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Everything posted by josie

  1. Nightmare client. Still going. Is now calling me when I'm at work. Changes what he wants constantly. It's a horrible horrible design now. I would never want my name associated with it. I'm seriously so close to just telling him I'm giving him what I've got and quitting, and screw it, I don't even want money. It would be enough payment to just end it/get him out of my life. Won't even let me go to final, complains that the art isn't final... OF COURSE IT ISN'T EFFING FINAL YOU GODDAMN IDIOT NON CREATIVE UNTRUSTING DOUCHENOZZLE. Sorry. I get an email from this guy daily and it just RUINS my effing day. Never doing freelance for a person like this ever. Again. Making them sign contracts EARLY with kill fees instated so that if I determine you're wasting my damn time and not worth my effort, I can walk away from you without feeling like a horrible human being. You want a goddamn ferrari, you come to a ferrari dealer, then yell at the dealer that this ferrari isn't the Toyota you used to have. And you're getting to pay used car beater prices because you're my friend's boss and my hands are tied. And then you give me clip art as reference. CLIP. ART. I didn't go to school for 4 years and currently teach it and work professionally for you to give me your HORRIBLE former logo as an example of what to strive for, then get mad when I eventually cave and just give you that. I thought this damn logo would take a week, 2 tops. 3 months later..... I hate this person. I hate him. Here goes my lunchbreak, baby sitting this imbecile while he tells me how to do art... I'm 70 versions in on his vague terrible idea.
  2. Yeah, my city (Toledo, Ohio) has kind of the middle ground on City Hall architecture. It's a "yep, classical influence, toss that dome up on top, keep it pretty boring and strict like the people inside aaaaand done" Some of the itty bitty (what used to be railroad) towns dotting the rural areas have way cooler structures.
  3. Probably just about anything I've ever said on this forum... Which is why I don't post much in the actual hockey related threads. But uh, I was a rather over zealous brand new hockey fan a couple years ago and was paying attention to up and coming players... I posted a video of Andreas Athanasiou (red wings prospect) to d4rk's fb page and he and his friend just made fun of me for it. I still cringe about it. Haven't posted anything since, really. Still learning the ropes- maybe someday I'll feel I've got a right/enough knowledge to post stuff. I write posts and then delete them more than I actually ever hit the damn "post" button.
  4. My sister is losing her job (not her fault, she's a contractor, budget cuts = gone) and she's really down about it, so I'm worried about her. My best friend who I was a bridesmaid for last September is headed for an ugly divorce. She's self medicating in ways that have me terrified every time the phone rings. Both are 8+ hours away, and I have next to no way of helping either. Sorry I haven't posted much in any other threads the last while- I guess I'm just here for community at the moment. Yell at me for never posting if you want.
  5. That's a bannable offense? Wowzers. They DO have the Shanaban in TO though...
  6. We had to beg for it, but we got Memorial Day off. Sunday d4rk and I are going to the air show in Rochester- the Blue Angels have been doing flyovers all week and it's just cruel teasing. Airplanes were my first love- I haven't seen the Blue Angels since I was 13- very excited to see them and Fat Albert (their ridiculously agile cargo plane). So d4rk gets to listen to me natter his ear off about planes all weekend. I think he's ok with it. As much as I love Mad Max and grizzled up cars, nothing... I mean nothing gets my blood going like jets.
  7. Kelly's Heroes. Band of Brothers or The Pacific Top Gun (I feel the need... the need for speed... and sweaty muscled up flyboys) Full Metal Jacket Patton Das Boot (nothing wrong with seeing the war from a different perspective- see the humanity, and that's what Memorial Day is about for me) Where Eagles Dare Tora! Tora! Tora! Black Hawk Down and any number of documentaries- I'm a memoirs junkie, too.
  8. Cool! Another reason to hate Toronto! (sorry milbank)
  9. Ok, I am officially turning off the phone and blocking all social media for the rest of the afternoon. I didn't have too many feelings about it before, but now I'm getting as hyped as the rest of twitter. Y'all know I'm a Detroit person too- I gotta say, a lot of mixed notions on the whole thing. The man will either be a god and showered in Jack Adams awards or lambasted as the most overpriced, overrated money suck of all time. I like the guy, he did great things in Detroit, is facing a decline in the team's success there, and kept Kyle ##### Quincey on the team (that right there is grounds for gtfo haha). I thought he'd be great here in Buffalo. I know he's pushing for a new strata of coach payment. I guess though, if anyone can make sense of the Maple Leaf Mess, it would be him? guys, I dunno. The speculation will all be for naught soon. Just announce it already so I can get rid of this ice in the veins feeling.
  10. You've got time! It just came out last week. Get some octane in your blood, brother.
  11. Mad Max is the first movie in a long time that I'm seeing for the second time tomorrow in under a week and in 3D. Loved it. I could go on for a long time (fan of the originals, of grit, gasoline, vehicles of all kinds and general wasteland themed mayhem) but I really gotta say, as a lady, finding myself rooting for women was a wonderful change of pace. Feminist manifesto? No, I don't believe so. Just enough women in decent roles that it feels subversive. Max and Furiosa seeing eye to eye and agreeing as equals on plans later in the movie... and no dumb romance between them. A+. But holy crap you're in for a fun ride. I would watch anything billed as Mad Max, and was pleasantly surprised that there was any depth at all besides awesome vehicles and violence! Avengers 2 was fun. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first one. Had a couple issues with it, but still worth a watch in theaters.
  12. Mastodon is awesome live. Enjoy! I'm jealous.
  13. I know I'm just thinkin' like a broad here (whatever the hell that means) but... Whatever happens happens. I'm out of steam. Babcock is a fine coach. Detroit has plenty of hope in Blashill. Pegula has money. Hooray. The Babcock stare shall follow us where e'er we go.
  14. This is why he's not a New England fan. He can think for himself. Yeah, some of the defensive posts I've seen on the subject... got me a big ol' bucket of popcorn.
  15. Figured I'd share my BB King story. Back when I was about 14, I was part of a state wide invitational music program that sent a concert band and choir all around Europe over the summer. It was a fascinating time, ending in my being strip searched in Amsterdam and accused of possible terrorism... But that's another story. One of our stops had us stay in Champery, Switzerland. We went to Zugspitze to see the Matterhorn, and then went to Geneva to play another concert/see some castles and such. Gorgeous lake. The bluest water I've ever seen. Well, we ended up in Montreux and the Montreux Jazz Festival was underway. A couple of my friends and I ducked into a big tent for a moment to get out of the sun. There, at the back of the tent, sitting in a chair and tuning his guitar, was BB King. He laughed and said "hello ladies" with a big smile. I panicked, the other girls panicked, the security guards just kinda looked at us, we stammered some apologies and backed out of that tent pronto. I sadly didn't get to see him play that day- we were due on the bus to head out shortly after. It didn't really register until I was sitting on the bus that yes, that WAS BB King, and I'd made a complete arse of myself. But I'm glad I have the story. Remains a nice little gem of that trip for me. I'm deep in blues mode today. Howlin' Wolf, Lead Belly, Fred McDowell (there's a painting I did of him on my website if you're interested), Lightnin' Hopkins, Blind Willie Johnson, Son House.... If you like art and blues, I recommend getting R. Crumb's book Heroes of Blues, Jazz and Country. I'm a descendant of Jimmie Rodgers, the yodelin' singin' brakeman. Grew up with old country, fell in love with blues. Heaven is having a great concert tonight.
  16. Yeah. That one that's out right now where the girl literally rips off her skin to pay for the cigs... that's some dark, SAW level right there. Yikes. I just remember terrifying looking puppets telling me not to do drugs. Ah, the days of DARE....
  17. Not Steve, but this whole situation of the lawsuit and CTE reminds me- if you haven't, I highly recommend picking up the book about Derek Boogaard- Boy On Ice. It's a tough read. Depressing. I had to take a break from it. He has a lot of life parallels to Clint Malarchuk (whose autobiography I also highly recommend). I don't know about Montador- I admit I don't know as much about him. But it gives an interesting view into the life/deterioration of man dealing with severe head injuries from fighting/hits.
  18. Watch Trailer Park Boys for inspiration. THen make like Mr. Lahey and **** off. I dread my first baby shower invitation. Pretty sure I'll be in bridesmaid land in a few months again- my best friend from college is most likely gettin' a ring on it next month. That'll be a fun time though- she's a tattoo artist goth chick. I've already decided if I have a bachelorette party if I get married it'll be laser tag, gokarts, or camping and paintball. AKA d4rk and pals would probably just join in. Been to enough wasted bad memory inducing bachelorette parties with penis themed gag gifts (what a ball!) where I haul an unconscious girl up the stairs or hold her hair while she hurls... screw that. Not fun. Killed my respect for most of the people present. Better ways out there to enjoyable spend my money and time.
  19. Ohh baby no. but the head does sorta look like a headdress an otherworldly medicine man would wear...
  20. You may now call d4rk "D4rksabre, savior of helpless puppies" Long story short, an idiot neighbor had locked their two shih-tzus out on their balcony and left (a good 6 hours before they came home). So, 90 degree heat and then thunderstorms, before the bigger one got up on the railing and fell off. Luckily he didn't appear to be hurt. The other one just desperately wanted cuddles. No shelter, food or water on that balcony. Us and a few of our neighbors kept an eye on him and got animal control involved, with d4rk leading the whole operation. He may loudly grump about small dogs, but he's a big ol' softie :P and I'm proud of him. Yes, those people suck, but we got to meet a few kind hearted neighbors, and that's never a bad thing.
  21. ok i guess I'm not the baby. Take care of those things! Do stretches now- seriously- yoga can help!!! As someone who used to just sit in the splits while studying who cannot even get halfway down anymore- work at it while you can! I can breathe on a mirror... does that help? And I look good in red... let's go. But you can't preface my name with "18 year old". sorry.
  22. Dude, I'm still the baby on this board. Jeez. I forgot the other day what age I was, then remembered I lose my father's health care when I turn 26 in September. Because my company offers the shittiest, most expensive health care, which they illegally kept me from getting information on for the first 2 years. Barf. F'n Fantastic- it's nice out, RIT is out in 2 weeks and my evenings will free up a bit then. Which means I'm immediately going to clutter them up again- looks like with bouldering/rock climbing and running, mostly. And I can finally do a chin up! I know that's nothing to a lot of dudes, but.. I have never. In my life. Been able to do one. All the cirque stuff I do has finally made it possible!!! I've also got these weird things in my arms and stomach.. I think they call them muscles?? And I'm scoring a lot more on the ice now, too! I'm in better shape at 25 than I ever was as a teen (even with a second degree blackbelt). It feels awesome. Now, if I could just get to where I could run a gawshdurn mile without dying... cardio and I are not friends. And Bio- good luck! I'm rootin' for ya! Almost into the conference finals- more fun ahead!
  23. Man, y'all making me wish I could easily get to Buffalo on Thursdays. A lot of fun shows in that lineup.
  24. Ray Shero is now the GM of the Devils.
  25. Frackin' Ridiculous Minnesota Bound Blue Line Dominator Cellar Dweller Deluxe Don't Tank Tread On Me Come What May LaFontaine of Youth
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