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Everything posted by Hoss

  1. Well... This just got weirder and totally more Evander Kane-y. http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2015/08/29/mara-teigen-billboard-evander-kane-sunset-strip
  2. 5th in completions 5th in completion percentage 11th in yards 13th in TDs I get it. He's a division rival QB who struggles against one of the best defenses in the league when he plays them. It's hard to be unbiased, but Ryan Tannehill is definitively good. And he's likely only going to get better if his o-line isn't terrible. Ryan Tannehill would be the best QB we've had since JK. That's not saying much but it's still the truth, in my opinion. And Alex Smith isn't mediocre. He's one of the best game managers the game has ever seen. He excels at making plays when the team needs them, will win games occasionally when needed and knows when to play it safe. One of the smartest QBs in the league. He's nothing to get excited about, but he has led a team to a Super Bowl after one of the most exciting performances I've ever seen in a playoff game. Smith led two drives of over 80 yards for TDs in the final 4 minutes of this game. It's like we're so used to bad QBs that we have no idea what a good one looks like unless they're all over the front page of ESPN every week.
  3. I'm glad I make someone think. Many here make me think, including you. Sometimes my head spins a bit too much on historical stuff, but at least it's doing something. I'm tired of this all. I don't know what to say as I don't believe many are actually interested in progress.
  4. Quote from Thomas Jefferson at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Only one sentence withheld between constitutions and but: I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accomodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects.
  5. Good post. Didn't quote the whole thing, but it deserves a read for those who didn't.
  6. I disagree with any notion insinuating "most teams don't have good QBs" or that this idea excuses the atrocity that is and has been the Bills QB situation for what feels like eternity. By my count 18 teams (MIA, NE, BAL, PIT, IND, DEN, KC, SD, DAL, NYG, CHI, DET, GB, ATL, CAR, NO, ARI, SEA) have what you can definitively call "good" QBs. CIN, JAX, TEN, OAK, PHI, MIN, TB, STL and SF all have QBs that are either debatable or potential long-term solutions in place. That leaves BUF, NYJ, CLE, HOU and WAS as definitively bad QB situations. 5/32. Just my two cents. There is no excusing this ongoing situation.
  7. These were my thoughts two days ago and my thoughts still today... The actions of one individual on Wednesday morning shook me. We've had shootings before. In fact, these shooting happen so often now that they've become a part of our culture. If you don't believe that to be true look at the response for foreign nations -- they're baffled at what we have going on in our country. AGAIN!? they ask. But this one was so much more personal with the videos posted and the vulnerability of fellow members in the business shown through the action. These debates always devolve into both sides of the gun fight just shouting at each other. I don't know who is right. I know how I feel, and I believe something must be done on that front one way or another. But the conversation is also trending strongly towards mental health. Nobody has any answers for mental health issues in this country or this world. How do you fight it, though? It's a faceless enemy. There's a special fear that comes with an enemy like that. Who is it? How do you tell it's coming when you don't know what it is? Is it me? Am I on track to commit a heinous act someday down the line? Is it my sibling? My neighbor who is sick of my loud music? Is it that girl who had to deal with a customer haggling over expired coupons? Is it your coworker who has had a string of poor shifts? Is it your boss? We simply can't fight what we don't know. As humans we have an obligation to be more kind. Compassion for those who feel cornered or demeaned by your actions or words isn't hard to show. Consider the voices of those who ask you to find new ways of defining your displeasure. We can't just shrug our shoulders on gun violence and mental health. It can't be "well, there's nothing we can do about it." I'm sick of forgetting about victims of tragic events purely because my mind can only feel sorrow for them long enough for another horror to unfold elsewhere in this country. It's gotten to the point where I do feel bad about being content sometimes. How can I be content living in a country where everybody represents a potential time bomb and there's, according to many, nothing I can or am allowed to do to stop them from acquiring the means to end my life? It could all change in an instant just because I or somebody else couldn't take the time to consider their own actions. This isn't to say every murder has fault outside of the individual carrying it out. Sometimes it's more simple than what I'm getting at. But so many of these acts are conceived when we fail each other. We have a gun culture in America. We have a culture that demeans the value of others different from ourselves. We have a culture that demands too much of those who want to go in a direction separate from what our preset notions of their existence tell us. We have a number of cultures that do anything but support the universal good of the people. One, some or all of these cultures are killing innocent people. Let's start doing something. Let's change our culture. Love somebody. One mistake humans make is letting ourselves believe it could never be us. I'm not talking about believing you could never be the victim... I'm talking about believing you could never be the shooter. You simply don't know yourself as much as you think you do. Are you prepared for everything to change suddenly? Are you sure of how you would react when your partner cheats on you? When a loved one dies? When your lose your job? This is why you've got to take all the happiness you can get while you can get it. Don't let yourself go to bed one night thinking "today was a bad day but I'll feel better in the morning." That's not good enough. Go out there and make it better. Find the ounces of happiness that contribute to your general well being. Put enough happiness in yourself so when things crumble you're in a position to keep it together. These shooters weren't born to do this. Somebody failed them and they failed themselves along the way to where they ended up. Love each other as much as you can but remember to take love for yourself, too.
  8. No. You can not be an ahole in this situation. People are allowed to have opinions. Mine is that asserting something we have no evidence of was silly. You've called others silly and laid out plenty of "obnoxious" posts (especially in the Kane thread) lately. Either be a fair mod where you treat others the way you want to be treated or continue to have posters criticize the way you moderate and the manner in which you act like a major hypocrite.
  9. Oh knock it off. You've been throwing around claims like that for weeks now. Insulting posters while using the exact term. You've played both sides too much lately. Time to get back to being good at what you do.
  10. And Florida was in the bottom-half defensively last year. AGAIN: getting Campbell wouldn't be a sentimental move. It makes sense for the team. He's not going to avoid a player because the fans have some sentimental relation to them just like he won't add a player purely for that reason.
  11. Definitely. But it's a new version.
  12. This is a silly assertion. Has he had an opportunity or reason to do it yet? Getting Campbell isn't a sentimental move. It makes sense for the team. There is just an extra bit of hometown-type stuff there.
  13. Best new game I've played in a looooong time. On Madden: I pre-ordered through Amazon. Did "release-day shipping" which means it better be here today or I'm demanding my money back.
  14. I mentioned Campbell a while back. He can't play big minutes anymore (let alone for a couple years), but he'd be an upgrade to what we have. The sentimental value is obviously there, and he's only got one year left on his monster deal. I still support the idea of bringing him back.
  15. Methinks Sizzle forgot the very important fact that rape isn't about sex...
  16. That's some hard-hitting analysis, Robert. Back to Stevie Wonder with your weather report in front of the black screen.
  17. None of what you said takes away from what I said. Her boyfriend was super nice and loving, but he's still being presented as her flaw. He's the artist who wants to rage against the machine, and he's the reason she skipped class. He's talented enough for Juilliard but "do you know any artists I like that went to Juilliard?" Probably not, because he's a badass rebel and she's the goody white daughter. The kid that fell asleep in class knowing the answer was basically the stereotype of "blacks could do more if they weren't so lazy." The drug dealer couldn't have been worse. SPOILER ALERT: he's first shown cleaning his minivan... But SURPRISE (NOT!) he's a wicked drug dealer. Oh, and he knows just where to take you if he wants to show you with a handgun when you become a problem. Oh, and he's really stupid so any junkie can overpower and kill him.The principal was the lone exception but the preview for the season shows something about him that changes that. It's not just a comment about the show. It's something all of Hollywood/show production does. They're willing to have black characters, but they already know what roles they'll play if they aren't one of your favorite household names.
  18. Fear the Walking Dead premiered last night. Just a few thoughts on what was a strange debut... 1. It won't just be an extension of the original. It's much more Hollywood. 2. They do a decent job ignoring the show being about zombies (and so does the original) for the most part in episode 1. 3. The show is full of recognizable faces which is a big turn from the other. 4. The show's treatment of black characters in episode one was pretty insulting. One was the kid in class sleeping that was woken up by the teacher in order to stumble into the right answer, a la "the lazy brilliant kid." Another is the perfect white daughter's boyfriend. They use him as her only "flaw" as he's a graffiti tag artist. Another is a drug dealer. There was only one (school principal) without some stupid/insulting background.
  19. I like that your post makes no sense because it autocorrected millennials to "snake people" for you. :) Also, my post was a total joke if you haven't visited the Kane thread. Would have to visit to see it. Somebody actually did that with "politically correct" and "PC" to something like "being kind." It made everything more laughable on the Internet and made it clear why the sudden cop out of using "politically correct" as a negative term is so lame. Can't find the link but it was entertaining. In some actually awesome news: I had a blood test done recently to see if I have Factor V Leiden. It's a blood disorder that increases the chances of developing blood clots. My mother and brother both had pulmonary embolisms that required emergency surgeries over the last few years due to this blood disorder. Since then a lot of members of my family have been getting tested, and another of my brothers, a cousin and two aunts all tested positive. Luckily, as you can predict based on the thread you're in, my test came back negative. I am clear of the disorder. Now hopefully it doesn't have a major impact on other members of my family who are positive, though.
  20. It was a joke... There was no texting in the 60s.
  21. Just another freaking blind attack on millennials. It gets tired. In the 60s they would have sex before the first text, but you don't see anybody complaining about that.
  22. In a fun twist to the NFL's legal issues a video on NFL.com was dug up from the Rookie Symposium last year. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap2000000361495/Rookies-learn-life-lessons-from-Sapp-and-Carter Juicy stuff from 16:50-18:00. Carter, wearing his Hall of Fame jacket, tells the rookies to have a fall guy in their crew for when they need to cover up a crime. Says one guy in their crew must be ready to go to jail. Video taken down, but have no fear... Internet is here! http://www.brobible.com/sports/article/cris-carter-nfl-rookies-fall-guy/
  23. It's not common for both of the reasons you made available. I'm not currently in a position to discuss this, but both of your options fit what I was looking at.
  24. QBs drafted (or undrafted) since 1990 to have won at least three playoff games: Tom Brady (Rd 6, Pick 1999 in 2000) Brett Favre (Rd 2, Pick 33 in 1991) Peyton Manning (Rd 1, Pick 1 in 1998) Ben Roethlisberger (Rd 1, Pick 11 in 2004) Joe Flacco (Rd 1, Pick 18 in 2008) Kurt Warner (Undrafted in 1994) Donovan McNabb (Rd 1, Pick 2 in 1999) Eli Manning (Rd 1, Pick 1 in 2004) Russell Wilson (Rd 3, 75 in 2012) Drew Brees (Rd 2, Pick 32 in 2001) Aaron Rodgers (Rd 1, Pick 24 in 2005) Trent Dilfer (Rd 1, Pick 6 in 1994) Jake Delhomme (Undrafted in 1997) Mark Brunell (Rd 5, Pick 118 in 1993) Steve McNair (Rd 1, Pick 3 in 1995) Matt Hasselback (Rd 6, Pick 187 in 1998) Mark Sanchez (Rd 1, Pick 5 in 2009) Colin Kaepernick (Rd 2, Pick 36 in 2011) Brad Johnson (Rd 9, Pick 227 in 1992) Philip Rivers (Rd 1, Pick 3 in 2004) Drew Bledsoe (Rd 1, Pick 1 in 1993) Andrew Luck (Rd 1, Pick 1 in 2012) Neil O'Donnell (Rd 3, Pick 70 in 19990) Kerry Collins (Rd 1, Pick 5 in 1995) (Order by number of playoff wins since they were drafted) 13/24 first rounders 3/24 second rounders 2/24 third rounders 0/24 fourth rounders 1/24 fifth rounders 2/24 sixth rounders 0/24 seventh rounders 1/24 ninth rounders 2/24 undrafted
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