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Everything posted by BuffaloBorn

  1. granted there is not as much fighting in college hockey as in the NHL, but you get my point Fighting isn't the hidden link causal relationship, , X variable, gateway drug to concussions (statistically)
  2. #KILL :death: Isn't that what we want? ha!! :angel: :angel: :angel: "(Bill Masterton) Played 30 games in the 1967-68 season with the Minnesota North Stars and is the only player in NHL history to be killed as a direct result of an on-ice incident; the NHL annually awards the Bill Masterton Trophy in his honor, and the North Stars retired his number 19." This was 46 years ago, I'd give it a few more decades than just a few. I'm pretty sure the main hazard with fighting is hitting one's exposed head to the ice, not bitch slappin' someone on the way to the ice Think of all the people who have fought in the NHL who lived long productive lives after fighting (Rob Ray for example) Concussions are dramatically more likely to occur from hitting than fighting, in leagues without fighting, concussions run rampant at a similar if not increased rate. Let's ban body checks too..? "TORONTO - The occurrence of brain-rattling concussions among both elite male and female hockey players appears to be much higher than reported, suggests a study in which sports medicine doctors were behind the bench observing a season's worth of games. The study, which followed players on two Canadian university teams during the 2011-2012 season, found the incidence of concussions was three times higher in males and more than five times greater in females than most previous research had found. Surprisingly, perhaps, the rate of concussion among women playing university-level hockey was roughly twice that of their male counterparts." Because girls drop the gloves alllllllll the time :rolleyes:
  3. So let's say that Milan Lucic runs into Ryan Miller, you're saying that if the Sabres players fight back they get multiple fines and suspensions?? Or what if an opponent player sucker-punches one of Buffalo's star young player (Risto for example) and starts beating him to the ground Shawn Thornton style, you're saying if two or three of our players all go after the perpetrator to fight they should get multiple fines/suspensions?! What about line-brawls, the whole team gets suspended for 5 days? Fights have their place
  4. Wow... Totally thread-bombed. I think I make some good points,
  5. Last night I was bored and scanning through different news-stations on T.V and I was watching Bill O'Reilly for a solid two minutes interviewing someone (don't ask me why I was watching Bill O'Reilly) O'Reilly at the end of his segment (A.K.A time to change the channel and watch something that isn't boring) said something like "You know! They're going to ban fighting in hockey as well!"..& I thought to myself.... no s***?! I ultimately decided to comprise a list of why fighting will NEVER be banned, here's my top 30 1.) Kids are generally exposed to more violence on T.V and movies than all watched hockey fights combined 2.) Fighting is a part of hockey and helps boost momentum for teams, potentially changing the outcome of games 3.) There are 11.5X more injuries from checking than fighting 4.) Fighting is a deterrent from players going after star players 5.) Without fighting the violence would be much worse (stick-swinging/slashing, stabbing) which could cause serious injury or death 6.) Fighting is part of a tradition of hockey making it unique from other sports, fighting has been in the game since its inception 7.) People who are opposed to fighting either don't understand the game, are worried mothers, or people who haven't watched or played the game 8.) UFC involves fighting much more brutal and gruesome than hockey- and UFC is allowed 9.) Serious injuries from fighting very rarely occur, the rate of injury in fights is 0.39% of players while body checking on ice injuries is 4.5% of players. 10.) Less people would likely go to games if fighting were banned 11.) Only about 15% of NHL players ever drop the gloves 12.) The NHL wouldn't exist without fans, so the NHL has an obligation to never ban fighting. Hockey is not as entertaining without fighting for most fans 13.) Fighting is the players decision, not the fans or critics of the sport's decision 14.) The NHL has issued a statement recently saying they are not even considering banning fighting 15.) If there were no fighting, the NHL would be like a Euro-league 16.) Without fighting, many players would have no role and may be forced to retire or lose their jobs 17.) Entertainment value, hockey is the 4th largest professional sport in the U.S (BIG 4) and needs as large of a fan-base as it can get. Without fighting, there would be less viewership and less revenues 18.) Hockey players are not babies, they are not little kids. Professional hockey players are full grown adults. 19.) The players know the risks that are inherent to hockey, yet still play 20.) Violence and injuries occurs in all contact sports, not just hockey 21.) Similar to baseball and steroids,banning fighting takes away from the authenticity of the sport since it has existed in hockey forever- since hockey has been a professional sport 22.) If fighting were banned, a plethora of players would get suspended and fined for no reason 23.) The only knock on fighting is that it is violent, barbaric, and can cause injuries. Football, rugby, and U.F.C are "barbaric" sports that are violent, and can cause injuries. Injuries in these sports more frequently occur than all hockey fights in a season combined 24.) If fighting in professional hockey is banned- then boxing, judo, UFC and Olympic wrestling should all be banned as well. 25.) The unwritten code of fighting in the NHL, is that that both parties have to consent to a fight (dropping the gloves). Every player that fights does it with consent. 26.) Cheap shots--which exist in almost all sports-- does not qualify as fighting. Elbowing, blows to the head, cross checking; These are the irrefutable dangers to players. Not fighting 27.) Cheap shots are more dangerous than fighting and it would be very very difficult to take actions like those out of the sport. 28.) There is no way to enforce a no-fighting ban, just as there is no way to enforce a anti-gun law or even a cannabis prohibition law 29.) Just because the other three major professional sports ban fighting, doesn't at all suggest the NHL should be pressured to follow suit and break a 97 year old tradition. 30.) If fighting is banned, what's next? Skating around in bubble suits with holes for skates and stick? I know it's a busy day for sabrespace and the Buffalo Sabres community in general, but what do you guys and gals think? Thanks for reading -BuffaloBorn
  6. Gus, Zadorov, and Risto will be THE SABRES CORE. No real point in trading them in the foreseeable future
  7. THEY BETTER NOT TRADE THE FIRST PICK THIS YEAR FOR A HARD BODY. I'd rather have a young stud that'll last 15 years than a 25-30 year old veteran goal-scorer whose prime is closer to being over *maybe I'd think it's cool if they trade up in the draft for a number 1 overall if they're at 3rd or 4th.
  8. Amerks game on T.V tonight
  9. I have no clue where that video came from, but I found it funny. I think the guy was just joking around, Tiger on the other hand...not so sure about him
  10. I'll see how these first 15 games or so go before I decide on tanking next year
  11. Quick's save percentage stats for the past two seasons have been .909 and .902 respectively. and is injured. Not worthy of starting goal for USA IMO. Miller's stats for these past two seasons have been .927 and .915 respectively. Just judging by the numbers who do you think should get the starting job? Add in that Quick has been on one of the best defensive teams and Ryan Miller is on the worst team PERIOD.
  12. That'd be cool if they got Briere back for cheap. I'm aware of the lottery system, but my point is if Edmonton is last and buffalo is 2nd last for example, it still increases the chance dramatically of getting either a 1st or 2nd overall pick. and if EDM picks first, hello Reinhart
  13. Edmonton's trying to tank harder than Buffalo LET'S GO OILERS! :wallbash: If the Sabres wins both of their next games and EDM gets no wins, the Oilers still have one more point. My question is if EDM gets the 1st overall pick, do they pick Ekblad? Anyone? * for example, if Edmonton picks Reinhart for some reason, and with the Sabres second pick they pick Ekblad I'd be horrified because it wouldn't fill a need. (if that happens i'll light myself on fire too) I'd pick the next best available center not Ekblad even if it pushes him to 3rd or 4th like Seth Jones So if EDM is hell-bent on Ekblad, essentially the Sabre only need the 1st or second overall pick for Reinhart- because the Oils would snag Ekblad Thoughts before i douse myself with gasoline?
  14. Thank you for your perspective lol..Macarthur and Paille others I've missed but there . It definitely seems that way though
  15. WOW. is it just me, or does EVERY SINGLE PLAYER WE TRADE/get rid of turn into an super-star? Sekera, Gerbe, Pominville,Macarthur*, Paille*, Roy, Tropp OMFG!!!!!!!! Grigorenko will be traded and turn into a 50 goal scorer. I'd put money on it. Does everything the Sabres touch turn into s**t?
  16. tank or keep staying in the middle of the standings FOREVER. I think the Sabres would have to win like 7 games straight for the 8th seed assuming the current 8th seed wins NO games... possible? yes Probability? 1:1,000,000 I'll keep my Sam Reinhart
  17. sign Moulson the sabres offence would be dead without him, deader then they are already
  18. Do we get a televised event outta this cup thing?
  19. hate nba idea most teams tank BECAUSE their team already sucks I think the NHL has a good system the system is designed to REWARD s####y teams, to bring the teams back up to par... it's a good sytem and would be stupid to abandon it after all these seasons of NHL hockey I'm all for tanking this year, winning would truly be a waste. Sabres NEED a high-pick to be a contender (basically) Sabres only have like what ten wins? Why not grab the system by the balls
  20. Looks like we have our Ales Kotalik back
  21. Miller 4 Kane?? :w00t: :flirt:
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