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Everything posted by josie

  1. Also, didn't he have a lady? saw that somewhere earlier. Maybe it's just my overly ruffly feathers getting ruffled over here, but ugh. Good post though, musichunch. Paints a more realistic picture.
  2. haha well done, gents!
  3. haha well, it's not because of the pussycats... Actually was a pet (ha!) peeve of mine for years. Real name is Joanna, usually go by Jo, started going by Josie in the hockey world because there's always a Joe on the bench and I was sick of the confusion. :)
  4. haha I think I'm immune from having one... maybe pussycat419? Fun useless fact, my original area code was 419, my bday is 914, yay symmetry in the stupid little things in life.
  5. Eh, my usual whiny complaint. Way too much to do and the damn school year hasn't even started yet. On a red alert project at work requiring overtime, got lots of backed up freelance I'm chipping at (sorry, person on here I'm being slow with :( ), and teaching some high school kids this weekend that I've had to prepare for. So burned out. It's only August. How the HELL do my friends have kids and stuff? I can barely find time to feed the damn cat...
  6. Let me tell ya, from personal experience, no one ever believes the teenage girl. I have never been raped, but assault and harassment get the same go around disbelief. Good on you, and sorry about your friend. I just hope the general media/population can remember that this is about people, not hockey and large organizations.
  7. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/sources-kane-target-of-rape-investigation-20150806
  8. Took a quick twitter tour- I still don't believe anything just yet. But just that makes my heart drop. The anti lady "chicks are evil" tweets are starting to roll. Hurrah.
  9. Popcorn and oatmeal. I'm out of food and don't have the time to go shopping. So dinner is whatever I can scrounge out of cupboards. Man, it's almost like college again. At least I was skinny in college. I wish I could eat words- this thread would sustain me
  10. Maybe, I've just never seen a buffalo depicted with a soft fuzzy white belly. Not a fan of the crown, either. Nah eff it I can't compete with that. https://twitter.com/hockey_wench/status/628980056124203008
  11. oh hellll yea! Also bought myself the NWHL shirt since I wasn't the hugest fan of the Beauts one... there will be more... but WHY does it have a white belly? http://nwhl.co/shop/
  12. sorry this is all i can imagine
  13. Here: I tossed them up on my site. http://joanna-eberts.com/JERSEYS
  14. I hope so! I'd love to see it! I'm sure she's got a few others she's found in order to write an article about it.
  15. No, she saw the ones I had tweeted. Ah, the power of hashtags.
  16. A hockey writer (Kate Cimini) contacted me on twitter as she's writing an article about the NWHL jersey entries that were not chosen. She said she really loved mine and wants to interview me about inspirations, process, etc. and include the designs in the entry. So that's pretty cool...
  17. Yeah, I agree. But the thing is, I think most of the ladies who watch and identify with her just want her to be one of the boys. It works pretty well in Winter Soldier. Even better, have another tough lady in there with her. Or two! Ah, now I'm being greedy. Then again, I'm just super touchy about the whole "infertile womb oh god I'm a monster" storyline. Left a really bad impression on me for the rest of the movie.
  18. Oh yeah? Yeah. Followed by a vanilla milkshake handmade by Deb, our favorite waitress at Jay's. That's a good evening. Just saw the sequel this weekend. I would've liked to have seen it in a theater- like most sfx heavy action films, a lot of it seems anti-climactic on a small screen. Best part about Winter Soldier is the treatment of Black Widow. Worst thing is how they follow up with her in Avengers 2. I knew I disliked that movie for a few reasons but after seeing BW in Cap 2 being a cool headed badass, it made her seem all the more sidelined/horribly written.
  19. I've spent a lot of time in Cleveland. It's a great place if you know where to go. Good museums, too. Now d4rk gets to go with me every few years for my heart checkups at the Clinic, which means Great Lakes Brewery visits :beer: Cedar Point is the absolute best. Just don't ride front row on a buggy night. I learned the hard way.
  20. I just got word that another of our horses died. Mack was 33 and healthy, just old age got him. I've lost two of my favorite residents in 2 weeks now. I knew Mack was going to go at some point, but I wish I could've said goodbye. He was at a foster farm for the summer- I was one of the last people to see him. I was amazed he made it through the winter. What an awful couple weeks for the rescue. One of the other volunteers says he's up there with Deacon and now I'm just sobbing at work. At least this was a peaceful ending.
  21. Just avoid Toronto Pearson airport at all costs if you ever have the option. What a show. I saw them bodily push an elderly sikh and his wife and scream at him through customs. Poor guy had no idea what he was doing/didn't speak english or french. They grabbed me by the arm and dragged me at one point. No one had any idea what to do/where to go and no employee was willing to help. Passengers were screaming at employees, who were screaming back. People were crying and just sitting in the middle of the walkways going "I don't know what to do." On my way to Vancouver, I had to claim my bag and recheck it upon arrival at Toronto. Cool. Assumed it's the same the way back. Can't find bag. No one will give me a straight answer as to whether it's checked through to Rochester or I have to get it myself. After a 4 hour flight of nonstop turbulence across the stormy Canadian plains (the same storms that produced that 3 hour long twister in Manitoba) with a SCREAMING 5 year old hellion who never shut up the whole time, an who hit the flight attendant button every 5 seconds for 30 minutes straight and being awake for 26 hours, I sank to my knees and wept. In an airport. Just don't go. It all worked out, but I have never experienced a place as poorly organized and hostile, and I have traveled quite a bit. I'm still jet lagged as . Oh yeah, I also have to pay a buttload because of my rental car getting dented in stupid vancouver traffic. Yayyyy.
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