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Everything posted by josie
Yay Bio! Best of luck and may the best job win!
sorry. I never know which is more PC. He had "black ice" on his jersey. But if you call him that he screams at you and calls you a little bitch and asks if you want to drop the gloves. Apparently this happens against every team he plays against. Whatever. Black. Darker skinned. Of african descent. I don't care what skin color he had, he was an idiot. My teammates were not in the right to call him other terms, and I told them so. Lot of stupidity last night.
There were refs. They were also making cruddy comments. My guys were more vocal, so we got more penalties. It was a gong show. There's always a handshake line in this league. I think some people enjoy it because it's the big chance to get a brawl going. Which of course happened last night. This is my 3rd head smacker. It's not as bad as my last one (which was an accident- guy didn't mean to hit me, we collided and his mass won over me haha) which had me screwed up for a good month. But I'm definitely not completely normal. Not much to do except avoid making it worse. The attitude though. I like to sit on the bench and crack jokes to loosen everyone up. Everyone showed up drunk last night (10pm call time) and ready to party. After the first shift of lovely comments at my feminine nature I was too cranky to crack wise. Just went from there. I have a job. I have a life. I play once a week. I'm not here for the scouts, I'm not here to throw my weight around. I'm here to cheer over goals and catch a few assists myself. I'll go back to my zamboni league where everyone's friends and it's mostly just relaxed playing/learning. Or join a lady's league, where at least if someone decides to run me, they're closer to me in size/power. Seriously. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. And that's a toxic attitude that's not safe for playing. We played a much better team last week and they murdered us. But no one played dirty. They were respectful. First team we played was way worse than us- I got me a nice slash on the wrist for my trouble. But yeah, I don't feel like finding out about the rest of it. Good thing I'm only a sub for the team- I won't feel too guilty not showing up.
I fear my brief career playing super low level beer league hockey may be over or nearly so. Game got chippy last night and their giant 6'6" dman slammed me as hard as he could into the boards a few into the 3rd. I'm half his size. He swore he didn't mean to, but me laying motionless on the ice for a few minutes was apparently the spark for the powder keg everyone had been looking for. Rest of the game (which I sat out since there was double of everything) was a mess, strung with brawls and racial epithets (guy who slammed me was colored). I got some good sexist comments thrown at me on my very first shift. Handshake line- one of their guys refused to shake my hand. I was being held up partially by two of my teammates. He said the c word as he sailed by. Apparently he felt I'd cheap shotted him on the ice (a night like that and he was mad at me? I never go after people!) and faked being slammed heavily into the boards. I'm there to have fun. I don't care that much about winning. we won in overtime, and i could care less. I wanted to play with the guys, keep up, hang out with my friends, play some puck and have a beer. But other teams seem to just target me because they know it'll cause my guys to go nuts. It's painful, embarrassing, enraging, and I can't afford more head injuries. No matter how defensive I skate, it's going to happen- it's the sad reality I'm beginning to come to terms with. I think I'm ready to find a women's league and to hell with all those lesser endowed testosterone enraged . Call me a but it's not worth my health and energy.
:doh: and :thumbsup:
Alright, I'll kvetch. Logo dude I ranted about last week? Called me last night at 12:15 AM. Dude. It's not like you live in California. It is NOT ok to call me about minutiae detail b.s. and then get mad when I don't answer. Sent me an email full of winking emojis insinuating that obviously I was awake, I was just ignoring him. "I know you're a night owl". Bitch, you don't know me. I've worked overtime all week saving someone else's bacon, am stressed out, and try to hit the hay by midnight for sanity's sake. Dick. The reason I'm working overtime? Coworker got fed up with project and client (it has truly been a nightmare) and guess what, I get called in to save everyone's . As usual. Nevermind the 3 other projects I'm juggling to save even more ...Coworker pitches tantrum and cleans out her desk. Won't speak to anyone. Which is fine. Immature, but ok.... EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO WORK WITHIN THE FILES SHE MADE. and she WILL NOT HELP ANYONE. Because "I'm done with it. I want to quit." SO QUIT ALREADY. About had it. My best friend at work is applying to a couple other places and probably leaving soon, too. I am officially searching. Buffalo or Rochester. If you know of a company that needs someone who can do just about anything digital and art related (I can learn fast, I'm not a whiz at 3D or after effects yet), let me know. 4 years, still being paid entry level with horrid/no benefits, I'm ready to move on and do some new work. I'm ready for a professional atmosphere with an actual HR department.
I highly recommend his autobiography if you haven't read it. Derek Sanderson: Crossing the Line, The Outrageous Story of a Hockey Original
I wonder, can Olli Jokinen grow a beard? I'm afraid to google it.
Here it is! http://www.gofundme.com/v2fup5d My mum and sister surprised me by donating yesterday. Pretty dang awesome. I don't expect us to get anywhere near the total amount on that site- but if we make the 1k, that's 2k for sure in the bank. We're starting another round of fencing today actually, putting up some sight boards along route 15A.
I'm sorry, does dick holes mean holes in her undies from having a dick or from exterior dick s penetrating said undies? Or is there just a gent named Dick Holes wearing her undergarments? Anyways. Wyldnwoody. He's named that because he likes to jump out of the bushes in public parks completely naked popping a rager. He's illegal in 5 states and generally under probation.
Hey there's a good idea! I'm totally biased on beards. I'm a beard lover. Just ask d4rk. Playoff beard time is one of my favorite times to stare at men who aren't my bf. It's just got a great goofy feel to it for some and a badass warrior feel for others. Also, "young and attractive"? Dude. Zetterberg? Datysuk? Jagr? Lundqvist? Hockey's great because it has its vets. Plus, Toews and Kane can't grow beards to save their baby faced lives. (Well, Toews just looks Amish and Kane looks like he should be rolling joints at a Disturbed concert circa 2003) At least the tradition isn't bleaching the hair... in my high school it was always mohawks for football players. But beards. Shut up, NBC man. Glue some glitter and pubes on your face.
haha thanks. I still don't know why i can never get the damn thing to post correctly.
X. Benedict is actually a member of the Misfits
MattPie is actually a cake.
If anyone needs to cry because something's happy, here's a video that'll probably go viral soon. Dog was a quadriplegic and after 3 months of rehab, can walk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?t=23&v=VGWt3i7i1co edit: and as usual, I have 0 clue how to get the dang video to embed properly. Tried https, tried http, ah screw it, click the link. Also, in things that are awesome, we have a gofundme page where we're trying to raise enough money to get new fences at the horse rescue. Myself and the two other regular volunteers spent the whole winter fiddling with the damn things with bare hands in negative windchills and waist deep snow. The awesome bit is, someone stepped forward to match the first 1k in donations. We're almost to the 1k point, which means 2k! We made a lot at a barn sale this last weekend too. It's still a long shot but it's looking more and more possible every day. We moved to the new farm last fall and struggled hard through the winter- everything was old, our electric fencing stopped working, our water hydrant that didn't freeze got stripped somehow, and we had some emergency rescue cases that put us at 15 horses- when our max is usually 12 (luckily couple of those are minis, so, 13 and two half sizes?) ... it was pretty hellish. I'm just so happy that things are improving as quickly as they are!!
Another point I'll make- racing in and of itself could be better regulated- the humans involved better educated. Spread the joy of horses and good trainers, minimize the cruelty. In New York animal abuse will soon be a felony. Will the Finger Lakes track improve as a result? Guess we'll see. I've been privy to a lot of court battles and seizures over horse neglect and there's not a ton to be done now. As a kid I was captured by the fame of standouts like Man O War (only 6 year old to ever draw a long dead racehorse on her placemats at a restaurant) and Secretariat. The sports legends of their kind. Went to the Kentucky Horse Park for my 7th bday and just stared in awe at the well pampered retired racers, glowing as if their groomers curried them with 100 dollar bills. I guess it's a question of, does the bad/nefarious outweigh the good?
I'm glad you mentioned dogs. I know next to nothing about dog racing- but I know a lot of people with ex racer rescued greyhounds. Fighting to me is a line- 100% against it. This isn't Henry VIII's bear baiting court era. You've got a valid opinion. I waffle back and forth on it, personally. It's a huge ethics situation. I tend to lean towards the disposition argument. I find some of these horses just love the racing. Much like some human athletes. Thing is, we don't control breeding rights in humans! With the entertainment idea in mind - what are your feelings on show horses/dressage/riding stables/breaking wild horses? I've seen a lot of horrors come from those origins as well. I'm aware of groups that even consider pets as an abomination of animals rights. It's a pretty wide spectrum. For whatever it's worth, I don't ride much. I just work with the broken ones haha
I think it's a tricky subject, animal sports. Horses are a fascinating razors edge of reason- they're not that dissimilar from cattle, yet the taboo of consuming them exists. Hey are companion animals. Racehorses serve a purpose beyond a family's love. As did the family plow horse before tractors took over agriculture. Because of this, they become property. Because they are property, some unfortunately lose the protection the beloved family pet might have, and experience depersonalize abuse. I volunteer at a rescue, will save 30 year old horses from deaths door, yet support a zoo's decision to feed horse meat to their predators. I guarantee at least some of that meat came from a kill pen stocked with healthy ex racers, tossed because they weren't winners. Any time you have an elite level like Belmont and the like, you get shady lower tiers. People aren't in it for the right reason. Others absolutely are. Do TBs live to race? Well, I guess you could consider the domesticity of horses and the breeds that proliferated from the prehistoric forms (check out Prezwalsky's horse- Mongolian. Closest to origin that exists today). And how each culture has dealt with them. I'd argue there's a lot of respect and wonderful treatment in racing. I'd argue that when horses were more machinery, abuse was more rampant. Perhaps not linked. I have a horse care manual d4rk found me from 1877 that is downright barbaric by today's standards. The rescues I get are usually neglected pets, Amish chattel, and nearly wild hopeless cases. A few racers, for sure. Mostly the neglect and abuse happens after the track- the owners sell them dirt cheap to flip a buck and don't care where they go. Then again, look what we do to cattle and chickens. I still eat meat, knowing about the horrific goings ons. Ending racing would result in some horrific purges and some other less regulated form of entertainment. I'm no fan of racing overall, but at least it gets policed to some degree. Sorry for the book, I like me some horses but know the realities.
haha I have a contract I've used for big clients already written up. And it's too late for this particular mess. I just had too much faith in humanity this round. Figured it would be a really quick, fairly informal turnaround. Every freelancer gets at least one bad apple. Considering it a painful lesson learned. Never assume someone is going to be professional.
this could do in a pinch http://www.pixable.com/article/send-a-bag-of--to-someone-99823
haha no worries. My crumple zone is stronger than that. Send bugs to their office. Millions of bugs. Might be expensive, but sometimes revenge is worth it? http://www.carolina.com/living-organisms/insects/10568.ct
No point, the Juggalos just do it anyways!
haha oh hello! I've never been much of a poster anywhere, honestly. Too nervous. I'll argue d4rk's head off in person, but that's about it. I'm just not a good arguer. The threads are mostly people arguing their side, as they should be. Often, the point I was going to make has already been made and is being argued. Or someone makes the point and gets lambasted for not going back pages and pages in history and realizing the topic has already been covered. More experienced posters seem to have immunity to that. Just reword it a bit, presto changeo, same argument all over again. So, I just kinda keep my mouth shut. I've never handled being bad at things too well- posting here counts, as silly as that is! So I lurk. Or get offended at sexist comments if they appear. Sorry. You'd think after years of unwarranted rape and death threats from anonymous people on other social media sites (never here) I'd just let it all go, right? Sucks to be a lady on the internet sometimes. Hell, I get nervous even typing this. I enjoy the game. I love talking the game with anyone who'll listen. I just don't have that extra level of depth and analysis that seems so important here. Come on, hit the damn post button, you can do it, it's just the internet...
haha who knows, they probably added it later. Just kinda sums up that whole town... Trying pretty hard, still ugly as sin. We're the Glass City. That sounds like a beautiful place to live. nope.