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Everything posted by josie

  1. Congrats to you and your lady! I saw some pictures- it looked like a wonderful time :) On the crying- I honestly have no idea how I'd make it down the aisle in one piece if I ever get hitched. I'd probably sob snot everywhere and trip over my dress and knock over my father and ruin everything.
  2. Huh. Found this somewhat overly dramatic documentary on the Cascadia subduction... Pretty much exactly the New Yorker article, even has the same experts interviewed. It was posted on youtube back in 2011. If you can ignore the dramatic music and silly screen shakes, there are some nice visualizations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yukp0bPkQxs
  3. Fellow transplant- I absolutely agree. Never encountered a city quite like this one when it comes to staying out and hammering the liver. Always amazes me when I visit other cities and everyone's on the last train home by 2 or 3. I may or may not have walked barefoot across Paris one night because it was Bastille Day (which is today!) and no trains/infrastructure were running, all bars closed except the boat we were on. Buffalo? Out till 5, no prob. It's mind boggling.
  4. Welcome... to Flavorplanet.
  5. This area is legitimately the safest place I have ever lived. No major earthquakes, no drought, no catastrophic flooding, no hurricanes, few/weak tornadoes, and a fairly basic understanding of survival in snowstorms. Honestly, all I have to fear is alcohol poisoning from waiting out a blizzard. Yeah, this scenario scared the pants off me a couple years ago when everyone got all riled up/learned about it. The Cascadia situation seems to be a much more tangible threat. But again, I rather felt that way with the caldera when info came out as well. Great, now I have yet another thing to sit around and read about.
  6. Very good read. Seems very thorough with just enough utter fear/sensationalism to make people keep reading/think a little. I asked a geologist friend of mine what her take is on it, and she has yet to dig into that particular article, but her colleagues seem to be of the "nod head in agreement, then shrug" persuasion. Not too much to be done about it, just awareness that it's a possibility, like the Yellowstone caldera eruption. A bit more likely than that one, especially since the 2011 Japanese quake is so close in memory. I absolutely loved the section dealing with the discovery of the 1699/1700 earthquakes/tsunamis. Love me some science-y detective work.
  7. Agreed. That's a damn shame. Good taste, though. Refreshing.
  8. As long as he doesn't join you in hitting on cute players. :p
  9. Ok, I'll try to post something good, 11. I've been asked to be on the board of directors at the horse rescue I volunteer at. That makes me the youngest member by, oh... 25 years or so. We're desperately in need of funds so they think I can art our way out of it with good design/better formatting on flyers and stuff. But still, hell of an honor to be able to have more influence on an organization that means so much to me. Other good news? In one hour it's no longer Monday? Yeah. That's pretty good news.
  10. DId he think your tractor was sexy? Some of my coworkers saw him- said George put on a helluva show. Wooten's amazing.
  11. This post just makes me so happy. I was willing to sell part of my soul to get you in a car that wasn't held together by bondo,bumperstickers and prayers. My awesome of the day- finalizing some details for my trip to Whistler, BC in a couple weeks to see my friend compete in the Ironman. I'm so ready to see some mountains and cheer on some awesome people.
  12. Helping a friend through a breakup. It's so hard to know what to say. She's looking for answers and I probably don't have them. This friend is brilliantly smart- probably one of the smartest people I've ever known- "i know how you feel"s don't cut it. I want to make it better.
  13. Sooo I decided to whip up a few designs- the NWHL was holding a design contest for their uniforms - http://nwhl.co/design-contest/ So here's the four I threw together. Room for improvement, but I just wanted to have some fun. The logos- well, I'd redo a few of them haha The contest ends Friday- If I've got time, I've got some other ideas I'd like to try out including away variations and more with the buffalo one- I'd love to add some deep red (throwback to the goat) or the royal blue. I figured even if they don't pick any of mine, maybe someone will be impressed enough to look at my site and.... wishful thinking. Black and yellow have always been my fav colors. Too bad Boston sucks. incorporated some of the sabre's swoop- tried to avoid penguin and jailbird. See the harpoon/anchor on the sleeve? Yeah, maybe it's a bit morbid but... Ugh. It is tough to design star spangled and not go either union jack or rocket pop.
  14. Yep. This is exactly how d4rk snagged me. That and the time where he came up from behind and threw a burlap sack over my head and smuggled me away to his man cave. No, actually, it worked because he took a riding course with me and we just threw insults at each other the entire time. So... insult her! Always works! Just watch the movies! Lively hate tinged banter ALWAYS leads to the bangin'!
  15. Y'all've read d4rk's post by now. Another option is me moving to Buffalo. Problem is- work. I'd gladly move if I could find something that pays as much or better than what I'm doing now. Other problem is, I really do have a life here in Roch. I think of all the things I'd miss the most, it would be the horse rescue I volunteer at. It's out in Lima, so if I lived in Buffalo, it's a helluva drive- too much to make every week for a few hours. You spend that much time/effort at a place, they become family. I'm looking for work anyways- the problem is, you type in any kind of art/designer/illustrator into your search terms and you get "sandwich artist". Or always graphic design, which isn't what I do or enjoy doing. Hoping to teach myself aftereffects/video editing, then I'll go harass the Sabres into letting me do some of their graphics. That would be pretty amazing I think. I just often feel it isn't possible. I often hate myself for choosing art over a million other degrees.
  16. Yeah, the art shows I used to throw- we'd get a couple Little Caesar's hot and ready pizzas and a couple 30 racks of Genny, fill the disgusting utility sink in the studio with ice (people pissed in that thing... regularly) and toss the beers in. Ah yes, the piss beers. A few 40s always found their way in. Usually had some cruddy vodka on hand- I filled a piƱata with airport bottles of booze once- those went quickly. Given that half the people there were crust punks, it worked just lovely. You'd walk one studio over and they'd have fine cheeses and nice wines... we were just a s h i t show. I loved it. Now, if you were friends with us we'd actually buy a couple six packs of something halfway decent and hand you one. At parties I generally tried to drink halfway decent stuff. Especially as the tolerance decreased. But oh god. I will never face anything pumpkin again. I didn't like it to start, and once you vomit up a full sixer of Saranac pumpkin syrupy ale (and too much liquor), the smell of pumpkin spice around fall is enough to turn your guts.
  17. Logo dude. The source of most of my thursday whining. It's finally... done. Well, close to it, anyhow, I'm sure I just jinxed it. I'm still getting paid way below what it should be and it was an awful experience, but... I learned a lot. And the client IS incredibly happy with the result. Am I? Well, if I can ever break my 1000 yard stare into the computer, I'll let you know. Was the project itself a bad one? No. But oh man. I'm taking the rest of the week/weekend off from freelance and just drinking. Bring on the draft, bring on sweet sweet sunshine... maybe even.. a social life? Without guilt?!?!?! Just kidding, that's my secret, I'm always feeling guilt about something. ...and then it's designing a logo for a fighter pilot friend's flight bag. Which will be the coolest damn thing I've ever done/will ever do. And that's awesome.
  18. Any Bell's is good. My friend had a couple kegs of Two Hearted Ale at her wedding. Heck yea.
  19. I remember paying a fair bit for a super strong glass of god knows what (barleywine of some kind I'm sure) at the Old Toad once. I honestly cannot remember what or how much (helpful I know) because one itty bitty glass of it apparently had the abv of an entire bottle of wine. I just know that I scoffed at the little glass, and all of about five sips later was nearly off my tits. Then I stumbled completely day drunk to the Dryden theatre to watch Serpico with d4rk. I don't remember the first hour or so of that... Whatever it was, it was worth the money to get blasted on all of about 6 oz of liquid. Taste was negotiable. So was remembering if I had feet. haha truth. Not really a cocktail person myself, but I'll put chambord in just about anything...
  20. aw man, nope! But it's one of my lifelong dreams to see them. Seriously, some day I'll be tottering along, losing my mind, poised to kick the bucket, but I won't go until I see the northern lights. Or the aurora australis, I'm not picky...
  21. Congrats Boyes! I lost my brains and ranted on twitter (it's what us millennials do) about that awful client I'm still dealing with. Well, an internet acquaintance of mine messaged me and wants me to write a piece about client/freelance artist relationships, a do's and don'ts sort of deal for his site. Apparently he's part of some counter culture rap society of sorts and performs at SXSW and such. So that's pretty neat. I think my goal is to just write something that would help creatives AND potential clients kinda know where the line is drawn with being a good client/ horrible human being. You think that'd be an easy delineation but boy you'd be surprised...
  22. That's lovely. Hope it makes up for whatever makes it an exception!
  23. Yeah. I have no problem playing the Zamboni leagues. They've been good to me. Sure, there's the occasional kerfuffle- we had some bad eggs in a session back in Spring- but it's much better policed. I've called and gotten players banned for being idiots before. So apparently they all just go to the other leagues. There's a weird ego/pride thing with the Zamboni v beer league. Somehow you're just not "tough" or "good" if you don't play beer. Yeah well, cool. I was asked to sub, I have a neat jersey, achievement unlocked. My teammates respect me and say I've improved a ton. Good enough I guess. I always get the "which one's your bf?" chirp on the ice. Fun answer when d4rk isn't there is "none of them". Here on my own, idiots.
  24. That's some good advice. I'll see what I can do. A girl on the other team works for the rink. This happens all the time, people complain, not much happens. It kinda comes and goes in waves. I hate being the whiny girl too. I try so hard to be strong and brush it off but damn, man, I'm getting hurt out there. I'm 25 and pretty new to hockey (figure skater before, hockey for about 2-3 years now). I'm not good. I have 5 goals and maybe 20 assists to my name. I'm not particularly fast. I can't play up a league. in the fall, thomas creek's zamboni league will have another session and I'll join Intermediate with people I know/like. No score, drills before the game- I think I belong there. I love playing co-ed. I love my guys. I love shooting the breeze and drinking with them. Some are my age, some are dad squad. I'd miss that with all ladies, I admit it. Just think I'm done with this league. It's always been kinda dirty- I just got the brunt of it last night.
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