I'm late, I was just busy killing the diamond industry and being hardcore lit with my BDE (that's big dick I mean Johnson energy for you old timers) squad, fam Alright, you're all still in the running!
  6. Here’s some neither great nor accurate silly doodles of some boys
  7. Just kind of cool- there's a mother/daughter duo who take aerial at my studio. The mom is in her 50s I'd guess. They come to class and open practice every week and are improving quite a lot... but the neat thing is the mom sat down with me last night and was telling me how she physically feels the best she has since she was 15 or so. She has a black belt in tae kwon do and has never been an inactive person, but I guess the different strength building in aerial has really sorted out some back problems for her. I work so much that aerial is really no longer an escape for me- it's kind of become a burden (we're low on instructors and I'm filling in most of the gaps and it's exhausting). But little things like hearing that help. I'm starting to figure out more hard stuff on the ropes- it's tough not having a partner/instructor to figure stuff out with. But I'm managing.
  8. My mother gets meaner every time I see her. It's very disconcerting. I'm sure it's stress but all of her negative qualities are getting worse and worse. I'll leave it at that. But I will say that every time I visit home, about 2-3 days later I collapse in a nervous breakdown as I process it all. It's sort of eye opening, really- a few days around her after being away and I can pick and point out every single complex and insecurity I have and why I have them. And no, it's not the sort of thing I can sit down and talk to her about. At a time where we need to be pulling together, she's just lashing out and alienating us. She's downright mean to my dad. No wonder he won't retire. I would rather die on the road too over being belittled and barked at. Speaking of, it's good news I guess, my dad has an appointment at Cleveland Clinic for February 1st. It's good, yes, but it's so far away to me, and in the meantime he's back to being a road warrior. How many more times will he end up in the frickin' hospital before then? How many terrifying calls am I gonna get? Will he make it that far? God- I'm really struggling to hold it all together. I'm just kinda dropping things left and right, and still feel like I'm doing too much. My escapes are now burdens, my free time is non-existent, I just want to take a shitton of sleeping pills and disappear for awhile.
  9. I'm thinking of that scene in the King's Speech where he cusses everything out with Logue trying to get over his stammer
  10. It ain't a rule, it's a feature. Unless it IS a rule clearly written down somewhere in a set of guidelines in which case, I apologize, go ahead and put me on trial, sir. It's just as cloudy as pertaining to the other stuff I've mentioned that you personally have no beef with. You could argue it's an expectation but... even that is "cloudy". Do we really need a darn set of rules? Are people being that awful that we need to instate demarcations by which to penalize them over? It doesn't really push a line. It's stupid. The "line" is "why freak out about This in the guise of community improvement over That, which is equally as bad for the community if not moreso". This forum isn't cursing heavy. It isn't full of barstool sports half naked chick gifs. The threads aren't cesspools. And it isn't threatening to go that way. Does anyone here actually care either way about this specific issue? No, probably not. Because it's an internet forum in the year 2018 where people curse and post attractive women and constantly bounce off each other in terms of what they find ok versus not. And they will continue to do so. Outliers of an offensive will be dealt with. I'm cool with following SDS's request. I get it. I'm not out here with my f bomb flag screaming as the bullets mow me down for one last push at clever use of asterisks, spaces and zeroes because my life is meaningless without it. But hey, if we're at the point that we have to cool it with the still-filtered-filter-bypassing because it's such a detriment to community, there were bigger, double D battles that probably should've seen action first (heyoo). Also, if you're going to talk to me or about me, please quote me next time or @ me so I don't miss it. That's my takeaway. But boy, I'm going to have a ball coming up with fascinating substitutions now haha
  11. Aye. I haven't any ill will towards anyone on this board, and that includes SDS - I feel that's important for me to say since I've been pretty vocal today. It's just a matter of exactly what you described. Those lines are being pushed all the time right now and much more visibly thanks to the internet and constant mobile contact- sometimes justifiably, other times without much need by outrage hobbyists. You're allowed to not like something. You're allowed to voice your opinions on it. You may not always be allowed to request concessions to your specific needs, especially where it's not really harmful or necessary. And while the community gets their say, with those same guidelines, leaders/owners have to drive the boat into the swells in some manner and take the flack that results, because they will face it either way.
  12. Speaking of large quadrupeds- the very large steer named Knickers is making an online sensation. My favorite unit of measurement now: "And he weighs roughly 2,800 pounds, which is the approximate equivalent of 14-and-a-half Danny DeVitos."
  13. It's fine guys. It's the CIIIIIIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE and it moves us all. Here, enjoy one of my favorite gifs. It's subtle.
  14. AAGH I had a quick post and then it went bye bye. Rewriting. I think there's at least 2 that I can think of off the top my noggin. They don't deeply offend me or anything, I just find the double standard annoying especially when concerning moral lines like those discussed herein. I don't particularly care, but I admit they do paint a picture of the poster on certain topics before they even get a say in. yup! And that's fine, really. We're humans- we have our stupid moments and our silly conversations and that's fine. I know I'm in the one thread, and I have had just as lascivious discussions about the other before as a bi woman (although boobs aren't really my thing anyway). I say keep 'em. It's just again- in the face of "we need to be a more conscientious board, so watch your cussin'" it's kinda like... alright then...are we really cleaning it up in here? Floor's pretty spotless for the most part... I personally find my little stupid hill to die on a bit more problematic in the long run over a few misplaced asterisks. I'm one person- everyone stop what you're doing right now because I feel kinda gross and crappy when I see that stuff! But I don't expect that, because it's really kind of ridiculous. I face that feeling every time I breathe in the real world where advertising exists haha People blow off steam on forums. That's fine. Hockey's a rowdy sport. Some of those rowdy aspects are harmful. Some of them aren't. I guess the argument becomes "where is the line". And I guess I think this is just an odd wiggly one to get into. Meh. Always, dear.
  15. I guess my thing is I just find irony and some humor when, for example, I've been grumped at for posting a quick doodle or image that has an f bomb in it or something in the guise of it being inappropriate for work (or children I guess), but it pops up right below a user's softcore boobalicious lady image- but that's totally ok. At least with my bosses, that would raise an eyebrow quicker than catching a half asterisked curse in a wall of text. Now, I never complained to a PM about all that lady nonsense, because imagine the thread if THAT rule was enforced. I'd have to leave the board, or just fight every time I logged on. I'm sure some of you read this post of mine and are already thinking "oh lay off, you annoying killjoy feminist ladydog, this isn't the same thing and it's not about you and let us have some attractive chicks in not-too-sleazy bikinis". I'm a minority here, I respect that this place is the place that it is, and if you want your ice girls and bodypainted chickyboos, I can't stop you, and you can't stop me grumbling about them either. I'm fine with the filter, I also don't mind censored versions of words- it keeps this place a smidge more civil than if it didn't (mainly cuz the folks here aren't exactly lugubrious cyber warriors defending every thought with an epithet), but if we're going to hammer on about something like that (which is already milquetoast, even when "bypassing" the filter) in the name of being PC and SFW and such, hammer on the rest of it too. Or just... say "sorry mate, we do our best, it's pretty clean as is, and we have words with folks when they cross the line as needed." This coming from your friendly liberal PC snowflake girl. None of this really matters, really. But for some folks it's a bit like screaming at a long overdue party to keep it down a bit because your lights are keeping the neighbor kid up. It's not really a problem. Everyone will comply. Not really a big deal. Everyone in this thread has a good and pretty valid point and ultimately we're all on the same side but just like clashing. But it's a pain in the tuckus to get chided for something that really isn't worth grumbling about when looking at the culture of the topic/sport this board primarily concerns itself with. An eyeroll at best, a few pages of arguing at worst. We'll be fine. This thread will be forgotten by Thursday.
  16. Reminds me, it was time to change my sad sack profile snark... no more "just kill me" ranking. And I'm no longer located on a War Rig.... ooh ahh indeed
  18. Yeah but come on dude, sexy babes and sports are inseparable and it's OK. No one complained about that. Beer, wings, boobs, goals. Kid's gotta learn some time. Cussing though... not in my house. We respect those attractive ladies and their hotpants and shall never discuss consensual copulation with them in such vulgar terms!
  19. haha thank you- I think I'll have some fun digging into Shakespearean insults. He's got some doozies. Educational for young minds.
  20. Just saw this, and I'll do my best to adhere. I definitely cuss too much, on the internet and in real life. It's not ladylike (ha). But in all seriousness, I do need to clean up my mouth a bit. Maybe I can get more creative with my insults. (Instead of F Toronto, Toronto I Bite My Thumb At you, you bunch backed excuses for unable worms!) But I have to say.. if a kid is on this board, they're on the internet, and all the parent locks in the world won't save them from being exposed to loads of cursing and worse. And I never thought this place was that bad. F bombs and other 4 letters happen, sure, but the really nasty ones are rare and usually meet immediate condemnation if used. One would have to avoid twitter, reddit, facebook, instagram, snapchat, and any comment section on any news article ever. And don't go to a live hockey game. Or a sports eatery during a hockey game. Or school (god forbid middle school). And never watch a Bills game haha And if it's a work issue- I think the bosses would be more upset someone's browsing an unrelated work website on company time than seeing a cussword. That's why bathroom stalls and mobile phones exist. I'm more offended by half naked women as profile icons and gifs, personally. But I don't say anything usually because it's sports and y'all are red blooded men on an internet hockey forum. Either way, I'm sorry, no more asterisks from me.
  21. josie


    Sometimes I feel a little bad feeling the same feelings since I didn't grow up with hockey or the Sabres like all of you. Sports were seen as worthless in my home (I was brought up to be the perfect Jane Austen character instead, oops) and I didn't even follow the NHL until I got well into college (despite following the Wings a bit here and there and high school hockey). So I always feel like a bit of a poseur. But joy is joy. But as I was cleaning and locking up the studio last night, my lucky Sabres earrings on, I had the game on. I finished up and had it on my phone as I shoveled the snow off my car. Just the snow in the parking lot lights, an airplane whining overhead on approach, me brushing and RJ's voice somewhat muffled in my pocket. You know that sound- silence except an almost sparkling noise of ice crystals spattering a cold car. Listened the whole way home and thought I had enough time to get in the apartment before OT started. Barely left my car when shouting and screaming starting coming from the apartments around me. I bloody knew it. 10 in a row. Walked in the door and dark's words were "Did you hear it? Did you just hear it?" I've had a lot of tear up moments thinking about that incredible infectious enthusiasm you feel in a crowd of happy people. I felt some of it when the Bills made the playoffs last year, the grown men crying in the streets kinda thing- and I'd argue that was more luck. But man... this year... even if I don't get to a post season game, just thinking about being in a sea of Sabres people watching just messes me up. And it's not really for me. It's because I know what it will mean to this city, to dark, to all of you. To the fact that most other fanbases are actually rooting for us (not Toronto obvs)- to think about all the "holy crap these guys are good" articles that are and will be written. It's just really flippin' cool, guys. I'm ecstatic, and I'm even happier for you. I'll be investing in some waterproof mascara pretty soon I think.
  22. Yeah, started with S1E1. I know from some reading ahead (i'm that idiot who reads the end of the book before I'm actually there) that later episodes tie in elements from the first couple of seasons- I look forward to catching some of those little moments. I was watching it & definitely decided it was modern Twilight Zone- describes it very well. The pacing overall and the feeling at the end of each episode is so eerily similar to how I dream- hyper detailed, cinematic, patterned, oddly empty yet familiar but cold feeling/hopeless at the end, then you wake up like your throat is empty of air and remind yourself it's not reality- that it's a little disturbing. It's kinda nice to know other people out there think in the same bizarre ways I do when I'm unconscious.
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