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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. I can't believe he's still in the league. He and Andre Benoit [Balls] were synonymous with the Tank and made turnstiles and traffic cones look good, respectively.
  2. I gather that we're all in agreement then. ?
  3. OK. So neither guy is good at hockey now. We have enough guys that are not good at hockey and can't fight. I'll take Marty McSorley.
  4. Not sure as I haven't watched many games. I just think that Lucic would impact the Sabres more positively than Okposo's extra 8 goals. Therefore, I would make the trade.
  5. Then you've seen more than I have. But the last fight I saw Okposo in, he got concussed. Not sure he'll ever drop them again. The "threat" of Lucic may be all that's needed to give a little more spine to our younger players.
  6. Good observation. JBOT is more, "This is your job, you're a professional, you're paid well, you have all the resources at your disposal, now grow up, perform or I'll get you the f*** out." Actually, it's refreshing.
  7. I really enjoy talking Sabres hockey and I enjoy making a joke or two, but this thread (and the responses) is what will keep me on this board forever.
  8. I agree. What are we missing here??
  9. Agree. I like RFK I think started by @Doohickie. Easy to remember and can be used when the Sabres are doing well just as easily as easily if they are not.
  10. Physical presence which the Sabres need more than a net increase of a half dozen goals.
  11. E4, I absolutely respect any decision you make, but I hope you stay with us. I always enjoyed reading your posts.
  12. Look guys, I'm retired and I could do this Bee Gee stuff all night long............. Oh yes I did.
  13. Banning you, fine Sir, would be a tragedy.
  14. Now I'm sad. Can we go back to the Bee Gees?
  15. I get it I'm still pissed I fell for the "Rex Ryan Effect".
  16. Pay it no mind, she's only Jive Talkin'.
  17. How deep is your love for this board.
  18. I am definitely old school. All those graphs just look like bikini wax suggestions to me.
  19. You may be right. However, I really think highly of McCabe and think he brings a lot to the Sabres. Sort of a young Brooks Orpic guy. His qualifying offer is about 1.8 mil. I think he's worth 3 mil and he's young enough to warrant a 4 year term. We need more toughness and grit, 2 of McCabe's qualities.
  20. Just saw your friend Mark and reminded me of Michael Palin of Monty Python.
  21. Much like your first time in "other" activities, you never forget your first car. Mine was a 68 VW Beetle. Learned to drive a stick. I remember the defrosters were so poor in those Beetles that I had to scrape the inside of the windshield many times just to see. It was good in the snow which was a bummer because at 17 years old, doing donuts were tough. Must be the engine over the back wheels. And there was a distinctive sound a Beetle made that you could tell one was coming just by the sound. Good times. Now I drive a Caddy. When did I get so old?!
  22. I agree. Slim pickins there. I'd add Zemgus and Larsson to that list. I think BOGO at the deadline could bring a 4-5 rounder (if he's not injured on trade deadline day).
  23. You would think that with his money, he could hire a public speaking/PR coach to train him in what to say. Does the guy even prepare before a press conference or just have breakfast and go out there and wing it?
  24. Don't forget to see, "A Christmassy Ted". That was an hour-long special outside the 3 seasons. I paid for it in cash, but prior to that, the money was just resting in my account.?
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