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Everything posted by Grumpy

  1. Agreed.
  2. He was journeyman. Please don't build him up. Always loved how he lost his cool in a playoff game and cost his team when he went after Billy Smith for his cheapshot in the playoffs. Now he crucifies his players if they cost him a penalty in the playoffs. "Defensemen, don't go in on a scrum. The faceoff might come outside the zone." Does it matter with our faceoff percentage.?
  3. I won't lower my esteem for you if he doesn't.
  4. Can't skate well or pass at all. Two goals for our losers. Been cut by way to many teams. If this is the benchmark for even your sixth defensemen, we suck. And, yes we do suck!
  5. Yea for sure. Talk about hockey heaven means nothing without a championship. Bring in guys who are solely about money, and you aren't bringing guys whose NUMBER ONE priority is a championship. You cherry picked one guy. LOL
  6. Maybe. Not a big sample to judge. Vancouver continues to matter without him. Kind of like Mario Williams and Houston. Know how to build a team, and you don't have to over spend for free agents. Be a winner and free agents will come to you for less for a chance at a championship. Patriots anyone?
  7. Really, and I can't believe I am saying this. TP has been ill advised and has his head in the sand, and that is being nice. (Stuck where the sun doesn't shine!) I am hoping for an unprecedented losing streak and a humiliating last place finish in the league. Otherwise his head will remain implanted in the nether regions and we will retain our current management which has proven itself inept.
  8. If we are the one's paying them then, yes.
  9. I'll accept your word that it was legit. I'll admit that at the time, I preferred Drury if we could only have one and later that summer would have let Vanek go for the package of number ones. Now, if I were Vanek, I'd be entertaining all offers to move on after next year and get out of this mess.
  10. So, how do you know what Ruff really wanted? Substantiate please.
  11. Maybe he should. Patrick can't teach that by example.
  12. Thank you!
  13. Drury might still be playing? Briere a #1 center with the roster we have had? Which "studs" with toughness were going to protect him? You do live in a dream world. Anyone who blames Quinn for DR's incompetence just doesn't follow the NHL IMO. Come on Man!
  14. AS an aside, there are 16 other teams in the playoffs right now. 16 in, 14 out, that's how it works. Sorry, just an a$$ and couldn't resist. I got your point, but am afraid we are not very good.
  15. Wow! There always are!!!!
  16. Actually, I'm at peace with myself about this organization. Hell, I've been with it from day one and can remember the Bills for all but for all but 5 of their years. . The team is less than average. My owner loves his GM and coach. My Gm loves my coach. I'm willing to sit back and wait for my owner to see the light. Frustrating because he is a newbie? Yes. Still, it is fun to stir the pot.
  17. One would have to say that your description in not commensurate with the payroll. Ugh!
  18. Or 1 of 20 in the last 10 seasons.
  19. This may be flawed, but with the shorter season a second half run IMO will be much more difficult. In a regular 82 game season, the top few teams in the conference have opened safe leads, assuring a spot in the playoffs. I think those teams are more likely to "coast" and lower their intensity level, thus losing to those bottom dwellers fighting to make number 8 in those last 30 games. I don't think we'll see those safe leads this year. Also in the past, we played pretty well against the western teams which were more wide open games. We're stuck in the east this year and aren't built as well for it.
  20. He was abig guy. Glad I wasn't sitting next to him.
  21. I think the head in the sand committment to DR and LR is what bothers many and prompts these opinions. At some point, he may question how DR is spending his money without the anticipated results. I can't get past the fact that deep pockets in many instances in professional sports don't lead to championships. In hockey the Rangers were a prime example in the non cap years. Snyder spent money in Washington like water when he first bought the team. Time will tell. As for TB, he was around a winning organization in Pittsburg. He didn't build it. Tom Donahoe was around a winning organization in Pittsburg also and we all know where that got the Bills. This should be a results driven league.
  22. I'm not a Ruff fan, but it's because I'd rather forecheck hard and attack with two deep. Now I know the roster limits that and the natural retort is that is on DR. Yes it has to be, but I just can't get past Ruff having input on how we draft and compose a team. Not after all these years and how they are joined at the hip and DR's public comments about how he will always be the coach as long as he is here. "Not fired up" is really a crock of shite in all professional sports IMO. Talent and preparation matters. So does drafting heart and toughness. Hating toughness? I can't believe he does, yet roster composition for a lot of his time here has been that way. Sure we bring in a few token tough guys, but we haven't tried to actually draft taht way until the last couple of years. Just very frustrating. I have to agree with LPF that a change on Patrick might help, and I have felt for some time that it is long overdue. He played the game as a poke checker and so do most of the guys he coaches. I vote for an outsider, nepotism is geting old. Heading down to arena now. If it's like yesterday I may have to leave early for the Super Bowl.( which would be out of character)
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