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Everything posted by Hoss

  1. Miller makes a ton of sense. Any of the QBs. Otherwise? Meh. Progress from Bradham/Brown would be nice.
  2. Pegula SE and Southern Tier Brewing Co will announce a "One Buffalo" beer today. Interesting. Will be sold at Bills games starting tonight and also available in kegs/six-pack bottles starting in September. North-American hops, malted barley, oats and wheat. "Smooth, refreshing craft beer, brewed to be 4.8% alcohol/volume."
  3. All I needed from the Ducks was that logo. They could wear a loin cloth for all I care as long as they use that logo.
  4. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/107edc3232f8479fb33216d93a4722a0/beer-champions-wheaties-teams-brewery
  5. I sure am hoping so. That's some ghastly stuff if not.
  6. Icethetics got the early look at the new thirds for Anaheim and Colorado... Both are beautiful. http://www.icethetics.co/blog/2015/8/11/first-look-ducks-avs-third-jerseys-are-on-the-way
  7. Until more legitimate developments come I imagine they will.I don't know how much more these other outlets may be sitting on, though. The News seems to have more expectation for constant content as they're viewed as the local news authority. We'll see what they put out next. Allegedly, a significant settlement offer was made and denied as the alleged victim is uninterested in settlement. This news came before 2 reported last night that there are no ongoing settlement talks. That's likely because it's clear that, with this very large offer being denied, there is no number that will appease the apparent distress of the alleged victim.
  8. Anybody else see that Wheaties (yes, the cereal) is now making beer too?
  9. Members of the media. Graham has implied he knows a lot more than has been reported, and I imagine some of the recent BN details are among the things he's talking about. I know people who have known these things since nearly the beginning (not counting the detail that she may not have been the one that wanted to go, had never heard that before).
  10. When the media doesn't get the info they want they will tell you everything they know scattered throughout time until they have something more legitimate. A lot of the "smaller" details getting out have been known for some time.
  11. Looking at the x-Rays the bone that I broke never fully healed. It's stilled partially broken apparently so they would go in and put a screw to properly align it. The ligaments in that area have tightened in such a way that the range of motion is hindered severely, but the bone is still able to be fixed without re-breaking it or whatever other options they normally consider. At least that's what I understand from my conversation with the doc. Maybe they just want me to get the surgery because it's more lucrative for them. I've got time to sort it out, but I appreciate the tips.
  12. Mr. Robot continues to be the best new show I've seen on a long time. Extremely original. Hidden away on USA, but whenever this comes out on streaming services online it'll be a huge hit.
  13. If you're going to try to make a point make it. This just has the look of you trying to bang the "Kane is innocent drum" because we all already know full well that there are false accusations. And you might want a better example. The alleged victim in the case you just posted very well may have been raped. He wasn't found "not guilty." They just chose his story over her's and went away from the "yes means yes" trend.
  14. Not that hard. I was running full speed for a layup so the light contact sent me to the wall. Wall was WAY too close to the basket, so I had to try to catch myself.
  15. Eichel and Reinhart are 2 & 3 in Pronman's prospect rankings. http://insider.espn.go.com/nhl/insider/story/_/id/13409426/nhl-connor-mcdavid-jack-eichel-lead-list-top-100-prospects Next Sabres doesn't appear until McCabe at 78. Fasching at 92. Four Sabres in the top 100.
  16. Back in late '07/early '08 I had a pretty bad wrist injury. Jammed it on a wall after I got fouled in a HS basketball game. Went to take the foul shot immediately afterward and that's when I realized it. Ball fell well short (it was my left hand and I'm left handed). I came out of the game for a little while but ended up returning. Struggled the rest of the game. Next day I woke up with a HUGE swell in my wrist, so my mom set up a doctors visit. When we got ready to leave she got a call from her insurance company letting her know that she was no longer covered and hadn't been for over a month. I didn't want to burden her with that kind of large bill without insurance so I never got it checked out. Over the last 7/8 years I've had issues with it (range of motion backward is essentially gone so I can't do open-palmed push-ups and similar activities). Tuesday I finally got it checked out now that I'm on my own and have my own insurance. X-Rays showed that I actually broke my wrist pretty badly. Arthritis has already started to set in. Surgery can fix that and help get some strength back in my wrist (range of motion is still gone). Glad I finally know the issue, but I'm not sure I can afford surgery. Haven't heard back from insurance on the costs yet.
  17. Official now: Bauer signs Eichel https://twitter.com/BauerHockey/status/631846357762969600 @BauerHockey: We're excited to announce that @Jack_Eichel11 has joined the BAUER Hockey family! #OwnTheMoment http://t.co/kBcQDGQwX2 More: https://instagram.com/p/6U-XsOpA66/
  18. I think they were just trying to make right on their Croce error. Thanes - I think the cover you're thinking of is when EA removed Joe Thornton after his assault charges. Ironically they replaced him with Dany Heatley who was replaced by Joe Sakic following the crash that killed Dan Snyder.
  19. People are speculating that this announcement is about Eichel signing a deal: Bauer Hockey @BauerHockey Exciting announcement coming tomorrow…10am EST. pic.twitter.com/uUXxCqeCEp
  20. Go to 1:00 here to watch him throw from his own 30 to inside the 5 yard line: I'm not trying to defend him as an overall QB, but he's got arm strength. Problem is the accuracy. He leans too heavy on his back foot on deep balls essentially just throwing it as high and far as he can at times. I don't think accuracy as much of an arm thing. Leading the receiver uses your brain and muscle memory. His footwork would go a LONG way to improving his accuracy, but I agree that it's not going to cure it. His inaccuracies seem to be the type that never get better if they haven't by this point in his career. I don't think EJ is an NFL QB. He's got a ton of the tools, but it takes more than looking the part to get it done.
  21. He's got the arm strength to make throws. Accuracy with him seems to be largely related to terrible footwork. Brain seems to be a mixed bag with him. Confident but maybe not the smartest.
  22. Latest from the Buffalo News: http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/hamburg/alleged-victim-reportedly-went-to-kanes-home-to-accompany-friend-20150812 As I pointed out at one point: it is possible (and not allegedly true) that she went there to accompany her friend who was invited/wanted to go. That's a somewhat big development. She may have gone there in order to make sure her friend wasn't alone. This could also be a source close to the woman who wants to sway the public opinion after Croce's comments were published.
  23. This may be bad news for he guy, though. Geno had apparently been considering filing charges against him... It probably just got a little easier for him to decide. And the NFL will likely end up suspending him. As PFT pointed out the new NFL policies will likely apply not only to domestic violence but also workplace violence.
  24. Ian Rapoport is reporting the Bills claimed the guy who punched Geno Smith.
  25. The release is September 15th but I would bet they will want most packages produced well before then to be ready. If not they're setting themselves up for disaster, so I think Shrader is probably spot on. I don't think they're boxing up discs yet because they said about week ago that they're still tweaking the game. With new "day of release" deliveries the games are being shipped out much sooner than the 15th.
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