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Everything posted by Grumpy

  1. I was okay with this trade because we needed a center but hated giving up a guy who actually controlled the puck on the wall. But couldn't one argue that as Kassian gets older and more consistent the appreciation of this trade will decrease in Sabre Nation? Again, a pointless thread that will have no answer fro a few years.
  2. Funny on Hamilton. That's where we've heard it certainly. The WGR mantra becomes reality KInd of like Washington or the nightly news. If it is repeated enough, it becomes the truth.. Look, I have been firmly on the side of both coach and GM going since we bowed out to Boston last time in the playoffs. It was obvious that THEIR (both DR and LR) vision for a team wasn't working in today's NHL. Clutching, grabbing ,and interfering requires big boys and guys with attitude as well as skill. We have skill without attitude and attitude without skill in general. As to his public statements, ownership, or GM often endorse their unerlings to the media and public. It is common. We've all heard the sports center comment "Joe Blow just got endrsed by his GM." Then the following statement from the broadcaster: "that's the kiss of death."
  3. One could argue the Sabres have been an alternatve to NHL hockey........................ba-da-boom!
  4. Also Michael Connelly's, Harry Bosch novels Robert Crais's Elvis Cole/Joe Pike
  5. An awfully long thread to debate a topic that won't have an answer for a few years. lt is fun though. Are their any clips of Hodgson's fights?
  6. Two thirds of that leadership core has been out of the NHL for a few years and didn't do much for their new teams. Nolan failed on next gig in the NHL. We need to quit living in the past. Most would say Roy contract was cheap for his point production. The entire organization and local media sold playoff expectations. Ruff had roster input and shouldn't get a free pass on what this team looks like. And, I have wanted DR gone for several years, simply because it has been obvious he is out of touch with how to build a winner in today's league.
  7. Ya think? At his home just before leaving for the trip to Tonto? WJAG you're right! My sarcastic way of agreeing totally with you.
  8. Again, we could be in deeper shite if our management doesn't get it right. Pommers, V and Millsie can go into next year as lame ducks. The way Minn, peed away money, why would they sign again with this organization? (I'll ignore the fact that we pee away money because it doesn't fit my rant.) Logo and a great dressing room? Statues to our stars from 1970's? Come on man! Miller has to be looking at Barrasso and Hasek and the chance to win a cup with a good organ-I-zation. Aye? Free agents bring nothing. Trades at the deadline when teams have you by the ##### bring little.
  9. OMG Actually, unless you want to let the facts get in the way, they do much better scoring goals than stopping them.
  10. Grumpy

    playoff line

  11. Yes
  12. Or several of them?
  13. I'd say that pretty much sums up my sentiments.
  14. Or because they are so sick of the situation here that they have no intention of signing. If I were Miller, I'd be thinking of being the next Hasek or Barrasso and winning a cup elsewhere.
  15. To steal an old golf joke,overall LOFT, and all that entails.
  16. Was it a blue dress?
  17. Vaive was good, but his best years were in Toronto. :P
  18. Well said. However, after 16 years together joined at the hip, I could no longer give LR a free pass on what this team looked like. He had to have had a voice. I can respect him more, thinking he was part of DR's moves, whether right or wrong. If he just put up with what DR gave him because he wanted the job? UGH! He was pretty well respected in the league from what we hear and could have easily moved on if he was opposed to what he had to work with. It is counterintuitive to think he had no say in the composition of this team. I'd still prefer them both gone.
  19. Way too long a thead to read them all. Sorry, but life's too short. I wanted both LR and DR gone. My cursory reading of some of the recent posts looks like the Ruff supporters are going hard after DR. My feeling has always been that they were a pair well past their time. I'm glad Ruff is gone, I only wish he had taken his cohort.
  20. The beauty of living in a border city, and being in college. I was free that Friday and watched it live thanks to our friends to the north. WE partied in our apartment the night of their first game. A Tuesday? Tie agaainst Sweden 2-2. That's my memory and I don't want to spoil it by looking it up. Correct me if I'm wrong. Nostalgia is a great thing.
  21. That was me too. Cashman and Quinn fights whenever Boston was in town. Or so it seemed.
  22. I chaeated cuz I had no idea. Good one, Tom!!!! By Boston beat down, I assume we are taliking about Cashman/Shoeny? Was it Shoeny who fought Orr during brawl in the third? I remember going to library before home room and reading about Horton in the Courier-Express. God I'm getting old.
  23. Remember Punch's story about Shack. Was on the ice for most of the shift and skated past bench asking Punch what position he was playing. I believe that was when they were in Toronto. Could you imagine that today?
  24. Total guess. 1. Gilbert P. 2. ? 3.Shack
  25. Yea me too. Dad got ticks from a salesman. Same seats for first home game in playoffs against Habs. Place rocked like a Bandits game.
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