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Everything posted by Grumpy

  1. I posted this elsewhere but it is appropriate here. I was there last night. Ott gets a penalty and jumped for a fight. TV timeout. My son and I watch the jumbo for the replay. We get to watch the friggin dumpster shuffle as the fans cheer to guess where the puck ends up. Than people more interested in their signs and being seen on the jumbotron. NEVER a replay of the incident. Friggin JOKE! I'll guess you were fortunate enough to see a replay. Was it a good elbow?
  2. Okay, I changed my mind and my vote. I sat there at the FNC last night watching Lindy coach not to lose. Quit wasting the kid and ruining his confidence. Send him down to the Q. Also, how can we waste a roster spot with with Scott. He can't skate, although Stafford seems to be struggling just as much, but at least I know he can when he gets in shape. Lastly, I know this belongs in the game experience thread, but I'm too lazy to switch. Ott gets a penalty and jumped for a fight. TV timeout. My son and I watch the jumbo for the replay. We get to watch the friggin dumpster shuffle as the fans cheer to guess where the puck ends up. Than people more interested in their signs and being seen on the jumbotron. NEVER a replay of the incident. Friggin JOKE! And yes, I'm Grumpy.
  3. From Basic
  4. Grumpy

    Tyler Myers

    You are correct!!!!
  5. Grumpy

    Tyler Myers

    I've heard Roby say that our 7-8 d could start on any team in the league. Others talk about our strong back line. At some point do we need to look at James Patrick? He's been the guy for all Meyers time here in Buffalo. While Ruff played some d, he was more often a forward.
  6. True, but is it really that ingenious, complicated and successful a system?
  7. Nothings changed for me in the few days since I posted in Grigo watch thread. He's accomplished all he can as a superior player in juniors. I'd keep him up playing with men. Too bad Rochester isn't an option for him, but it's not. This season is all about finding/developing down the middle for me. I don't think we're cup ready yet, so lets develop. I hope to see Armia and Gergs as part of this roster sometime next season.
  8. That’s a very altruistic opinion and in an ideal world, I can’t argue with it. But, I have toa ask, how many professional sports games do you attend in the average calendar year. It is easy to watch on television with minimal economic outlay and criticize those who attend the games and lay their money on the line night in and night out. Going every night breeds complaceny and undo expectations. I freely admit that after 30 plus years as a 1/2 season ticket holder. Going a time or two a year as a fan, it's easy to get all fired up. If you attend regularly, I appologize, but many who are critical don't.
  9. Thanks. I know. I've lived and died with my sports teams for a lot longer than many here have been alive. LOL Humor me and just blow me off when I vent. Thanks again.
  10. Trust me, I want to be th 7th man at a Sabres' game or the 12th at a Bills' game and think I matter. Yet, we always hear how the away team has to take the crowd out of the game early. We can go crazy early in a game, but it's hard to keep that up if the team looks disinterested or are getting their butts kicked. Players need to do their part to generate building noise. They are supposed to feed off us and our excitemet. Don't we have a right to expect them to provide excitement for US to feed off of?
  11. From the above, Enroth may be thrown into a tough position tonight. Sabres win tonight could be key to our entire season. A poor performance in font of Enroth against a jacked up team at home could give LR the impetus to once again mismanage his back-up golie and constantly put him in a lose/lose siituation. He has a propensity to sit his back-up for weeks at a time and then wonder why he under performs. We've seen this for years, and I don't trust LR to get it riight..Anyone know Lindy's wonderlic score?
  12. Hire what you think are the best in a business. Delegate and give them the reins for a few years and if they don't acheive the desired results can their a** and move on to the next best person. Nice that TB came from a winner in Pitt, but without the lottery and number 1 pick in a years time, when two real studs were availabe, would they have won? Would Jerry Jones have won without being the worst team in football and the Minnesota GM being an idiot? Who knows? Pegula is a little too much a fan for me, but I think he knows he needs to hire people who know more about the sport than he does. I'm not sure if he's done that, but time will tell and he has the deep pockets to get it right.--------I hope!
  13. In a sad way, this thread is a little comical. We want the fans to help the team win, and blame them when they lose because they don’t generate enough noise. Frankly, we do not matter much on game day. Talent wins. Talent plays well and fans get into it and cheer. If we bring up the Amerks and blow the roof off the house with noise for the 2½ to 3 hours of the game experience, will they advance and win the cup? Of course not. Players generate excitement. Did the Winnipeg Jets make the playoffs last year with their great home rink advantage?
  14. This is fun to debate on a day to day basis. Two to three years from now, we'll be able to form an informed and accurate opinion. I hope both kids prosper and help their respective teams in a big way.
  15. You do mean the midget, right? Our sole purpose is to win the Cup?
  16. I'll the second the AMEN and yes, it's too early to judge Winnepeg A lot more fights in those days, so it was a different game and a different generation of fans.
  17. I thought the building was quiet shortly after the 99 run to the finals. We began to expect more and the over all NHL product was, frankly, boring leading into the lockout. It really rocked post lockout with more open game, increase in scoring and the Sabres success. There was a huge influx of new season ticket holders and new fans to a winning and exciting team. The game has changed and is less open, less exciting and we aren't playing that well at homes at an increasing rate. The product has become boring at times again. Throw in what CHZ said about apprehension and waiting for things to turn bad and that would be my explanation.
  18. Thank you! Love to learn.
  19. Or, they're not sure where to put him?
  20. That's what I was taught.
  21. We might not agree on Gerbe(hope I'm wrong) but we agree here.
  22. Had two Philly fans sit next to me Sunday. Bought ticks after their game at home on Saturday and drove thru arriving 7am. Nice kids, They were staying at Adam's Mark, thought $ was good and walked over to arena.
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