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Everything posted by skaught

  1. Can you get suspended for a high stick? :P
  2. Woohoo! I wish... :P They can just use that fake synthetic ice stuff.
  3. Lazy! He should've been up at the blue line helping out.
  4. I found the full schedule http://sabres.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=680503 Looks like 13 National games, 10 on NBCSN, 1 on NHL Network and 2 possibly on NBC or NBCSN. It seemed like all 10 were in October, I guess the NBC crew is just really annoying.
  5. It's weird without one of the teams in white.
  6. Depending on where you are? I think that defeats the purpose. When I'm in Detroit or Buffalo, I say "pop". When I'm in San Diego I say "soda". ;)
  7. Nope, I work in a robotics lab, but there's plenty of people that say stuff funny. We have one guy from long island that always says "worter" instead of "water" and everytime he says it, everyone starts repeating "worter" back to him until he says it correctly.
  8. I believe you used a few too many periods to end that last sentence.
  9. I haven't heard that one, but it would drive me nuts too. I guess I'm having a hard time imagining someone saying "buh-ehns"
  10. So, is that slurred together as one syllable? Or you mean they're just not making a hard T sound? If its the latter, maybe you're the one pronouncing it wrong http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/button
  11. I can't see how he couldn't have gotten a concussion from that especially with the memory loss.
  12. Hahaha, you know he's not going to say anything, he's such a Bruin's homer.
  13. You have to be kidding me, that should be 10 games. That's one of the most ridiculous hits on a goalie I've ever seen.
  14. The forum probably doesnt understand data urls, so it didnt put it in an img tag.
  15. Good thing Miller got that fight in during preseason.
  16. That's BS, people can do whatever they want. It's just a game.
  17. skaught


    By the time the appeal process is over, he'll probably miss more than 10 games. :rolleyes:
  18. His name is Brian...
  19. skaught


    He hit the boards pretty hard, but its not like he broke the glass.
  20. Well, there's one Sabre that can do it...well, he didn't lift it, but who cares, it went in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3gLwTzN5t0
  21. That team is ridiculous. They didnt stop Welker, he still got a TD, haha.
  22. I'm glad I'm not a Bills fan. I think Tebow is still looking for a job, he's got to be better than Tuel, haha.
  23. Ah yeah, that bit was a little confusing, no worries.
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