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Everything posted by josie

  1. :lol:
  2. Those were some sassy fish.
  3. I see a lot of comments in here and in general about significant others not liking their menfolk going fishing. D4rk, consider it cool to go fish as long as you take me with you from time to time :) Fun d4rksabre fishing story- we tried multiple times when out in the Daks a few years back. We were unsuccessful. The best moment was when we came upon a clear stream teeming with fish of varying sizes and types. "Jo, I could reach right in and grab one. Watch, it'll take like, 30 seconds tops". etc etc, more confident declarations of fishing aptitude. Nope. Not a nibble. Which was all the more infuriating and hilarious since we could see them so clearly.
  4. Awesome- driving your car after driving a rental for awhile. Said rental car was like driving a toaster- horrible visibility. Which is why I got sideswiped in the super narrow congested streets of Vancouver and why I have to pay a butt ton to fix the dent incurred by the massive ass of an SUV. Sigh. Also awesome- I've never experienced anything like the midnight finish line of the Ironman. These are the people who have been going for 17 hours, these are the people who are not professionals or were hurt somewhere on the course and didn't quit. The race was a washout mostly- it was in the high 40s and pouring- many many athletes dropped out after the swim or suffered through hypothermia like my friend. But that finish line- I high fived so many athletes from different countries as they found a last burst of energy to get across before the cutoff. You want inspiring sports moments- that was a tear jerker at times. Competitors in their late 60s/early 70s. A woman whose entire right leg/hip was frozen was just hobbling along, sobbing and smiling as she made it 5 minutes before the cutoff. Utterly amazing. Not as awesome- 4 hour red eye flight over the stormy Canadian prairies with a screaming toddler who howled and shrieked the whole time.... and I'll have a story for the complaint thread tomorrow about the Toronto Pearson airport. But awesome is your bed after 27 hours awake. Didn't see a whole lot of Canucks pride in Vancouver- which surprised me. I know it's the off season, but other NHL cities usually still have signs in the bars and such year round. Nada.
  5. Things that are awesome. Vancouver and the road north to Whistler is awesome. It's twisty and fast and narrow and gorgeous and even in a rented Mazda 3 I was flying around those corners, my friend and I screaming at every new amazing vista. I have never loved a place so much so quickly. Whistler is the fit person Mecca of the world. I have a feeling it's partially the Ironman but it's also just Whistler. However there's a spooky abandoned Disney world feeling in some parts of the village- lots of new builds for lease/empty from the Olympics. Starting my first full day here- I needed to get away and I needed some mountains in my life. If you've never been, go. I keep being reminded of my times in the Alps in Europe.
  6. haha awesome! I know a few roller chicks in Rochester but never get out to their bouts :( Yep, this is my friend on the mad rollin' dolls http://madrollindolls.com/index.php/knockingjay-1213-dda Looks like blue and white are their home colors or something. I see a lot of black and white getup in her pics though. I love it- she was always a drama geek, top honors, super nerd. We were friends through dance class and summer college classes and her incredibly loud seal-like laugh. She's a married librarian who does research for NASA and makes all the idiot boys in our hometown feel bad for making fun of her growing up. I swore to her if I ever did derby I'd go by Amelia Bearheart. Ok, now I'm thoroughly off topic. Sorry, I love jawing about badass ladies. I just wish she'd played hockey ;)
  7. Yeah I see what you're saying. Pink ladies vibe could work. I just get my hackles all up at the idea of "pinkifying" anything haha One of my friends is a roller derby chick in Wisconsin and their colors are black and white. They're the Dairyland Dolls and they rock a more goth-y vibe. Now I want to see gothy hockey.
  8. Yeah, I personally won't be able to make most games, since my league in the fall is Sunday evenings in Rochester. D4rk might be playing with me. Bums me out. I'd love to go. Maybe i can swing it once or twice. Ooh no pink. I know I don't stand alone when I say many women who play sports rather despise pink anywhere near the uniform. Breast cancer awareness or a special jersey, fine, but I know I'd personally be disgusted to have pink on my jersey unless it was also part of the city's men's team's jerseys too. I have a pink vendetta. And yeah, they went with "safe" on the uniforms. For these kinds of design contests, I wish they'd pick more "finalists" rather than just two for more variation with the voting. But that's just me.
  9. Ohioan here. The more liberal minded people I know hate him. Many of the conservatives do, too as he has allegedly done horrible things to the education system by slashing budgets. I can't dig anything up at the moment, but go have a look. I know of an article from a teacher's perspective, but it's more impassioned than factual. Here's a rundown NPR article on him if you've never heard his name before today. The top comment in the comment section sums up the scuttlebutt I've heard about him, but, it's a comment in a comment section, so take it with a grain of salt and do your own research. http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/07/20/424834838/5-things-you-should-know-about-john-kasich Here's a fun article for anyone who stares at logos a lot like I do: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/07/2016-candidate-logos-worst-best-120367.html#.Va6_bSpVhBe Hillary's logo spells "H + Arrow" to me. As in, harrowing times ahead...
  10. On my internet wanders, I've found that each team's siren/horn is pretty special to a lot of fans. I think my personal favorite was the Colorado Avalanche's siren for a couple years that was an actual avalanche warning klaxon. A little too sinister/chilling for a family friendly sports event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xk_uu1p_Oc
  11. :lol: I sure hope so. That would make my day. I did final animations on quite a few of the others but she's by far my favorite. Leo is ok- he's all star trek-y and his laser gun turns enemies into farm animals. He was fun, too.
  12. Haha trust me, I'm with ya. When I play I usually am pink ranger- I did her final animations so she's my baby. I did include Aang as a trophy you can get, though! As for the glitches- yep. We're still fixing stuff. They were asking us for additional characters as late as this Monday (it takes a month to do a character normally- we managed one this week and have to roll out another next week. Sigh. ) In general, a note I have- if you think the music sucks, we are in total agreement. They didn't let us use our own awesome sound guy- instead they used a Nickelodeon employee whose work is... Out of touch. He's seemingly enamored of bike horns and clown noises. We found ways to avoid a lot of his stuff but, alas, his final synth heavy tracks made it in. But hey- super brawl 3 took the full office 7 months of daily work. 3 of us made this game. Thanks 11! I'm not a gamer either- I still find it odd I do this for a living. And welcome back NS! Always glad to have you around :)
  13. After nearly 9 months of ridiculousness and awful project managing on the client's part, our game finally went live today. I did all of the UI (menus, swirly stuff, etc), wrote the comics (yes those are my horrid puns), integrated all of the interactive parts of the environments, and finalized a lot of the animations. After the TMNT game from last summer, this is my biggest game yet. My best friend at work was the developer. It has made her and I want to make apps together in our (nonexistant) free time. Girl gamemaker duo. If you've got kids, let them have a play- it's got all the current nicktoon favorites, Spongebob, TMNT, Legend of Korra, Power Rangers. It's also got some characters that are from a show that hasn't aired yet (Pig Goat Banana Cricket- it's a long story, but basically nick is trying its hand at Ren & Stimpy style stuff again). And let me know if something breaks. Nick posted it live today and didn't update some code correctly- which resulted in the most hilariously glitched mess. http://www.nick.com/games/super-brawl-4.html
  14. My coworker posts videos of his drone that he flies around. My other coworker adds music to them to piss him off. http://youtu.be/r0hGjV8SWHA
  15. the days of the garbage plates may be behind him but the plates still haunt his behind...
  16. My assumption is they're going to pick a winner and then the design gets touched up professionally. There's no way that asymmetrical ridge on the boston jersey would make it to final. Ok, I HOPE there's no way that asymmetrical ridge goes to final. It's more based on the idea than the execution. That's where i think I failed. I was focused on creating a really clean presentation to be as professional as possible and I don't think that's what they were looking for.
  17. Lord help me. You speak the gospel truth. d4rk, dear, I love you, but we gotta talk about your butt...
  18. Wellp, looks like the NWHL is narrowing down jersey design options... Not gonna lie, I'm pretty disappointed. Left choice is boring but classic and the right one is just awful. I didn't expect to win but I was hoping to lose to something really great. Yes I'm bitter. Shut up.
  19. Happy Thursday. Ever since I took on a board position at the horse rescue, I've learned a lot more about our situation. We're much lower in funds than I thought, and the lady who pretty much runs everything is taking a leave of absence due to exhaustion and deep depression. One of our residents is a mid 20s TB/Morgan gelding named Deacon. Some time last year, at the old barn, the who owned the farm brought out a farrier who idiotically cut his hooves too short. Picture an ingrown toenail/the soreness if you cut a nail too short- now imagine that's your only point of contact to hold your considerable weight (he's a huge horse). He started having some severe problems immediately, and the idiots denied it ever happened/was their fault. It was the final straw that made us leave. Fast forward to now, Deacon has suffered never ending leg/feet problems, despite being perfectly healthy prior to this. The inflammation is so chronic that we are going to have to put him down. His vet bills alone are costing us 4k, 400 a month on food/medicine due to his size and age, we only have 3.5 k, and we're still 5k behind on fencing. No one's going to adopt him in this condition, and we could probably keep him alive for a few years, if only we had the money and he wasn't in pain. We're a no kill shelter. We've only ever put down one horse before, and she was dying of severe founder/laminitis anyways. This is falling under mercy/quality of life. I feel so utterly awful. I love this guy, he's the sweetest, most stately horse. I love working with him. Two weeks ago he looked great. And now we're scheduling euthanasia. It's just tearing everyone's heart out.
  20. I went bouldering again tonight and actually finished all but one course I attempted! Prior to tonight I have only gotten close to finishing one. So four in one go felt great. I miss hockey (quit for the summer after the latest concussion I ranted about in another thread a month ago) but trapeze/hoops and rock climbing are strengthening muscles I didn't know I had! So much for my ladylike hands.. Yay another little bit of dirt back in the debt hole!
  21. Until someone puts a plug in his campaign: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/15/donald-trump-butt-plug-3d-printing
  22. Crippling student loan debt and suicide from the ensuing depression! But any of these will do: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/List_of_predictions_of_the_end_of_the_world No point living in fear of things, but it's absolutely natural to have a bit of a fascination with our own dramatic mortality.
  23. haha yeah I saw that. We have a photo just like that.
  24. ehhh at this point we'll be talking about the future, about potential moves and houses and jobs, and be years ahead and go, oh yeah, we should probably get married somewhere in there, too. But y'know, mostly broke on money and time... and weddings, even cheap ones, aren't cheap. It'll happen when it happens. I'll rock a white dress at any age. Just help my dad up. He'll be like... 80 by then.
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