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Everything posted by G-Daddy

  1. Ok thanks, now I understand. Oshie denied.
  2. Why didn't van trim go after rebound?
  3. So goalie has to freeze puck to complete that shot?
  4. I hate shoot outs. Hope miller plays tomorrow.
  5. Good god USA, shoot the damn puck
  6. Yep, seems that goalie could nudge net off 'inadvertently' while under pressure.
  7. Yes, I stand corrected after seeing net was off.
  8. Great catch buno!
  9. Bad call, should have counted.
  10. High glove side, miller would not have stopped that either.
  11. This is all our new GM can muster before the Olympic deadline? Bring back DR!!!
  12. Wondering why Ted still has the interim tag after reports a few weeks ago that it was close to coming off.
  13. Confirmed!! Just got the news from the Bills. Congrats Andre!
  14. If the Moulson injury is bad enough we will see if PLF has any sway with Shanny.
  15. Gotta feel for Enroth. One win this season way back in Oct. Pretty soon he will be our #1 goalie.
  16. Leino being showcased for a trade!
  17. No time to be emotional Phil, score some goals!
  18. Stinks big time for Risto, hate to hear that. Does the AHL have a Shanaban equivalent?
  19. For first 15 games will be same or slightly higher average, then declining somewhat through balance of season.
  20. Then the chick dumps her beer on the Jet. Stay classy Chicago.
  21. G-Daddy


    http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/GARTHS-CORNER/Edler-Slapped-Kaleta-To-Meet-The-Judge/6/54740 GARTH'S CORNER NHL news by Garth • RSS • Archive • CONTACT Updated 3:50pm: Point of clarification. Kaleta is not in NYC, according to a report. TSN’s Darren Dreger tweeted that the NHL is still waiting for Sabres winger Pat Kaleta “to decide on in-person or conference call hearing”. More to come…
  22. Does Kaleta (or anyone else having an in-person review) get to have his agent and/or a team executive attend the meeting with him to help plead his case, or is this strictly a one on one with Shanaban? I'll guess he gets 7 games...repeat offender status.
  23. Sabres play on frozen water though.
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