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Everything posted by Grumpy

  1. We need to get better players. Case closed.
  2. SOG after one period. 3-2 in favor of TAMPA. Score 1-0 Favor of Tampa. Two huge pieces of shite.
  3. 1) No 2) Not likely IMO
  4. Who would want Gerbe, and if someone did, what would come back?
  5. What sites do you find stats like this on? Not being a smart a**. I'm just curious about a few guys and want to look. Thanks
  6. I have no strong opinions on Miller, other than he has interviewed for years as a guy willing to blame his fellow players. I watch a lot of NHL hockey besides the Sabres. I do see other goalies have to make 3-4 huge saves per game. Hell, I even watch goalies do that against us, and like the rest of us, blame our shooters for hitting them in the crest. I think he is above average, not a superstar. Sure the national media loved him during and after the Olympics, but that is what they do. If you really follow the morning shows, or game day hype on the telecasts for what you think is the truth, you are being misled. If I can make my team better by trading him, do it. If not don't. I've watched sports long enough to know that I don't fall in love with a player. Today's player certainly doesn't care much about the city. They all make so much money, they are gone in the off season. I've had them live in my neighborhood, and you never see them 2 days after the season ends. And, that was 15 years ago, when they made a lot less money. Though we may like to think otherwise, we(the city) are not important to them. They are happy playing anywhere they get paid. They can spend the off-season and the rest of their life wherever they want.
  7. Sounds like MSNBC or CNN to me.
  8. Grumpy

    Keep 5

    Two of three(Miller, Pommer, Vanek) Myers Foligno Hodgson
  9. Check your screen name. Having said that, I'm not a Miller lover or hater. It's a team game.
  10. yea
  11. He's not Dom, but he is better than average. He's played behind a soft poke-check defense his entire time here. NO ONE ends up on their A$$ in front of our net after a scrum for the last 15 years on a consistent basis, unless their skates were dull. Watch what happens to our forwards when we play in Boston or Philly. Or, just watch te final 8 teams in the playoffs this year. Officials let you protect your goalie. The Sabres don't, It's a reflection of how we draft and acquire players. DR?
  12. LOL I'd rule out Ruff's first 4pts., team was still interested and excited about being back. RR's first two gms were with a confused and defeated team. Having said that, GM and coach needed to leave. There is no doubt in my mind that DR was made to fire LR based on how that day went down. Upper mgt. screwed up big time not sending both out the door. My guess is we, as fans, will pay for that huge error.
  13. Loved Shoeny. He last coached in the NHL in 99.
  14. It's fun to live in the past.
  15. Love the guy, yet he was still a -1 for the game. One of only a few minus players.
  16. Please! Jeremy White is a Syracuse guy who grew up on BB and Lax. He's learned a little about our two sports since he moved here but his arrogance is comical. We need a GM. Hell one to two years ago these WGR guys loved LR and DR and ripped any caller who questioned them. Those who followed the game KNEW our team was not built for a cup. Their(WGR) opinions shift with the winds. People with a knowledge of this sport and this organization know our GM is out of the loop on how to build a team for today's NHL. TP and TB need to do their homework and replace this GM with a competent individual, and then step back and let him rebuild the entire hockey side of the business. If Roy is part of that, great. I like him, but that has to be the next GM's decision. The way these GR guys promote each other's articles is the epitome of nepotism.
  17. I don't know about Enroth. What I do know is I like see him playing on a more consistant basis. It's no secret that LR completely mismanaged his back-ups, never giving them any consistant chance to stay sharp unless there was an injury. It has always puzzled me when a skater is interviewed about not playing for awhile and they say he's been practicing, but: "That's not game shape or speed. Things happen faster in games." Why should a goalie be different?
  18. As a UFA I don't think they'll try to resign Regehr for next year. He may even be a good deadline move for a team wanting depth. Yea, I fear yuo are right on GM, but was trying to be hopeful for the future.(Pun intended)
  19. Thinking about his 6 string and his next team.
  20. I see a change in captain at this time to be about as useful as the coaching change was. I said it long before I ever posted on this board that I wanted Regier, Ruff and the rest of the coaching staff gone after we bowed out to Boston in the first round a few years ago. It was obvious then that we weren't built to contend for a cup and I had little faith in their vision. We've changed one thing, when it was too late to bring about effective change this year. The new GM may have to replace the scouting department for all I know, or give them a different directive on what we want in a player. Changing the captain is irrelevant at this time IMO.
  21. http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIIZL0dR8hkA7n77w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBvMGQzcTByBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVjEzMg--?p=Taps&vid=5b01ccbde251d023863a162a5799db71&l=&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DV.4742022762267075%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DG-BZNhAYG00&tit=Taps+%E2%80%A2+Scout+Songs&c=11&sigr=11aucpo6d&age=0&b=61&fr=my-myy&tt=b
  22. I don't know where to begin..................................so I won't.
  23. Sorry, that was sarcasm. They were off air due to technical difficulties. Confirmed on internet when I got to work. The little I heard was what you'd expect. I'd hate their job with the two crap teams we have at the moment.
  24. Today may be the best Howard Simon/Jeremy White show I have ever heard on my car radio! ;)
  25. Needs to learn to play D before he worries about the O
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